The Bi-Weekly Update

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Hey all! Long time no update! :o
After a nice relaxing break for the Holidays, we're going back to our regular schedule of spotlights and updates and this week will be an update week! :D So here we go!


Happy 2011!
This is the first official Bi-Weekly update of the new year, and while we're here we'd like to take another chance to wish you all an amazing new year. :)

Thanks for your patience
Applications also took a bit of a break over the holidays, but all of the outstanding ones (less one plot request) were replied to yesterday morning. Then four more came in on the same day. So while apps continue to pile back up, I'll try to keep more on top of them. However, your patience during that process was very appreciated, with very few people PMing me to ask about the progress of their application etc.

Character "Adoptions"
A hot topic on HNZ as of late seems to have been transferring accounts from one owner to another, how that should be done, and why there is no official process or forum for it on HNZ. All your questions about that should now be addressed in this explanatory topic. :)

An Updated BBCode
The OOC Notes BBCode has been tweaked so that you can now add a title to your OOC note. :)
[ooc=Title!]OOC Notes with titles =  awesome![/ooc]

A new BBCode
Thanks to this suggestion, HNZ has a new BBCode to allow users to justify blocks of text. An example of how the
BBCode is used can be found in the Full BBCode List. :)

Been on HNZ a year or more?
If you've been on HNZ for over a year, then send me a personal message! Members who've been dedicated to the board for so long are added to the Elite Members Group which, while meaning only a special joinable group initially, will sometimes mean access to a special hidden forum where staff ask for opinions on upcoming events and ideas for future updates. :)

HNZ's Staff Meeting
Last week, the staff met to discuss a bunch of things about HNZ, the year behind us, and the year ahead of us. As a group, we identified what we felt our (and HNZ's) successes had been, and where we failed - then we set goals for 2011 and started planning for some of the year's larger events.
Some of the staff's chosen focuses for 2011 include:[ul][li]Boosting OOC activity
Maybe break 1,000,000 posts?!</LI>[li]Boosting Ministry of Magic activity
[li]Choose a better head girl than Patricia. :r[/li][/ul] The only one that's a sure thing is the better head girl: all the rest we definitely look forward to your help on! :D

New guide to being a shopkeeper
Cyndi took the time to create a brand new guide to being a shopkeeper to match our new shopping system. This means that any shopkeepers that haven't updated their shop's inventory in the system don't have any excuse anymore! :o (Thanks, Cyndi! :wub: )

While on the topic of shopping...
The shopping system received two very small, seemingly insignificant, upgrades over the holiday break. However, the changes made should fix a handful of bugs that were experienced by some shopkeepers, and will allow for some of the bigger feature additions to the shopping system that have been looked for. (Such as being able to delete shop items, gift shop items, etc.)

The site staff blog has been filled with two more Holiday entries! A positive "HNZ is amazing I wub j00 all!" Christmas time blog from yours truly, and a New Year's rant from Kaitlyn! :D So if you have time to spare, we'd invite you to read the blogs then comment on them. (What do you think are actually the hidden gems of HNZ? Or what are your gripes about the new year so far - if any? Tell us! :D ) If you're missing a link, here it is:


Wheelbarrow Race
HNZ's Wheelbarrow Race has begun, but you can definitely still join in if you manage to grab a partner! Keep looking for the finish line! I heard it may appear when you least expect it... maybe I misheard, though, and it's actually just Wednesday. :tut:

In Character Superlatives
HNZ's In Character Superlatives are open for voting! Make sure to read the rules and get your votes in before Thursday at which point the forum will close again and your votes will be totalled. :)
For more information, see this topic.

HNZ's graduation ceremony is under way!
All professors have been invited to the event, and every seventh year has invited a few people as well. If you're not sure if one of your characters has an invitation, check the full listing out here:

Exams & OWLs & NEWTs
Exams have started for all years on HNZ. Every year level except fifth and seventh years have until Wednesday to complete their exams (unless a special exception is made by the professor). Fifth and Seventh years, as they have twice the number of exams, will have an extra day or so. :)
Happy Examing! ;)

More Information Re: End of the School Year
When will sorting begin? When is the end of the year feast? Does Slytherin even have a chance at the house cup? All these questions, and more, are answered for you in our end of the school year summary announcement. (Okay, the house points one isn't - but it's kind of obvious that Gryffindor is just going to snatch it away from the 'clawz last minute, anyway. :r )

Now Hiring!
HNZ's Application Centre is filling up with things to apply for! Currently a spot for a shopkeeper and a spot for a professor are accepting applications. However, in the coming days expect to see more applications posted!


