The Bi-Weekly Update

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It's been two weeks, so you know what that means! It is time for another update. Sit back, grab a snack, and read on. :)Almost done!

We’re almost through with semester two! Can you all believe it? I can’t. In fact, I thought it was week 4 until one of the GMs told me that I was wrong. xD Lesson five commenced this week, meaning that there are only two weeks until exams are set to begin!

Professors, please be sure that you are keeping up with lessons and grading. If you’re having a hard time with that, please be sure to let us know in the professor’s common room so that a member of staff can help you.

Two games left!

The last games of the year are taking place this week. [member] Ravenclaw vs Slytherin[member] has already begun, and Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff will begin on Friday. If you want to see more activities happening around the school (which many of you mentioned in the poll :r ), you do have to participate in the activities already taking place. The more active you are, the more effort we will put into future, expanded activities. :)

Electives Fair

I noticed that many of you indicated your interest in having more site wide plots. Well, here’s a big plot for the school that hasn’t received any attention yet. :( The Electives Fair is an attempt by the Heads of House to change things up from the normal individual house meetings that were held to help second years choose their electives. We were hoping that this would be more fun as friends from different houses could mingle and learn about electives together rather than only with their housemates and Head of House. This is a mandatory meeting for second years!

Elective professors are also encouraged to join and interact with the second years. Here is your chance to show what the class you teach is like.

[member] Join here![member]

Graduation is almost upon us!

With the end of the semester upon us, it is that time for 7th years to check their PMs so that we can generate a list of guests for graduation. If you didn’t receive the PM, please let me know ASAP so that I can get the graduation information to you. :)

So you wanna have a shopkeeper?

If you have a character who would make a good shopkeeper, be on the lookout for some new positions that will be posted soon and check out the shops currently accepting applications. Please note that The Silver Snake application is for Dark Wizards only!

Also, a big congratulations to Naomi Johar, the new owner of Gambol & Japes!

Brightstone is closed :(

But don't worry! It's nearly vacation time! :)

Character Spotlight!

If you haven’t already, join the rest of us in congratulating Mia on her work with developing Elvera Le Fey. Elvera is a great character and shame on us for not having spotlighted her before this. :p Check out her character’s biography and development, both of which can be found in the post.

Congrats Mia! ^_^

Site Poll Y22

The site poll is still up, so if you haven’t voted in the poll or left your feedback, get to it! This is your opportunity to tell us what you think about the site you visit on a daily (we hope :p ) basis. As a reminder, and to inform those of you who didn't read my post before voting :tut: , you can also PM your feedback to either myself or Donna. :)

[member]Leave your feedback here[member]

Graphics Area

There are quite a few graphic requests, so if you are interested in giving one a try, we encourage you to do so. There is no need for you to be an expert graphics maker to post your attempt at fulfilling these requests. In fact, we encourage people who are new to graphics to give banner making and avatar making a try!​
[ul][li]Her Roar Against My Venom
When Aras decides to do some early morning spell practice, and Doriana chases after her runaway cat neither intends to clash against the other however as they meet tempers rise until a professor interrupts them.

Other RPs in this Plot:
none (yet?)[/li][/ul]
[li]The end of year craziness
[li]Gryffindor making an amazing comeback! :correct:
<LI>[li]Fun plots!
[/li][/ul]I think that about covers it. See you in a few weeks with some more updates! ^_^
Have any comments, questions, or concerns? You know what to do. :r

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Awesooome, thanks Cyndicat!
Amazing update Cyndi! Thanks for posting this up! :hug:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Gryffindor making an amazing comeback! :correct:
I think the dream is dead.

RIP, dream. :(
Woah its week 5 Already :o o_O I guess i have some classes to be catching up on. :mortified:
Great update Cyndi.
Patricia Styx said:
Great update, Cyndi. And I agree with Nick, Gryffindor won't be making any comeback :shifty:
You were saying? ;) :cyndi:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Patricia Styx said:
Great update, Cyndi. And I agree with Nick, Gryffindor won't be making any comeback :shifty:
You were saying? ;) :cyndi:
Still didn't win the Quidditch Cup :p
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Patricia Styx said:
Great update, Cyndi. And I agree with Nick, Gryffindor won't be making any comeback :shifty:
You were saying? ;) :cyndi:
There is a plot. A plot to make most terrible things happen.

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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