That Cow Happens to be My Best friend!

Nicolette Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Nicolette finally tired of trying to get some sleep when it was so obvious that it wasn't going to be happening, and picked herself up from the soft pillow she had been laying on. It had been days since she had been able to sleep properly to begin with and she was beginning to wonder if Damianos was literally trying to drive her insane or he just had an issue with everything she tried to do. Nicolette was still dressed in her Pajamas that she insisted on wearing all day because it really just bothered her to wear anything else. "I'm up now, I hope your happy." She said bitterly as she rubbed her stomach for a moment, no matter how annoying it was to be pregnant, she still sort of loved every minute of it. Especially the ones where she wasn't suffering from sickness, exhaustion, or just being plain old emotional.

Fully getting out of bed and putting some socks on, she didn't hesitate in leaving her bedroom to get maybe a walk around the house or some fresh air. Maybe even Kailie would decide to occupy her today, she just needed something to keep her mind off the annoyance she felt right now. She was trapped inside this home, she hadn't seen her friends in weeks, the Ministry was up to something, and she was nearly four months Pregnant. 'By the end of this all, I swear to god I'm going to end up beating somebody.' Happy and cheerful Niccy was sort of absent today, especially seeing as so far her day has stunk badly. By the time she had made her way downstairs, she was feeling beyond tired and was about ready to just call it quits, sit on the floor and cry.
Cecily kissed her husband goodbye for work, whispering good bye as he apparated from the manor. She'd cut her work hours down as her pregnancy progressed and today she'd asked for a special favor. She walked down the hallway from the entrance way and was about to enter the large room Prodan had said her friend should be in when she spotted the very person she'd come to spend the day with. "Niccy!" she called out, rushing up to her friend. She took one look at her tired, unhappy friend and set her basket down before enfolding her in a warm hug. "I missed you so much," she murmured, pressing her cheek to Niccy's. She drew back a bit, keeping her hands on Niccy's arms gently. "Looks like we hired the same fashion designer," she laughed, eyes bright. Although normally she dressed as she always had, today she had wanted to be comfortable.
Nicolette's eyes widened when she none other than her best friend Cecily, inside the Styx Manor and embracing her. When she had arrived or even how she got inside was a mystery to her. 'Perhaps Prodan.' Sometimes it was hard for her to remember that Kalif and Prodan were brothers, especially when they acted so different. "Cecily! I missed you too." A small smile made it's way onto her face, the sight of her best friend and probably the only other person besides Hades or Kailie that she had seen in weeks. Staring down, this had to be one of the first times she had noticed how much taller she was than Cecily, and how much bigger Cecily seemed to be than her at the moment. 'And to think I feel fat.' She could scarcely imagine how her friend felt at the moment.

"Or you stole from my closet again." Nicolette urged Cecily to follow her into the living room. It really surprised her how fast she learned where all the rooms were in this place, it only took a day or so of exploring to get embedded in her mind. Once they were in the living room, she plopped down on a couch and patted the seat next to her to acknowledge that Cecily could sit down if she wanted. "How have you been?" Not only had she missed her friend, she wanted to know how everything with the baby was going as well, it felt like she and Cecily were so far apart now, and they had a lot of things to catch up on.
Cecily laughed, stooping carefully to pick up the basket and follow her friend into the living room. "It really is beautiful in here. Kalif has a lovely home." She sat down on the couch and set the basket between them. Turning to face Niccy, she pulled one leg under her. "I've been alright. Had a slight tumble down the stairs, but right as rain now," she said, glossing over the horrible Christmas night. She didn't want to worry Niccy, not when she looked so awful. Of course, her blonde friend would always be beautiful. She was sure that Kalif could agree with her there, although she was sure he never would aloud. "I've brought you some gifts and your little man," she grinned, her hand going to rest on Niccy's belly. The baby sure seemed to be an active little one. Her hands went to her own belly. "Did Kalif tell you we're having a girl?" She rubbed her belly, her sweet baby girl, healthy and strong despite their rough patch, stretched and pressed her little fists against where Cecily's hands were. "Elisaveta Rose Zhefarovich," she sighed, her green eyes happy.
Nicolette's smiled faded a bit when she heard Cecily mention about the Christmas thing, that had truly been a nightmare for her. "I heard about the stairs thing, Theo told me." She was glad that her friend was alright, but was a little disturbed that a little girl, no older than twelve had that much anger in her to do something like that. On top of that, Cecily had been very lucky that nothing had happened to her or the baby, it was all luck. "I wanted to go to the hospital to see you, but Kalif won't let me really go anywhere." She shrugged her shoulders, showing that she was truly concerned. But as long as Cecily and her baby were alright there wasn't going to be much she could do now, worrying over something like that would be pointless now. When Cecily said she brought gifts and placed a hand on her tummy, Nicolette could't help but beam, which she hadn't done in weeks, she would surely have to return the favor whenever she got the chance to go out again.

