Closed The Beginning of Something

Miles Cresswell

Arithmancer | Gentle | Fussy | Old-Fashioned
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
4/2007 (54)
Miles had really enjoyed spending more and more time with Oscar lately. He was feeling more and more at ease going on dates with him, even though he was also still pretty nervous and awkward. He could only hope Oscar didn't mind it. Miles had been helping him learn more and more about the wizarding world, which was interesting. Miles had grown up in a completely magical family and had never considered how it would be for someone from a muggle background before. A lot of things he had found normal and obvious were completely new to Oscar. Meanwhile, Miles still marveled at the few new muggle things he had learned about as well. THey really were good with technology in ways Miles never could have imagined.

But the best part of spending time with Oscar was simply being with him. Miles hadn't pursued romance in a very long time, assuming that he'd had his chances at love and it was all done now. He had been content on his own, but now that he was dating again he realized just how much he had missed this. He wasn't sure if he could let himself believe that this could be something serious and real yet, mostly because he still expected Oscar to get bored of him any minute now, but he had vowed to simply enjoy it while it lasted. But the longer it went on, the harder it was to imagine giving it up one day.

Miles had agreed to meet up in Brightstone Village today, a wizarding town he hadn't frequented with Oscar much yet. He wondered if he could convince him to go to Madam Puddifoots with him, though it might feel a bit strange to take him there when it was normally his meeting spot with Zelda. The thought of running into her there made him decide to change that plan, maybe the newly renovated Hog's Head was worth a shot. Miles loved Zelda, but she was a lot to take in at first and Miles wanted to prepare Oscar before having them meet each other. While he waited for his date, he mentally mapped a route through the village that they could walk. Honeyduke's was a good destination, Miles could show him some different wizarding sweets and maybe Oscar could buy some for his son. Miles didn't have much more time to plan because he spotted Oscar heading over to him. He beamed and gave him a little wave, his heart doing a little skip at the sight of him.
Oscar tended to think of his life in phases. Starting school, meeting Harriette, having Elliot, and now, right now. He hadn't quite decided what to call all this yet. Actually trying? Meeting Miles? It was hard to define, it felt like all that and more, but Oscar knew that for once, for now, he felt content. He was still anxious and certain he was going about things the wrong way, but when he was spending time with Miles that didn't seem like such an insurmountable problem anymore. They'd just muddle their way through it.

It made Oscar feel bolder too, asking for outings in more magical places he would have never set foot in before, or even smaller things, like reaching down to take Miles' hand as they walked, glancing at him with a quick fond look before returning his attention to the passing shopfronts with mild interest. He knew this village couldn't be that old, but magical places always had this ability to both look much older and stranger than they possibly could be.
Elliot didn't need many reasons to stop by Honeyduke's before Lily had started working there, but now that she did it had probably become a regular habit to an unhealthy degree, especially during the holidays. He'd stepped out of the shop, throwing one last goodbye to Lily over his shoulder before turning to head further down the street, trying to remember if he needed anything else from Brightstone before he apparated home.

He didn't make it very far though, freezing in place at a familiar face. Familiar, but completely out of place in Brightstone. Elliot couldn't think he'd ever seen his dad anywhere near a wizarding community since he'd first bought his wand. He could still remember the vaguely ill look on his father's face as they'd picked up his school supplies that had cemented the idea in Elliot's mind that he'd never try to bring his dad back there. And yet here he was, walking as if he belonged, hand in hand with a man Elliot had never seen before.

"Dad?" Elliot said, still stuck stock-still in the street as his dad and the other man came closer. "What- Who-" Elliot had been so busy trying to reconcile seeing his dad here in Brightstone that his mind had only just processed the hand holding as well, eyes flicking between his father, their clasped hands, and the other man. "Are you... Looking for me?" Elliot tried to think back through the letters his dad had suddenly started sending this year, strange in their causality, and think if Dad had mentioned meeting him, or meeting someone else as it were, but his mind came up blank, fizzing almost like static as he tried to process everything in front of him.
Miles felt like he was floating, a definite spring in his step as he walked with Oscar. He wasn't sure if he could admit yet just how much he liked the other man, but he was also fairly certain it was radiating off him. He'd never been very good at hiding his feelings. Miles beamed as Oscar took his hand, daring to give Oscar's hand a little squeeze. He was trying to think of something witty or incredibly romantic to say when he noticed a young man strangely staring at them. Miles wasn't sure what to make of it but didn't need to wonder long. As the young man addressed Oscar as dad, Miles knew immediately that this had to be Elliot. Somewhere in his mind, Miles had known Elliot was seventeen and an adult, but he'd never shaken the adorable mental image of Oscar as a dad to a young boy entirely. So coming face to face with this young man was a little shocking. Miles immediately let go of Oscar's hand. "Oh!" He said, trying, and failing, not to look too flustered. "You must be Elliot." That was all he said, hoping that acknowledging him would ease the rapidly growing tension a bit. "Er, hello."
Oscar smiled quietly to himself when Miles squeezed his hand. He really hadn't felt this at ease in such a long time, it was easy to get lost in the simple mundanity of it all. The fact that Miles was a wizard also wasn't lost of him in that respect either. Oscar had been so busy basking in the simplicity of just enjoying someone else's company he nearly missed Elliot until he was moving towards them.

