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Gwen Owens-Lee

former gryffindor | conquering the world
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Curved 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Gwen was so very close to finishing school and she had to admit that she was really excited. She wasn't sure where she wanted to go after graduating, but was just excited to finally be free again and do anything that she wanted. Her youngest brothers were starting their first year at Hogwarts Scotland this year and Gwen was also quite excited for them. She would have transferred to Hogwarts Scotland with them, but didn't think it would be worth it at this point and just wanted to make the most of her last year at Hogwarts New Zealand whilst she could. People always told her that her seventh year would be the hardest, but Gwen was just so care free and knew that it was only hard if she made it hard, which definitely was not going to happen. The fact that it was her last year in the school made her think of her friends, or friend. Gwen had only interacted with a few people during her time at school, but one person that she thought was her friend and always had been was Zennon. He had always been there for her, as she had been for him, and she couldn't be more thankful for him. It was the day before classes started and Gwen was determined to find him. She was high on sugar that her grandma had given her and felt as though she was in a great mood. It was hard to locate Zennon sometimes as they were in different houses, and with his new Head Boy duties, Gwen had no idea where he could be. She eventually found him at the lakefront, and Gwen sprinted towards his turned back, starting to walk a little bit as she came closer. "Zennon!" she exclaimed, reaching into the pocket of her robes for the bag of lollies. "Hey Head Boy, Would you like some candy?"
Things had been... hard, for Zennon the last couple of months. After all, with everything that had happened, his new duties on top of it, Zennon had to wonder exactly what it meant that he was given a badge. It was like the universe was trying to hurt him and then give him something to make it worse and he didn't really understand how he was supposed to deal with all of that. He'd snuck away from people, having had enough of people, and slipped down to the Lake, just watching. He didn't really feel like he had a lot of time to himself and so getting away had been of top priority. People were suffocating, and it was good to get away because it was like every time he looked at someone, he could see his own pain reflected back at him and he was forced to relive it over again. Leda had told him that people cared and they wanted to listen. Great, but what if he didn't want them to? He heard his name being called and turned just in time to see Gwen coming up to him. Despite his mood, he found a hesitant smile for her and shook his head. "I'm okay, thank you though," he said, looking down at the multiple badges on his robes. He'd gathered something of a collection as his schooling had trudged along and he wondered what he would do with them as he continued on with his life. "It's good to see you, how are you?" He asked, his voice a little shallower than normal. Things were hard and Gwen was a friend, he didn't want to ruin her day.​
Gwen shrugged as Zennon politely refused the sweets, before reaching for one in the bag and popping one into her mouth. Her favourite - lemon! She chewed it as they spoke. "It's so good to see you too! I've been well. How about you? I'm so excited that this is our last year, can you believe it!?" she beamed at him, and then swallowed the piece of candy that was in her mouth. Zennon wasn't always the cheerful type, and she hoped that sometimes she could rub off on him. She didn't get the point of being so stressed, especially when it came to school, and Zennon was really her only friend, so she wanted him to be happy. "But how have you been though? What's been happening in your life?" The Gryffindor plopped herself down on the grass and pat down the spot next to her, gesturing for Zennon to join her.
With so much going on in his life, Zennon wasn't sure he would even know where to start with any of this if he was honest, there was just a lot going on. He didn't know how to even express what he was going through for the most part and was mostly hoping that he could just shift focus until he could get what he needed from his life. "There's a lot been going on," he said, sighing and letting his shoulder's droop. It was one thing to keep up the pretence with the prefects, but this was Gwen, one of his closest friends, from first year, how could he let her believe things were fine when they weren't? "Gwen... I," He shook his head, trying to get into the right place to say it, because this wasn't even something that was easy to say, not at all. "My sister Elsie, and my Dad, they died during the break," he finally said, not sure how else he was supposed to say it.​

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