The Artificial Stars

Yakov Olaf

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The sun was peeling back to reveal a green-grey gloom that attacked the grass and crashed over the windows. Yakov stood with his eyes staring out of the window, watching the evening roll in. He was wearing something clean and casual. He was oblivious to the rest of the world inside his old home. He hardly noticed as the fire lit itself, as his younger brothers wrestled over a fanged frisbee, or even as the wolf stood behind him, observing the scene and feeling sorry for Yakov. It looked as though she wasn't going to be joining the New Year festivities.

Yakov knew it wouldn't be the same without Aaliyah. She brought the world to life and made every room shine. Of course he still had feelings for her, of course they had been reignited after all those meetings, those chats and those 'lunch dates'. And there only seemed to be one reasonable solution to it, one that Dominicus had finally convinced him to try. Tonight was the perfect night.Well, thought Yakov, pressing his forehead against the pane of glass, if it doesn't rain..
Dominicus watched over Yakov as he stared into the bleak, grey sky. He sighed, laying a hand upon his shoulder. "I am certain she will turn up," Dominicus said as comfortingly as possible. Oh, how well he knew the pain of unrequited love. Although, something told him that Yakov's romance was not at all alike his. For one thing, Yakov and Aaliyah had once been an item. Dominicus had never so much as had a girlfriend in his life. He was even less likely to get one, now, seeing as he became a monster at every full moon.

"Try not to worry.." That was definitely easier said than done as screams emanated from the three youngest brothers. Yosif was trying to pull Yulian away from Zdravko who he was seemingly attempting to beat to death with the frisbee. Dominicus rolled his eyes, shot Yakov a sympathetic smile, and rounded on the three boys. "Right," he said, loud and stern- much unlike his nature, "if you cannot share that thing, I suggest you give it to me and go and get yourselves smartened up." He eyed Zdravko's scruffy hair, less than impressed. Tonight was not about reuniting family, but reigniting a flame.
The young wizard stuck his tongue out at Dominicus. "I don't see why we have to get all dressed up," he started, purposely scruffing his hair up further, "we didn't the last time we did something like this." Zdravko drew up his conclusion and made a point to shoot a dirty look in Yakov's direction. "We're only doing this because he" his finger jabbed at Yakov, "doesn't have the guts to ask some girl out." There. He'd said it. The words everyone was thinking but didn't dare to say. Immediately, Kristo, who had been stood in the doorway, half-listening for the door-knocker, half to the conversation, scolded his son's words and sent him upstairs. Zdravko scowled as he went, though he knew he was right, for Yakov had finally turned to take in the room as a whole.
Yulian swatted his twin brother away from him, quickly attempting to straighten up his hair. His father looked at him with nothing short of disapproval. He felt both of the twins needed a hair cut, yet neither would submit to the idea. They seemed to like their 'lion manes'. Shuffling from the room, Yosif not far behind, Yulian heard the front door; three loud thuds echoed throughout the hall, causing Zdravko the leap and bound back down the stairs, before he and Yulian were once again competing as they rand towards the front door. Kristo shouted after them to slow down and behave or they would get hurt. The boys ignored this and wrenched open the heavy wooden doors.

A man in his mid-twenties with flowing brown hair and eyes that seemed to smile even when his lips didn't, stood at the front door, sheltered by a trench coat. "I think we're expecting rain." were the first words that Gavrail Olaf muttered upon re-entering his old home. Kristo shook his hand before Gavrail turned to greet his brothers. "Hello, Yulian, Yosif." He said, nodding his head at the wrong ones, possibly on purpose. He smiled at Zdravko. "You've grown a lot. I like the hair." Zdravko gave Dominicus, who had just arrived at the door with Yakov, a 'I told you so' look. "Don't encourage him." Dom muttered, shaking his brother's hand. Yakov just nodded to Gavrail, and the group proceeded to the conservatory, once again.
Whatever Yakov thought of Gavrail, he didn't say it. His mind was too busy focussing on the task ahead, the mission to hopefully undo a mistake, and to do something he should have done a long time ago. His hands were shaking. He forced them to sandwich between his knees. He was sure he hadn't felt this terrified since he'd discovered he was going to become a father. The lot of them were sat down, though Yakov was the only one catching less than the whole conversation. Gavrail was talking about how he and his long-term girlfriend- "A charming blonde witch from Norway" had met. While he waffled on about the recent Quidditch match that they had attended, Yakov thought about the places Aaliyah and him could go, the fun they could have, screaming their lungs out as the star chaser put the quaffle through one of those shining hoops.

