The Best Place.

Zeke shrugged. "I dunno, sports maybe, generally anything that's available to do. What about you?" He followed her vision line, down the rocks, and shivered slightly. It looked pretty scary to him, amazing view, but still scary.

((Soooooo sorry. :( )

Lily couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to just fall, or jump. She knew she'd have to do that some day. Maybe even create a list of things to do by the time she was to leave hogwarts. That seemed not only interesting but something which she could say that she could do. Lily knew that one of them, would be to jump from this high and dangerous height.

"I dance. And thats about it." Lily said. "Dance is the best, so it's easy for me to just do that."
(SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sorry. I haven't been on him in, like, a month.)

Zeke thought it over. "Dance is fun, My mum made me do Dance lessons so I'm okay at it but I like most of it." HE guessed Livvy was more of a ballroom and ballet girl than breakdance but at least they were still dancing.

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