The Beauxbatons Garden

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Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
A Zuka plot that doesn't include her second sight *le gasp*

I've been Rping that the girls in Beauxbatons are none too nice to Zazuka but I think that should change a little bit. After getting a bit better at French and showing how kind she really is I would like her to have a few girl friends. The little group would soon start being known as the Flowers because they are all beautiful but not snobish or mean. The sub plot would also call for a few boys to like them but are too shy to say anything but it can live without it.
No plastics please. Real flowers are always lovelyer than fake ones. As Flowers of course. Plastics are more then welcome to try and attack the girls. Verbaly that is.
Fourth to Seventh year would be nice really :D
Can I be with the Flowers ??? ... I so like the name :D

Well, Heidi is a 6th year Beauxbatons, a muggle born; a sweet, kind and loyal girl. Loves music and books, she's not french but knows how to speak; she also plays Quidditch and on the team ...

Sorry, Heidi isn't that develop because I have other characters and they are major ...
Heidi sounds perfect to be a Flower and be the first girl at Beau to befriend a lonely Zazuka :D
You start it please I'm messing with Gimp at the time and I'm starting to think that it's not a good thing :D
This is still open for Flowers :D
What about Riley Lillis? After I'm allowed on the computer again :shy:

She's really nice, but over-protective of her younger sister Olive. She's a seventh year. Um...
Woohoo another Flower :D

She's more than welcome especially since it seems like Heidi has next to no one. :D
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