Another knock at the door brought Yakov to his senses: Nobody else seemed to have noticed, so absorbed in Gavrail's stories. Yakov got to his feet, not uttering a single word, as though invisible to the others. He walked from the conservatory, and to the hall, slowly approaching the front door. The knock had fallen silent. Yakov was beginning to wonder if he had imagined it, after all, disappointment did strange things to sane men. But as he reached the door, heaving it open, he stared out. ".. Aaliyah?"
Aaliyah had been looking forward to this event for some time. Normally she would have been seen in a denim jacket, jeans and trainers, however for this evening she'd actually made an effort to dress up. She wore her cream dress, the one that her sister's family had given her for her 21st birthday, along with the pair of black heels that were attached to her unadjusted feet. She'd also added a dark grey jacket, because dispite the heat, she couldn't say she was amazingly confident with her looks, and long-sleeved just seemed to "work" for her.

As she approached the Olaf's family home, the one she'd been inside the day she'd told Yakov she was pregnant, she put the two bottles under her arm, and knocked lightly on the door. She'd even tried with make up today. Not much, but a little. Enough to make her eyes more bright. Work had definatly caught up with her. As she waited on the doorstep, she was patient, and looked up into the sky. She couldn't be sure if it was going to rain or not, and she had personally been looking forward to being outside, as this would be the first time Li would have seen proper live fireworks.

As the door opened, a smile spread across her face as Yakov spoke her name. She lifted up both hands, and in each she held a bottle of wine. "I thought i could bring something for the occasion" she said, letting herself walk across the threshold, giving Yakov's cheek a small peck before walking straight past him and into the conservatory, where she found the rest of his family. "Hey" she didn't want to interupt what one of the eldest brother were saying, although she believed her introduction was nessessary. She'd of course, met everyone here before, however it had been a long time since. After given a brief nod, Aaliyah walked herself through into the kitchen, where she put down the two wine bottles on the work surface, and looked up to see where Yakov had got to.
Yakov skirted after Aaliyah, muttering a quick introduction to Gavrail. "Aaliyah." he said abruptly, before following on after the girl mentioned. He found her in the kitchen, putting down the bottles of wine. He was trying to smile, really, he was, but the way she had just casually pecked his cheek was causing Yakov to worry that he had already landed himself with a permanent, and V.I.P seat in the 'friend zone'. "You.. You look-" his throat began to close up. Yakov had no idea what to say. If he was too forward, she would likely deck him, but if he wasn't honest enough, she would definitely deck him. He swallowed hard. "You look amazing." He hurriedly busied himself with digging some glasses out of the cupboard.

"Gavrail decided to honor us with a visit." Yakov said shortly, clanking a couple of glasses onto the work-top. "Shame that Petar wont be joining us- must be exciting to work with dragons." He handed Aaliyah a glass as he stood up, soon rummaging for a bottle of pumpkin juice. After all, his younger brothers and half-sister (who was currently hidden away in her bedroom, no doubt worshipping her potions study guide she had written up a month into the school year) were still underage. ".. How is.. Everything?"
Aaliyah smiled at his compliment "Thank you" she didn't often dress up, and so it helped. She opened the bottle of wine, and poured them both a glass, leaving the bottles next to the others she found on the side. Picking them both up, she wandered over to Yakov, offering him one. She smiled sweetly, waiting for him to take it. She'd missed his company, and it was a shame that the only time they'd managed to meet was at work.