He came to a sudden stand still, only half-noticing when Miles let go of his hand, brain ticking over as he tried to think of what to say. Oscar had purposely asked Miles to this village because he'd been certain Elliot worked at the other one. It wasn't that he wanted to hide things from Elliot, or hide Miles from anyone. He just wasn't sure he was ready to tell Elliot he was dating someone, magical or not. "Elliot, uh. Yes. Elliot this is Miles. Miles, this is Elliot, my son," Oscar said, unable to come up for a good word for who exactly Miles was that wouldn't sound completely incriminating. "We were just... Out for a walk. You know," he said haplessly, clearing his throat to try and dislodge the lump of awkwardness lodged there as Elliot continued to stare at him, the deep ingrained feeling like Oscar didn't belong here suddenly overwhelming under his son's gaze.
It had been weird when Elliot's dad had started sending him letters this year. Previously, his dad had balked at so much the idea of dealing with owl post, and now Elliot got a letter at least once a month. He hadn't known what had changed but it had almost felt if maybe he was finally getting a window into understanding his dad more. Now though, Elliot wondered if it was intended as some sort diversion, or something he'd done out of guilt. Since clearly Dad had been hiding something.

"Walking... Here?" He said dubiously, glancing again at the other man, Miles, and back at his father. He felt the usual itch to polite, but it was quickly replaced by a growing sense of confusion and, under that, something sharper. "Are you two... Together?" He asked slowly, feeling something small and hot starting to twist up inside his chest. Had Dad been hiding this from him? From Mom too? He knew they hadn't been a close family for a long time, but Elliot still felt like this was the sort of thing you'd tell your son. "Wait, are you a wizard?" Elliot asked suddenly, looking closer at Miles. He couldn't imagine Dad would break the statue of secrecy just for some date. Was that it then? All it had taken for his dad to finally actually care about magic was some new person to come along? Elliot set his teeth together, eyes flicking between the pair as he waited for his dad to explain.
Miles felt the tension in the air and had no idea what to do with it. He smiled weakly as Oscar introduced him to Elliot. He didn't miss how Oscar omitted how exactly they knew each other or what their relationship was. He couldn't really blame him, they hadn't exactly talked about it in great detail yet. Miles nodded when Oscar said they were on a walk. But at Elliot's question, Miles froze. He glanced at Oscar, unsure. He supposed they were together in a way but was Oscar open about that to his son? Was him liking men a secret? Or was he simply not ready to let his child see him dating anyone? Miles had absolutely no way of knowing what might be going through Oscar's mind at that moment, so he answered the only question he knew he could answer truthfully. "I am a wizard, yes." He said, fussing with his jacket nervously.
Oscar could feel himself starting to sweat. He was never particularly good with these sorts of difficult conversations. That was part of the reason he'd put off mentioning Miles to Elliot for so long. At first, it hadn't seemed entirely relevant and then, as their relationship had begun to change, Oscar hadn't want to jump the gun. Just in case.

Now, Oscar wanted nothing more than to just make this whole conversation go away, struggling to find the right words that would make the dark look on Elliot's face go away. Expressing his feelings and thoughts was a nebulous endeavor and Oscar always preferred to stew in things unless he absolutely had too. Harriette had always said it was his worst quality after they'd divorced, and Oscar hadn't said anything then either. "He's uh. Well, listen," Oscar started. This would have been hard enough to define the relationship without it also being the time to tell his son he was finally dating again. "I was just waiting for a good time to tell you," he said, glancing over at Miles, half worried the other man would suddenly decide to just do that disappearing thing wizards could do, and yet half hoping maybe he already had.
Elliot furrowed his brow when Miles confirmed what Elliot had suspected. Miles was a wizard. Dad was- Was dating a wizard. Or holding hands with one at least. It didn't seem fair. Almost seven years of school, 17 years of Elliot's life, thinking Dad didn't like magic, that it made it uncomfortable. And here he was. Maybe all this time it hadn't been magic that was the problem. Maybe it had been him and Mom that were the problem. Elliot curled his lip as Dad tried to brush it all off.

