The all famous holdiay RP binge!

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Riley Mauven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hornbeam, 12 ¼", Puffskein Fur.
okay, so its an easter long weekend right now, and even better! school have joined our two week holiday onto it! so what better way to spend my holidays than rping with you lovely lot? so i am getting out some of my favourite characters and they are available for rping with, so just post here if you are interested!
thanks, brittany ♥

lucas is 17 now, and he has always been a rebel. he hates being compared to his perfect twin brother who supposedly can do no wrong. he is also meant to have a girlfriend, but he usually isn't very commited and cheats on them mostly, so if you want one of your girlies to have an affair with him i'm sure he would be up for that. he goes to durmstrang.

riley has two very wealthy parents, but refuses to be spoilt by them. she wants to be a normal child and blend in with the crowd. she has a brand new baby brother named laken and is feeling a bit jelous about that, but right now she is slightly rebellious. she loves quidditch and playing the acoustic guitar. she is going to be openly bisexual but i already have a few love interests worked out so i won't be needing any characters for that.

melodie has just been attacked by a deatheater who happened to be one of her best friends and is currently insane and in st.mungo's so if you want to meet a crazy person? she probably won't be the most useful to rp with because most of her rps are closed to family and close friends right now. if one of your characters is a close friend or family member though, post here and i will sort something out.

she is my newest character and goes to beauxbatons, she is currently heartbroken and a bit mopey, but she is usually ver soulful and connected with the earth, she loves singing and being outdoors. i don't have much to say about her yet as i am still developing her character.

i am sure there are more characters i have, if you want to rp with any others you know i have, just post here too. also most of the above characters have links in their signatures to their bios if you would like to know more :)
yeah, we are aren't we? when would you like to do it?
if you could actually start that'd be great. they won't get their shipper going right away, start out friends with a strange attraction then they randomly kiss a few RPs later?
sure thing, where should i make it?

Should Imogen and Riley have an in school RP?
Since she's meant to be staying with her and her family.
They might be good friends already having spent a lot of time together.
We Can discuss it over PM if you would like. Or go straight into a topic.
you could pm me now if you want?
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