"Oh he might have mentioned it." Nicolette actually wasn't that surprised that they were having a little girl, it seemed so Cecily for some reason. As much as most women wanted little girls, Niccy preferred to have a son over anything. "Thats such a pretty name, I'm sure she and Damianos will be close." She patted her tummy and almost winced when she felt him move a little, now that she was getting further along, he was finding more and more ways to make her miserable. "His full name is Damianos Gavril Styx." She let out softly, admiring at how strong his name almost sounded, it was certainly different but still that Zhefarovich fell to it all the same.
Cecily stilled as Niccy revealed that she had known what Aleyha had done. Damn that boys big mouth. She sighed, shaking her head slightly. Perhaps it wasn't a good thing she hadn't reacted after she'd come home from the hospital. She'd gone through her days as she normally did, except had been tired and usually wrapped in a blanket in her office. It hadn't been until she and Prodan lay in bed a week ago that she had finally gotten to cry it out in his strong arms. Afterward they had spoken long into the night. When she woke the next morning to his beautiful smile as he'd pressed his cheek to her belly and spoke to their child in his beautiful language that she had finally known that everything would be alright. She knew he had been happy as well, to see the sparkle return to her green eyes.

"Oh Niccy," she smiled, "what a strong name." She studied her friend's face before she asked. "How are you getting along here, with Kalif?"
Nicolette was glad that Cecily approved of the name as well, she was glad she and Kalif had decided on it as him name. Placing a gentle hand on her tummy she could only hope that things would go along smoothly from here, Damianos sure did not intend on making her pregnancy any easier as it went along. 'He takes too much after his daddy.' She wanted to mentally roll her eyes at the thought, he wasn't even born yet and she could tell he he was going to be just like his daddy. When Cecily how she and Kalif were getting along, Nicolette let out a snort before she broke into a fit of giggles, what a question to be asked at a time like this. "Actually it's not so bad, he's sort of nicer." As nice as he could get for him anyways, Nicolette shrugged as there was not much to say really. He was usually absent or locked up in his study, where she chose not to enter when he was around.

"I think I'm starting to really like him though." She tried to hide a slight red color that rose to her cheeks and covered it up with a snicker. She still had to really admit it to herself at least, but had no problem telling anyone else. Maybe she was just afraid of losing more people she was close to, or he was just a was really hard to tell. "Despite all that, I do still get lonely here sometimes. I really want to go outside, but he refuses to let me leave without his permission." she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed slightly, she often had Kailie here to entertain her, which was okay but the young girl often lacked the ability to listen to her adult problems. And Hades came and went like the wind, so therefore...she was often lonely a lot.
Cecily smiled at that tell tale blush on the blonde's face. So that was the way it was, she thought with a secret smirk. Those two needed a bloody push. Maybe if she said something to Prodan. Hm. "He really has a way about him, don't you think?" Cecily said off handedly, grabbing a magazine and beginning to flip through it. "Kalif I mean." She flicked a look at Niccy then back down at the pictures. "He has a good sense of humor." Setting the magazine back into the basket, she regarded her friend with a smile. "Well now that my work days have been cut back, I can visit a lot more. If you'd like that?"
Nicolette looked at the magazine that Cecily was reading carefully and let her golden eyes scan the front page carefully. She was so focused on the cover of the magazine that she almost missed what Cecily had said to her, in fact she barely thought about what was said to her and smiled at the shade of red darkened slightly, Cecily knew better than to push those buttons but she was pushing them anyways. "He sure does and have you ever notice- heeeey." Nicolette stopped herself dead in her tracks when she realized that Cecily was baiting her into something she probably didn't want to be baited into. "Cecily Zhefarovich, don't you dare meddle in this!" Knowing her blonde friend, she would ask Prodan into this too. And having them meddling and possibly doing something to make him angry was the last thing she wanted, feelings did not matter anymore.