She listened as Yakov mentioned something about his brother, the only sibling Li had never met. "Everything?" she repeated. "Everything is fine. Alex's pestering me about driving. As a muggle i'm sure it's important. But being able to ride a broom as well as working in the apparition commitee, well, i don't think he understand's our lifestyle" she winked. Her brother-in-law was sweet enough, and matched her sisters personality well, although he would never have been suited to someone like Aaliyah. Someone better suited to her would have been someone like the man standing in front of her now. "And you?" she asked, watching him pour drinks for the underaged.
The light outside the kitchen was gloomy. In the fresh air, the night sky was beginning to open up to stars- a sign that perhaps the rain would hold off for another few hours yet. Yakov took took the glass, thanking Aaliyah under his breath as he raised it to his lips. His hand was shaking and the sound of the glass chinking lightly against his teeth, was audible. He made a point to stop drinking immediately, and engage further in conversation. "Hah, good old Alex," Yakov said, shaking his head as though he knew the guy's characteristics only too well. He didn't even think he'd met the guy. "Oh, you know.. The usual.. Just dealing with work, and traveling back here, and trying to keep Zdravko and Yulian from tearing each other's throats out." He smiled at this, looking Aaliyah in the eyes.

There was a loud, intruding cough from the doorway, and Yakov looked over to see his father looking straight at him, acting casual. Yakov took a step back from Aaliyah and hastily poured a three more glasses of wine, and filling three with pumpkin juice. He drew his wand from his pocket, and began to levitate the drinks from the room. By the sound of the distant, excited chatter, the fireworks would be starting, soon. Kristo herded them back into the conservatory, before taking a glass of wine, thanking Aaliyah, and stepping outside, beckoning Zdravko to follow and help him in setting up the fireworks. Yakov sat down, hoping Aaliyah would join him, and that Gavrail would stop talking about his thrilling life, for just five minutes.
Aaliyah was about to mention something important when she was distracted by Mr. Olaf, the Head Olaf person, and she gave him a grin that could only show how much of a pleasant person she was to be hanging out with his son. She topped up her nearly empty drink and she followed Yakov outside. She watched as his brothers crowed around too, and she took a seat on a small wall that went around the garden. She was used to wearing jeans, and didn't exactly have the best dignaty rules, however remembering she was in a dress, as well as around 8 other men, she quickly crossed her legs.

"Where Athena and Vickoria?" she whispered to Yakov before taking a sip from her glass. His daughter and sister were surely going to be spending the evening with the family, wern't they? Li had been invited to the Kain's evening too, however spending it with Yakov had seemed a much more pleasurable way to go. As sweet as Li's goddaughter was, she couldn't help but be replused by that little girl at the moment, as she was going through a slightly sticky stage. Li waited to see what was going to happen, and she quickly finished up her second glass.
Yakov had not been expecting Aaliyah to ask that question in particular. "Athena is with her mother," Yakov said awkwardly, noticing the strange looks Gavrail was giving him. Yakov interpreted Gavrail's action in a very negative light, regardless of the fact that he was actually a very pleasant and caring man. "Aphrodite would never let her travel so far. As for Viktoriya, well, since she has been going to Durmstrang, I hear that she has become somewhat withdrawn and studious."

There was a loud shout from the garden; Kristo Olaf was shouting at Zdravko to not start setting anything off before they were ready. A moment later, Zdravko was back inside, grinning from ear to ear like the naughty school boy he was. "Lady and ugly men," he said, bowing respectfully to Aaliyah, however much he was taking the mickey. "If you could please step into the garden- no further than the line of gunpowder on the floor, the display will begin." Of course it wasn't actually gunpowder, but it was amusing to witness his elder siblings being more cautious. Especially as they knew Zdravko had great knowledge of anything loud and highly explosive.

Yakov stood up, following on Dominicus and Gavrail. The twins stumbled out the door, Yulian whispering rude things to Yosif about Zdravko. Kristo was stood not too far from the set-up, shrouded by darkness. "Dom," Kristo called out, "go and fetch Viktoriya. If she refuses, tell her to look out of the window. She can at least manage that.." After several minutes of waiting, Dominicus returned alone, but now a pale face with deep brown eyes and curtains of milk-chocolate hair, peered out of the window. Yakov smiled to Aaliyah. Zdravko did, too, hissing "Brace yourself."

