Closed The Attentive Student

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
After the lesson she had from Defence Against The Dark Arts something stayed in her mind and after paying an visit to the library to make her homework for some classes and prepare for the next she figured she could do something to make sure the professors would know she was an good student and see if she was right, which she usually was. The test she made in the previous lesson had an specific question which was odd to her, she knew the answer ofcourse but it hadn't been in the lecture from the professor. So she made her way to the classroom of Defence Against The Dark arts and finding the office from Professor Abberline. As she made her way she figured she was taking an opportunity to become the favorite of the professors and to show them she was the best student they had. So standing in front of the door she hoped he was inside, and knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it. Or she would be standing there for an long time. But that would be an pity since June had something in her mind, and she usually liked to just do it directly and get what she wanted.
Charles returned to his office once he was done for the day. Now that he was used to standing in front of students for a couple of hours every day, he found that he wasn't nearly as exhausted as he was when he first started teaching. Teaching itself was getting easier too the more he stood in front of his students, which was something he was rather thankful for given the serious nature of the subject he taught to the lower years at Hogwarts. What helped with growing more confident in his own teaching abilities were lessons such as the one he had earlier that day with his first-year class. He swelled up with pride as he went over the tests the first years had taken earlier - most of them had answered his questions correctly. ''You may enter,'' the Professor called out when someone knocked on his door.
As June waited she was glad to hear an voice back and opened the door. And as she opened it she noticed the professor sitting at his desk. June smiled bright as she made eyecontact. '' Hello Professor.'' June than greeted him. And walked in, she figured she could. '' Do you have an moment for me?'' The blonde asked him since she figured that was polite and not directly put herself on him with what she wanted to discuss. Holding an book from the same subject the professor teached to her body.
It wasn't often that students came to visit his office after class so he was surprised to find that June Davenport was standing in his office. She seemed bright and eager to learn so he reckoned that she was here to dive a little deeper into the subject of Defence Against the Dark Arts. ''Of course I have a moment for you,'' the Professor said, sitting up straight and motioning for the girl to take the seat in front of his desk. ''What can I help you with?'' Or perhaps she'd heard about his animagus lessons and was keen to become one herself as well. Whatever it was that she came to him for, he was sure that he would be able to help out.
As the professor was welcoming her she took an seat and put her book on her lap. '' Thank you.'' She tried to see what he had on his desk and it seemed like their homework assignment and that was just what she wanted to talk about. And than looked at him again and smiled. '' Well I had an question about the last homework assignment we had.'' June than started off and looked at the office for an moment and back to the professor. '' To be specific about the last question from the quiz.'' June explained. She wondered if she was the only one to notice. '' I don't believe we have covered that in class yet, but it's Finite right?'' June asked him. She was certain that was right and actually knew she was but she wanted him to know. And why he put down that question. As an test?
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Charles smiled as June explained why she had come to his office. His inclusion of the General Counter-Spell on the mid-semester test, a spell they wouldn't cover until next year, was done deliberately to see who had a knack for Defence Against the Dark Arts and who hadn't. It didn't matter awfully much if students didn't know about the General Counter-Spell yet but it would still be nice to see who knew what. ''You're right to point out that we have not covered that particular spell yet, and it is indeed Finite.'' She had been one of his better students this year, so it didn't come as much of a surprise that June seemed to know a second-year spell already. ''I take it that you are interested in Defence Against the Dark Arts?''
As June noticed the professors expression she smiled. And she obviously knew she was right, she didn't miss out on any detail in the class. The professor let her know she was right about noticing. And as he raised an question about her interest for the subject she nodded. '' I do. It was one of the subjects I was looking forward the most.'' June than explained to the professor. '' And I kind of enjoy your lessons. So it succeeded my expectations.'' June than complimented the professor with an smile. Every class had something interesting she figured, but just wanted to excell in everything. Charms and Defence Again The Dark Arts were the two favorites she had before coming here. '' So it was an test?'' June than asked the professor with an grin, meaning the question he added in the homework.
Charles couldn't help but chuckle when June said that his teachings succeeded her expectations. It wasn't very difficult to notice what she was trying to do but it didn't matter much to him. As long as she was taking the course seriously, which she seemed to do, and didn't practice any spells outside of class and without supervision, he didn't care that she was sucking up to him. ''It was a test,'' the Professor answered, ''And I am glad to see that you've answered the question correctly. I am already looking forward to teaching you again in your second year.''
June watched the professors face and smiled shortly. Some professors would perhaps think of her compliments as too much, but some like her head of house were all happy about it. June liked Professor Castillo, he seemed someone who was happy with himself as well. And it was good to learn information about what people liked or didnt't liked. And June was curious about this professor as well. June obviously knew it was an test but now she knew for certain. The compliment the professor gave in return made her even more confident and smiled. She was an perfect student for an professor ofcourse, so it was good that he thought this way. '' Thank you Professor. I can't wait.'' June than replied back. '' Did you went to Hogwarts as well? When you were younger?'' June than asked him, making some conversation now her question was answered. Wondering if she could learn some more about the man.
Charles smiled as June told him that she couldn't wait for her second-year classes. It was during moments like this that he wished that he was an accomplished legilimens, to be able to see into her mind and find out where she wanted to go with this conversation. Not that it would matter much, even without the ability to look into her mind, it was quite easy to see what she was attempting to do. And yet it would have been nice to find out whether she was going to use the same tactics on him as she had done on some of his colleagues. ''I did, though I finished my education at the other Hogwarts school in Scotland,'' the Professor answered. ''A wonderful school, which, I dare say, is even more magical than this castle.''
June tried to see how the professor was actually feeling about this. Although she felt she was on the right foot with most of the professors and she was sure she left an impression in class, she had to play it smart as well. June listened as the professor explained. And wondered which house the man had been in. He seemed like an Ravenclaw in a way to her. But that was an feeling. She grinned as he said. '' That's nice.'' June than replied with an smile. '' Really? How come?'' June than reacted.
'' Don't let the headmaster hear it.''
She than joked, figuring she could the professor could take it she had an feeling.
''For starters, it was built during the tenth century. It's a 1068-year-old building filled with ancient magic which stood its ground during the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998.'' Its history still intrigued the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor to this day. And while he was very weary of attending the school at first, it was difficult not to miss the one in New Zealand, he did not want to leave when his time at the school was up. ''Somehow, I do not think that Professor Alcott-Ward would mind it,'' Charles said with a friendly smile. It was quite a surprise to learn how many of the teachers here used to attend the other Hogwarts School. ''But anyway, is there something else I can help you with?'' He asked, giving June a questioning look.
June came with an reason and that was answered. But there was nothing wrong with an conversation, she figured professors were social people since they worked with children. She listened as he explained some history about the school in Scotland. She knew some parts already and nodded. '' That's definitly true. Impressive'' June had considered the school in Scotland as well, but since her family all went here this was the better option. June than smiled as the professor mentioned it, perhaps he had been an student on the other Hogwarts as well. He than asked an direct question and for June that was an sign, she was usually good with it. That it was enough, and good for now. '' No. Actually thank you. I was just curious, but I will not disturb you any longer.'' She had noticed their homework, so he would better grade her very well. June than stood up and smiled.

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