"Ooooh, I'd love it if you visited more!" She always had so much fun when Cecily was around, plus it would mean that she would have something to look forward too, seeing her friend more often.
Cecily's laughter, full and like her old self, rang throughout the room. "I'm sorry, really," she chuckled, drawing her knees up to sit cross legged across from Niccy. Absently she hugged her rounded belly, rubbing at where Elisaveta kept nudging with her feet. "We both know he's a good father," she said, her eyes meeting Niccy's golden ones. "Damianos couldn't have a better one." She jumped slightly as she was given a particularly strong kick.
Kailie came running down the stairs, through many hallways just a laughing as a child could. Kailie usually had her running fits around this time, and it was almost her snack time anyhow. She loved her fruits and her juice. Kailie skid to a stop when she heard voices, and she ran into the living room, only to see her mommy and another strange woman. Kailie had seen Cecily before, but the little girl could not remember someone being so large. Kailie had her blonde hair down and her bright blue eyes gazed on the women as she approached them. She turned to mommy and she tugged on her shirt, "When will my baby brother be born?" Kailie wanted to see him, and see him soon. Her blue eyes locked on Cecily, and she said nothing. Just confusion on her tiny face.
Nicolette cast her golden eyes onto Kailie and let a small smile be formed onto her lips, she hadn't seen her all morning and was starting to wonder if the little girl was even around today. "Hey sweetie, you hungry?" Niccy picked up Kailie and sat her on her lap, if this kid wasn't so sweet and adorable she probably would tolerate her less. But she already saw her as the daughter she always wanted. "As for your brother, try in about five months?" It was obvious that Kailie really wanted her new brother, but Nicolette could't really hurry Damianos any faster than he wanted to go.
Cecily chuckled softly as Kalif's daughter, whom she'd met briefly months ago, came bounding into the room. The obvious relationship and love were so heart warming to her. It was beautiful to see her friend settling in well with this cute little girl. "Hi Kailie," she smiled gently at the little girl, captivated by her sweet innocence.
"Oh! You look like that cow woman mommy tells me about!" exclaimed the six-year-old. Kailie put her small hand on Niccy's stomach, and she smiled. Kailie shook her head and she said, "Not yet, mommy. Can I have apples and pears today?" Kailie stared at both women, and she leaned against Niccy's body, her head upon the chest. Kailie adored Niccy to no end. She barely remembered her true mother, Namina. But being in a room with Cecily and Niccy just made Kailie feel right at home - even though that was with everywhere she went.
Nicolette snickered loudly at Kailie's outburst about Cecily being a cow. Sure she called her friend that a few time behind her back, but she didn't think the young girl would ever have the chance to repeat it. "I don't call you a cow...much." Wrapping her arms around Kailie she smiled and tried her best to avoid Cecily's gaze. "Sure you can have apples and pears." It was truly remarkable that girl her age wanted fruits, but Nicolette could admit she was impressed all the same, glancing at Cecily once more she couldn't help but give a crooked grin. Kailie calling her mommy was an extreme shock at her, but she sort of liked it and began to grow accustomed to it.

"When Hades isn't around I end up spending most of my day with her." Nicolette stated to Cecily calmly, already knowing that Hades was probably going to be absent again today, not that she minded it so much either.
Cecily burst out into delighted laughter. "Oh you're a darling girl," she grinned at Kailie. Her green eyes shine with sentimental tears as Kailie called Niccy her mommy. Her breath caught and she smiled, pressing her fingers to her trembling lips. She took a moment to collect herself and once again her hands found her belly. "You love your mommy, don't you sweet girl?" she asked Kailie with affection. Oh if she could have a whole dozen little ones as sweet. "What has Hades been up to lately?" she asked curiously, wondering how her new nephew was doing.
Hours of work that needed to be done was now finished, and Kalif used his magic to clear his desk, and he released a sigh. His office and study may have been the same thing - and off limits - but in order to work in his office at home, he needed his books and other resources. Kalif's dark eyes landed on the family crest hanging proud over the door, and the Dark Mark rested behind him on yet another banner. Only those who knew his true identity could enter his private office. Kalif glided past the desk, and through the door before he sealed it behind him. Kalif heard what he thought was Kailie's voice, and two others. Naturally, Kalif walked through the manor, to locate the sounds.