None! :( All those weeks off and no requests came in.
Well, if you had an exciting roleplay over the holidays, or are doing one currently: or even better if you've read another awesome roleplay, even if it might be a little bit dated - send it in!

[ul][li]Awesome fun in our newest "Spam" topic.
[li]A grand ol' time at the End of the Year Feast
[li]A photo finish at the Wheelbarrow race, and the awards to follow. ^_^
[li]Sorting, Sorting, Sorting, SORTING! :D
[li]Transfers, too, if you behave yourselves this time. ;)
<LI>[li]Monkeys on a trampoline?! Kaitlyn. :kaitlyn: :r (Same thing, amirite?)[/li][/ul]

The coming weeks should be nothing but spectacular, so here's to them! :D

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)

As always, if you have any questions/comments/concerns/threats/outbursts and/or Shakespearean sonnets to add about this Bi-Weekly Update - just post them here! ^_^
Looks great Nick. ^_^

From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:
But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
And tender churl mak'st waste in niggarding:
Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.

Hmm .. a threat? Nahhh. xD

Once again, great job. ^_^
I look forward to me winning the Wheelbarrow race. :r
Robbie Masters said:
You have to write the sonnet about the update in Shakespearean form.
Just ripping off Shakespeare's Sonnet 1 doesn't count. ;)
Nicolas King said:
Robbie Masters said:
You have to write the sonnet about the update in Shakespearean form.
Just ripping off Shakespeare's Sonnet 1 doesn't count. ;)
That's boring though. :r
Robbie Masters said:
That's boring though. :r
Well then, I guess it's unfortunate that boring would win and that you have not. ;)
Nicolas King said:
Robbie Masters said:
That's boring though. :r
Well then, I guess it's unfortunate that boring would win and that you have not. ;)
Strangely, I'm fine with that. :r
Here we have an example of Zach's need to have the last word!
Leah Winters said:
Here we have an example of Zach's need to have the last word!
I've already been quoted on Twitter. :r
Yeah, yeah!!!

Zach - 11
Malynne - 10

Twitter fame is only worth 11 points on the Malynne scale.
Leah Winters said:
Yeah, yeah!!!

Zach - 11
Malynne - 10

Twitter fame is only worth 11 points on the Malynne scale.
You forgot "Nick: over9000!!!!1111111!!!exclaimationpointoneoneoneeleventyone!!!"
Professor Takuya Blaze said:
Leah Winters said:
Here we have an example of Zach's need to have the last word!
I've already been quoted on Twitter. :r
That made me laugh. :)

Great update Nick!!
YAY for updates. Can't wait for sorting to happen.
Patricia Styx said:
Great update....well apart from the obvious :correct: :glare: :cry:
What? That there were no plot requests? :o :p
I know. It's terrible, right?
Woo-hoo for the shout-out! ^_^
And great update, Nick.
Good job Nick ^_^
I'm so glad BWU is bacck :woot:
Awesome update Nickerdoodles!! I'm excited for sorting...which is odd because I have no one that needs to be sorted. *thinks* OH WAIT!! Yes I do *runs to pull her out of hiding*
All the badges for HNZ's Y11 wheelbarrow race have now been awarded. ^_^

Thanks for everybody who participated! :D
"All the badges for HNZ's Y11 wheelbarrow race have now been awarded."

Willow and Chris hardly even moved from the start line!
That was all up to you guys, though. :p

And you have a Wheelbarrow Race badge. :D
Haha. Of course, Olivia and I..might have plotted Willow and Chris to be stupid and actually not...move.
At least they tried...ish. :D :R
Chris and Willow tried, gave up and are going to skip away arm in arm to eat some candyfloss.

Right Missyyy? :r
Oui! Very much right! :r

They came first really...if the results were in reverse order of course.

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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