Open the cheer before halloween

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Hugo Stark-West

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Mixed Blood
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Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
Hugo had not really thought about Halloween. and was not creative enough to think of what to make. he admired the people who had the inspiration and the skills to make something. last year he had last minute thrown together a character from a book but no one recognised it. he guessed it was a sort of old book. this year he was going to do better. but, in the time between last Halloween and the school holidays, he had forgotten. by the time he had remembered over the break he had gone to a shop that sold costumes and the only thing left in his size that he could afford with what was left of his pocket money was a left over Christmas elf costume. s that is why he was now entering the great hall in a green suit with red trimming with a floppy hat over his head. it wasn't the best costume. he would say at least he had tried. but had he really?
he entered the hall. and looked around. it was amazing what they did with decorations here. the place looked great and very Halloweeny. he felt like the opposite of jack skeleton, he going from Christmastown to Halloweentown. which would actually have been quite a creative way to describe the costume he thought he would have to put on the costume contest entry slip. he looked around at what there was to do trying to spot his friends amongst the crowd. but couldn't see any of them. he wandered around for a while picking up a few crisps from the snack table before finding himself in the apple-bobbing queue.
Dominic was not sure how far to go into the Halloween celebrations. He didn't know how much people celebrated it, as he wasn't even sure it was celebrated much in New Zealand compared to America where he was from. But as he entered the Great Hall for the celebration, Dominic thought his Werewolf costume was a little under dressed. People definitely went all out for the occasion. He smiled as he looked around at all of the creativeness around him. Next year he would definitely have to try and step it up a little.

Dominic walked into the crowd as he looked around at the different activities there were to do. The professors were definitely also creative with what they had prepared for them all, and suddenly Dominic loved being able to attend Hogwarts where he could see celebrations like these.

As he wandered over to the apple bobbing however, he noticed someone waiting in the queue that had stood out to him. Someone was dressed in a Christmas related outfit, which slightly confused the boy, but he thought there surely must be a good reason for him wearing it to the Halloween event. Curiously, Dominic made his way over to him and smiled. "Hey!" he exclaimed. "What's with the Christmas elf outfit? Is there a story behind it?"
Hugo looked around as a boy in a werewolf costume joined him in the queue. He didn’t know him so he assumed he must be a first year as he was certainly not third. He thought for a moment not sure if he meeant the real story or the story that had just come to mind. have you ever seen the muggle movie the nightmare before Christmas? he asked as a way of an answer. I like your costume. It’s a werewolf right? he asked.
Dominic raised an eyebrow as the older boy mentioned a muggle movie he had never heard of. What were muggle movies anyway? "No, I haven't heard of it at all." he said, but from the sounds of it, it made sense. "Are you a muggle-born? I don't know any muggle-borns, so it would be good to meet one." Dominic knew that attending Hogwarts he would come across a lot them, and he was excited to get to learn a little bit more about their way of life. "Yeah, a werewolf. I wasn't sure how creative or not creative to be. I'm originally from America, and we used to celebrate Halloween heaps there, but I heard not so much here... that was at least until I saw how much effort everyone puts into it here... maybe what people say isn't always true!"
hugo watched the boy as he said he hadn't seen it. "It's a movie about a jack the king of a Halloween town who stumbles through a door and finds himself in Christmas town instead. i sort of am dressed as the opposite" he said. trying to summarise the film as much as he could. what he didn't expect was for the boy to be so excited about meeting a muggle born. "I'm sorry i am not. both my parent is witches. but my mum makes us all watch it every Halloween" he said. apparently, it had been a Halloween tradition for her growing up and it was something that he didn't want to break from now either.
it was then that the queue moved forwards a bit as a big group of fourth years had finally all had a turn and moved on leaving only a few people before him and the boy. "It isn't this big here.just among wizards and witches." he sad. then thought about the other thing the bot had said. " Where in the us were you from" he asked
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