"When would have been the right time then?" He asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest, trying to pull up some sort of barrier between Dad and the unpleasant emotions swirling in his chest. "What was the point of those letters this year then? Were you hoping to distract me? Did he put you up to it?" He asked, jabbing a finger at Miles. "Does Mom know?" He asked finally, voice hard and clipped, feeling a sense of vicious satisfaction as the frightened and guilt look the last sentence had elected from his father's face.
Miles was starting to wish the ground would swallow him up, it was clear he had gotten himself entangled in a very difficult and complex situation without really knowing any of the history. He knew Oscar had trouble connecting to his son, but he'd never considered how that might feel for the boy. Miles flushed when Elliot asked if he put Oscar up to the letters. It wasn't untrue, but he made it sound so nefarious. All Miles had tried to do was encourage Oscar to connect with his son. He also wished the boy hadn't brought up his mother. The fact that Oscar had a child had always charmed Miles, but he'd never let himself think too much about what else that meant. Still, as awkward as he felt, Miles felt the need to defend Oscar at least a little. "It's all very new." He said, trying to sound assuring. "And the letters were merely a suggestion-" he cut himself off, immediately realizing he shouldn't have said anything about that. Now it would definitely sound like he put Oscar up to it. Miles grimaced and gave him an apologetic look. This was going terribly. Though Miles didn't think there was anything he really could do or say that was the right thing here. It was an impossible position.
Oscar flinched at Elliot's question, distinctly aware that they probably both knew he didn't have a good answer to that. There were times that Oscar felt like it was inescapable how alike Elliot and Harriette were, and right now, with that familiar dark look on Elliot's face, the resemblance was making Oscar sweat. "Elliot, it wasn't like that at all," he said, desperate to keep Miles out of the firing line here. He felt terrible, but honestly if Oscar had had his way Miles and Elliot wouldn't be meeting for a long, long time. Until Oscar was absolutely ready for it. Though perhaps he might have never been quite ready.

"Things- We're not- Things are still new," Oscar said, echoing Miles as his stomach sank at the mention of Harriette. Things weren't exactly awful with his ex-wife, but then again Oscar wasn't calling up Harriette every day either. But perhaps it would have been easier to speak to her about this than Elliot. She probably would have known what to say. "Look, I know you're upset but can't we just... Talk about this later?" Oscar pleaded, casting another uncomfortable glance over at Miles, unsure who he should be apologizing to right now for the current trainwreck.
Elliot cut his eyes over to Miles when he spoke, narrowing his eyes at the man. He'd known it was strange when Dad had started actually sending owls out of the blue, but now it all made more sense. "Are you sure about that? Cause it certainly sounds like it was," he said sharply when Dad tried to deny it. He'd never fought with Dad like this before. Even when things were at their worst when Elliot had first started Hogwarts, it had always been a tense quiet between them. Awkward silence and stilted conversations. And now it felt like Elliot had seven years of pent up anger at everything just looking for any target, be it his dad or Miles.

"You know what, fine. We'll talk about it later. Or knowing you, talk about it never," Elliot said, his ears and his chest feeling hot at Dad's response. Of course he didn't want to talk about it right now. They never talked about anything. Just when Elliot thought maybe he and Dad were close to some sort of understanding about magic, Dad had managed to yank it all back. Mouth sour, Elliot shook his head, feeling his lip curl. "I'm going to Mom's, you can come find me when you're done making excuses all the time," Elliot said, apparating away with a disgusted sigh.
Miles wished he had just kept his mouth shut, or that he had apparated away the moment any sort of conflict started. All he could do now was stay and watch this very private moment he was not a part of but was the cause of, wishing he was anywhere but here. Once Elliot left, Miles looked at Oscar nervously. "Oh dear, I... apologize, I fear I didn't make that any better." He said quietly, wondering if this was the end for them.
Oscar opened his mouth when Elliot talked back, ready to do... Something. Scold him or argue or something parental he'd never quite managed before. But before he could, Elliot continued talking and Oscar's stomach sunk. He'd never had a real sit down talk with Elliot before about something important like, or feelings. Oscar was bad at feelings. Even now, on the verge of anger with his son, he couldn't bring himself to say anything as Elliot snapped at him before just up and vanishing him, leaving Oscar standing there with a horrible familiarity of fights with Harriette just before things ended.

He'd almost forgotten entirely that Miles was there until he spoke, still staring blankly at the spot Elliot had been until a few moments ago. "Teenagers, am I right?" He offered tiredly, though his heart wasn't in it. "I'm so sorry, Miles. I- He- You shouldn't have seen that," Oscar said, dragging a hand down his face, suddenly exhausted. "Do you mind if we cut today's... Walk. Short?" Oscar was aware if he wasn't careful here, this might be the last time he and Miles 'walked' anywhere, but Oscar needed quiet and time to lick his wounds. He'd just have to hope Miles understood better than Elliot or Harriette ever had.
Their date had been well and truly ruined and it kind of made Miles want to cry. There was a part of him that hoped Oscar would choose to spend a bit more time with him as a distraction from all this, but that hope left the moment he looked at the other man. He clearly wasn't in the mood for anything right now, and Miles couldn't blame him. "It's not your fault. I... shouldn't have brought you here, perhaps." He said. His face fell when Oscar suggested cutting their walk short, even though he had expected it. He swallowed, trying and failing to hide his disappointment behind a smile. "Of course, I understand." He mumbled, wondering if this was the final time he would see Oscar. Maybe he would decide Miles was too much trouble, as he had indirectly caused this rift. The thought made him even sadder and he was suddenly glad for the excuse to leave. Bursting out in tears in the middle of the street would be rather embarrassing. "I'll.. see you later, then." He said softly. "You... can let me know when you feel ready to er, take a walk again." He said.

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