Kalif stood by the doorway, black robes covering his entire body excluding his head, and he gazed at the scene before him. He did not like Kailie calling Nicolette her mother, but he did not stop it either. Whatever the child believed, and memories could easily fade with time. How particular, was Hades not supposed to be watching over Nicolette to ensure that she did not do what she was not supposed to? Kalif inquired darkly, "Indeed, what has my son been up to these days?" The expression on Kalif's face was unreadable, but the emotion in his eyes was not. Irritation could only be shown.
Nicolette froze and turned her head to see none other than Kalif standing in the doorway, she was actually surprised that he was even home at the moment but regarded him with a soft smile anyways. "Hello Kalif!" Nicolette shifted slightly when she felt Damianos kick, she was careful not to move Kailie around much while doing so though. When Kalif asked what Hades had been up to these past few days Nicolette tensed slightly and allowed her gold eyes to glance at everyone in the room cautiously. Of course she knew what he was up to, after hours of badgering him it wasn't hard to find out anything. "Errrrm do you really want to know?" She aksed lightly, not really in the mood to deal with Kalif being angry or moody. At the moment he seemed already aggravated enough and she wasn't willingly to let it grow.

"He is at his home with a girl!" Nicolette wanted to mentally slap herself when Kailie called that bit of information out. It was a little too late for damage control by this point, so it was probably just best to tell him straight up. Sighing loudly she scratched the back of her head and threw Cecily an apologetic look, it wasn't her intention to have her best friend go through all of this. "Hades kidnapped an Aurors sister, and is keeping her at his house. I tried to intervene but....there was nothing I could do." She threw Kalif an annoyed yet soft glance, she knew he was going to get mad and wasn't look forward to it. Tightening her grip Kailie slightly she mentally braced herself for the trouble to begin.
Cecily was about to call out a cheerful greeting to the ever irritated Kalif, always happy to be a burr in his backside, when the two had their conversation. She glanced between them then slowly she shook her head. Right, Hades kidnapped a girl. She barely managed to keep from rolling her eyes. "This is a joke, right?" she murmured, addressing Niccy. Why would a young man that looked as Hades did, spoke as he did, have to resort to kidnapping girls.
Kalif listened to Nicolette, before narrowing his eyes upon her. If he didn't want to know, then he would not have asked in the first place. But Kailie blurted out some odd information... Then came the truth. Kalif closed his eyes for a moment, remaining calm, and he shook his head, "That boy was bound to be looking for trouble sooner or later, but he had to perform a stunt like this." Black eyes opened once more, and Kalif said, "I better go and get this event straightened out before it escalates to something much worse. If he wanted to have a bit of fun," Kalif turned to leave, "why not act like a normal young man?" Kalif apparated, first to see how this should be handled before going off to Russia.
Nicolette was extremely surprised at how calm Kalif reacted to hearing the news of son is being an idiot and kidnapping someone. Glancing at the door she sighed when he said he had to go off and deal with it, she had sort of wanted to come but knew he wouldn't let her out while she was pregnant. Plus someone needed to watch Kailie and make sure that Cecily was entertained. 'I keep missing out on all the fun stuff.' She inwardly pouted, bummed that her pregnancy was causing her to miss out on a lot of fun things.

"I miss all the fun stuff." She muttered to Cecily before she rolled her eyes playfully. Actually, she was a little too tired and weak feeling to do anything really. "You want your snack now Kailie, cause I'm getting hungry." She glanced at Cecily, as if asking her if she wanted to raid the food with her.
Cecily wisely kept any comments to herself about hot headed young men and their stupid ideas. What ever happened to simply bringing a girl some flowers or some bloody chocolate. Stupid creatures they were. "I'd love to have a poke at the fridge. Time to feed the cow Kailie," she laughed, mooing jokingly and tickling the little girl.

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