The Beginning

Afanasy Petrokov II

Well-Known Member
[adminapproval=11292119]Afanasy Petrokov II was walking through the woods in New Zealand, he was was walking around with his 'friend' Hikari. He didn't really have many friends, though, and he preferred to think of them all as expendable acquaintances. Being friends with someone was far too permanent, and he knew that there was a certain amount of dependability based around somebody being friends with somebody, and he didn't care about anybody enough to have them depend on him. If they needed him, he would probably just not even show up. He just walked around with a smirk on his face, and gave Hika a half smile. "It's so dark out here. Everything is changing now after the assassination of Nicolas King."

And it was true, the entire magical world had been taken by storm when their Head Auror which everyone had thought would be safest, had been murdered at his own wedding. It had been funny, the entire world was scared of the growing threat of the Scitorari now and it meant that big things could be set into motion now, the world was scared and wounded, and Afanasy knew that he would be the best choice for the job because he was obviously one of the best Scitorari there was. It was late into the night, and nobody was outside, but there was a village nearby where he could go and terrorise them. Maybe even kill one or two of the people there and leave a calling card so they knew it was the Scitorari.
She woman hardly called her companion friend, more of a decently acceptable acquaintance. With her robes just touching the ground as she walked, she regarded her companion curiously, her eyebrow raising at his observation. Things had certainly changed, the sense of complete safety was gone. Once a head auror is murdered at his own wedding, with who knew how many aurors present, it was rather the statement. She felt that a bit more planning could have gone through the act, so something could actually get done and something change. Instead, the aurors just shoved a new guy there. Nothing happened. And they were back to the shadows once more, trudging through a darkened forest. It was hardly a place they should have to be, but that was reality. One had to start from the bottom in order to bring about change.

"Agreed," she replied, tying her hair back with a clip to keep it out of her eyes. The village was not too far now, and if things were to move along, then things had to be done first. It was hard enough to get everyone moving, let alone actually working together. As it happened, she barely trusted the man beside her, but had no reason to be anything but civil so far. "Do you have a specific plan for tonight?" she asked, looking at him curiously.
Truth be told, Afanasy most definitely did not have a specific plan for the night; he had come outside looking to cause some trouble but beyond that he wasn't entirely sure how he wanted to cause that mischief. He just looked around for the time being, and knew that if they could get into the village and lure some of the people away they could have a bit of fun with the people who were at the village. He knew that there would be a fair amount of people there and some of them could be visiting from other places and that could allow them to have a little bit of fun with people who would go back to their homes and tell stories of the Scitorari. He smirked. "There's a village nearby, right? Wanna go have some fun?" He asked, with a grin. He was always up for causing a bit of chaos, and he didn't care how it got done as long as the two of them didn't leave behind any signs that would lead people back to them.
The French-born woman nodded, her smile growing. The village lights danced in the distance, and it reminded her of their purpose, and exactly why she took the time out of her night to leave her husband and children to go about in the darkness of a forest. Some fun was warranted, as they had been working rather hard. She had no idea if there would be anyone else in attendance, but that didn't matter. She knew that she would be able to get in and out without trouble, and didn't care if her companion could get his own arse out. She had better things to do than babysit someone.

They closed in on the village, though it was still a few paces away. From her robes, she drew her wand in anticipation as her mind thought about the best spells to cast. They could cause trouble, and she would still be able to return to her husband without any worry, as far as she could figure. The branches and leaves were beginning to turn into gravel, and she carried her robes a little higher to avoid them dragging too much. She paused, wand out, and gestured to the village as she turned to Afanasy. "After you?"
Since coming into possession of the Silver Snake, a relatively older shop with questionable products that rested along the twisting cobbled path of Bleak Street, Eustacia Lancaster had to spend more time in New Zealand than she had ever done prior. Britain was where the Scitorari leader had always typically resided, and gathered both her followers and power, but this had become a chance to expand her influence into foreign regions. Their movement was becoming quite dominant in this country in particular, following both an assassination of a Head Auror and one of their members attempting to run for minister. Neither had gone down too well, with the former imprisoned in Azkaban and the latter in hiding. It would not do. The Scitorari needed far more competent members in its ranks. So, the Necromancer took it upon herself to search the country for those few who would make acceptable additions to the group, and her branch in particular. Many shied away from her sect, afraid of what they believed it was. They didn't understand. They weren't limited to raising mindless undead. Their end goal was for the greater good.

On this night, Eustacia apparated to the outskirts of a village she had come to visit, following the telltale signs of one who's magic was heavy with death. Whether it were a budding or practiced necromancer it remained to be seen, as was how willing they may have been to apply their talents to the cause. If they declined, it was likely they would find themselves on the receiving end of their experimentation. Before the woman could take a step forward, voices and rustling from the trees behind her caught her attention. She turned, fingertips gently curled around the staff she carried with her, which she used to pass off as a walking aid in muggle populated areas. Two faces, vaguely recognizable from Scitorari meetings in the past appeared from the treeline, one with a wand carelessly drawn. Tsk. What was wrong with some of these younger members. It was no wonder they were getting caught. Eustacia would never allow such sloppiness from her own division. "I hope you two don't plan on doing anything foolish." The woman interrupted clearly, cutting through their conversation. If they hadn't noticed her before, they would now. "Unless you plan on joining Aria in Azkaban, I would suggest practicing some subtlety." They had not picked the best night to cause a commotion. No simple-minded members were going to interrupt her plans.

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