And then the beautiful display of light and colour, shapes that hissed and crackled creating dragons and flowers and dancing fairies, began with a loud bang and a fizzle.
Aaliyah smiled as Zdravko announced the firework display was about to begin, and she wandered out onto the patio. She turned her head up to the top window to see his sister, and she gave her a little wave. She gave Yakov a little wink, before looking at the floor. When she was little she would spent nights with her friends back at the abandoned house. Her life had changed so much since she'd gone to Durmstrang, including meeting Yakov.

As the fireworks began to go off, Aaliyah thought she would just stare up and watch them, however they were a little bright for her eyes, and she squinted, turning to stare at Yakov instead. He had no idea what she felt for him. She assumed the only reason she was here now was through kindness as they had become collegues. Suddenly there was a startling yelp from one of the boys, as a firework fell over and headed straight towards them. Li looked across to see the entire row toppling over, and gradually more and more fireworks were being let off in random directions. Li ducked just in time for one to fly over her head and into the tree, with immediatly burst into flames. She wipped her wand out and stopped the fire quickly, continuing to duck out of the way. She laughed as the twins scrabbled to hide in a bush to the side of the house, and she grabbed Yakov's jacket, tugging him back into the saftey of the conservatory, a couple of leaves now sticking out of Aaliyah's hair.
Just when everything had seemed so perfect and beautiful, several fireworks tipped over and mayhem ensued. Naturally, Gavrail and Kristo were attempting to stop the trouble. Yakov turned in time to witness a firework whizzing towards Aaliyah. Yakov couldn't help but smile at her speedy reaction. They were both laughing and Yakov was grinning with pure ecstasy as they dived inside the conservatory. Yakov closed the conservatory door just before a firework slammed into the room. The light of the out-of-control fireworks, played off of Aaliyah's beautiful face. Yakov raised a hand to pick a leaf from Aaliyah's hair. The sound of the madness outside, the fizzes, the whizzes, the snaps, the crackles, and the occasional booms, were like an orchestra especially arranged for this moment in time, this moment when Yakov Olaf would look into this wonderful, mad girl's eyes, and know that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

As one firework shot high up into the sky, exploding in a green and purple star, Yakov stroked the hair back behind Aaliyah's ears. He smiled so deeply and honestly, that it almost seemed alien to him. And then he said it, as the fireworks seemed to muffle, but continue their explosions of light and mad dancing, Yakov looked Aaliyah wholly in the eyes. The words were pure and simple.
"Marry me."​
Aaliyah smiled and watched his hand as he took out the leaves from her shoulder length blonde hair. Yakov was one person she knew wouldn't hurt her. There were few a girl like Li would let in, but he was one of them. She listened to the explosions and chaos of everything going on outside, and suddenly she felt very alone. It was just him and her.
As the fireworks lit up the sky, Li gave a small smile. Then Yakov said something she was not expecting.

"Marry me"...

Li took a moment to react, unsure of whether she'd heard him right. Of course, it's something she'd longed to hear, but she never thought it would actually happen. She looked back into his dark eyes, her own blue reflecting everything going on on the other side of the glass. She reached up with one hand, placing it lightly on the back of Yakov's neck, and did something she'd wanted to for a long time. Pulling him gently towards her and closing her eyes, she kissed him. Just once. But enough to know how she felt about him. She didn't want to leave him hanging anymore, and returned to look up into his eyes, "yes" she said softly. So what if they'd not been going out? Aaliyah knew there and then, and deep in her heart she always had known, that Yakov was the one she wanted.
That kiss meant everything to Yakov, yet that single-word answer, the one that came and went so often in conversations, meaning so little, at that moment in time, meant the world to Yakov. They had known each other for many years, now. They had been each other's firsts and, with any luck, they would be each other's lasts. To Yakov, it seemed the best idea at that moment in time, was to take Aaliyah by the hand, smile at her in a way that he could only for her, open the door and run out into the explosion of light, colour our chaos. It was madness, just as their love had always been, and Yakov secretly hoped it would remain for the rest of their lives together.


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