Open Testing The Waters

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Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Valerius was not going to be one of those losers that just hung out in the dorms because they couldn't get a date. No, he was going to be seen looking gorgeous at the dance. He strutted in, actually impressed for a moment by the decor. Not one to linger, though, he grabbed a drink, some snacks, and a handful of smaller presents from under the tree before taking a seat at one of the tables, watching the people around him. He saw his sister with her not-boyfriend, rolling his eyes a little despite being slightly amused by it.
Margo wasn't sure what to expect when she had heard about the Yule ball. She had read about plenty of balls in books and they were usually romantic things with princesses and princes looking to dance the night away. When she arrived she wasn't disappointed. or at least not too terribly. She might not be a princess tonight but seeing all of her school mates in their fanciest outfits did make their great hall feel like something out of a fairy tale. The decorations were also breathtaking and the snow falling almost made her want to shiver even though it was perfectly warm. She took in all the sights and wondered when her friends would show up. They hadn't mentioned dates but she could never be sure. Eventually she spotted a boy from her year with a handful of presents in front of him. Tentatively she walked over. "Are you sure we can take more than one?" she asked and clasped her hands nervously. It seemed like the think that would be one per student and she would feel awful if he got in trouble or someone went without a present.
Valerius looked up as a girl approached, giving her a friendly smile. "Oh, they aren't for me." He chuckled. "I figured someone would approach me eventually and make for a good ice breaker." He picked one up and offered it out to her. "Valerius. Might I ask your name? You look absolutely radiant." He gave her a tender smile.
Margo listened to his explanation and was a little skeptical of his reasoning. She was sure there were easier ways to talk to someone that didn't involve potentially getting in trouble, but what did she know? She could barely talk to anyone besides Isadora and Cameron. "Has it worked?" she asked tentatively. Maybe he was onto something and she had no idea? When he held one of the presents up for her she hesitated. Well apparently that answered her question. She reached out and took the present and shook it gently and heard something rattling around inside. "Thanks." she mumbled. "My name is Margo." She wasn't sure what to say in response to his compliment so she just gave him a shy nod. "What's your name?" she asked.
Valerius smiled as she took the present. "It has now," he chuckled. He smiled as she asked about his name. "Valerius." He repeated, standing and pulling out a chair for her. "Would you care to sit and chat for a while?" He asked, flashing her his most charming smile.
Cameron fussed with his camera, trying to look busy as he snapped a few photos of the snow overhead and hoping it came out alright. He knew the actual photographers had most of the photos covered and he was mostly here to learn, but Cameron still hoped he was getting some decent shots of the decorations if nothing else. He didn't want to admit how impressive the entire hall looked decked out in all its enchanted decorations, thinking of the more subdued Christmas he had waiting for him at home and clicking his tongue in annoyance as he lowered his camera.

He was glad for a distraction when he saw Margo nearby, talking to a kid from their class Cameron didn't know, lingering back some as he heard them talking before taking a breath and stepping into the conversation. "Dude, I think he's hitting on you, gross," Cameron said emphatically, wrinkling his face in distaste and glancing at Margo to see if she'd laugh at Valerius with him or not. Cameron wouldn't be caught dead talking to anyone like that, let alone Margo, ew.
Margo let herself smile a little at his comment and fiddled with the small gift still in her hands. She felt a little silly for falling for his plan but he seemed nice enough. “That’s an interesting name.” she said without thinking and hoped he wouldn’t find her comment annoying. “Do you have a nickname people call you?” she asked. People asked her all the time if Margo was short for something but it wasn’t. She was just Margo.

She considered his offer to chat and shrugged. It wasn’t like her friends were anywhere around here. Or that was what she thought until she heard Cameron pipe up next to her. “Shut up!” she hissed at him. Margo couldn’t believe him. Why would he say that? She was managing just fine without him. Valerius' comment had been nothing. He was just being nice. “Don't you have somewhere else you need to be? Or someone else to pester?” she huffed before taking a seat.
Valerius shook his head as she asked about nicknames. "No, I prefer Valerius," He told her. He was about to ask her to sit when a new voice broke in. Valerius turned to look, raising his brow at the boys words. "It's called being a gentleman." He retorted simply. "But I shouldn't be surprised common manners are lost on a little boy. Perhaps you would find more interest in the snacks table," He shooed the other boy away, moving back to his own seat. "Ignore him, Margo. I would love to hear more about you. What house are you in?" He turned his attention solely to her, giving her his most charming smile.
Cameron smirked at Margo when she snapped at him. He couldn't wait to tease her more about this later. Was she actually enjoying having this guy try to hit on her? No way was Cameron letting this go. "Nope, just you," he said, raising his camera to stick it in Margo's face until Valerius interrupted, Cameron's expression and mood souring immediately. "Hey, who're you calling little," he snapped, hunching his shoulders as he moved to try and tower over where Valerious and Margo were sitting. Cameron knew he wasn't the biggest guy, but there were plenty other first years who were as scrawny as him so this guy could shut up. "I'm more interested in some weirdo bothering my friend," he said pointedly, eyes narrowed. No way Margo could actually like this guy, since he clearly sucked.
Margo was tempted to throw the gift in her hand at Cameron’s head when he insisted he had nowhere else to be. Instead she stuck out her tongue when he put his stupid camera in her face. But before she could do anything else she looked back to Valerius who was now mad and seemed like he was... trying to defend her? She groaned as Valerius insulted Cameron which she knew would just make things worse. “Guys stop it!” she whined. First she looked at Valerius and answered his question. “I’m in Hufflepuff.” she said bluntly and then quickly turned in her seat to look at Cameron. “He wasn’t bothering me, you weirdo.” she said using his own words. "You're the one being a bother." she complained. Margo took a deep breath and smiled next and motioned between the boys. "Valerius, this is my friend Cameron and he was just about to say sorry." she said seriously and gave Cameron and stern look.
Valerius raised a brow, completely unbothered by the boy trying to intimidate him. "I fail to see how polite conversation with a nice girl that approached me with a question is considered weird. If I was bothering her, she is surely free to leave if she chooses." He retorted. He looked to Margo as she told him her house, finding it fitting. She felt like a Hufflepuff sort. He raised a brow again as she said Cameron was about to apologize. "Was he now?" He asked, a small smile quirking his lips. This had certainly turned into an interesting dance. "If you're so perturbed, Cameron, perhaps you would like to sit with us," He offered as a bit of an olive branch. Though, if his guess was correct, Cameron would light his olive branch on fire and use it to burn down the Christmas tree. "I do, after all, have enough treats from under the tree to share," He waved idly at the little stack of boxes on the table.
Cameron bristled when Margo told him off, bristling as she introduced him to her dumb, new friend. "He talks like a robot," Cameron muttered. "She is surely free to leave if she chooses," he mimicked back, voice mocking as he crossed his arms. "No, I wasn't," he stressed, scowling between Margo and Valerius where they were sitting. It was tempting to leave, but that would be as good as admitting that Valerius won. "Those aren't even yours you just took them from the tree," he said sourly. "Don't act all cool about it." Cameron had decided he wasn't going to leave, but he wasn't going to stand either. He could just stand here and be annoying and maybe they'd leave instead.
Margo wanted to simply slide out of her chair and hide under the table as the boys continued to argue. She hated feeling like she was stuck between them. She wished Valerius would drop the subject but he didn’t know Cameron like she did. He had no way of knowing that was just how he was to everyone. She looked back and forth between them when he said she could leave if she wanted and was considering it before Cameron said the other boy sounded like a robot. “He does not.” she hissed at him and swung her elbow at him in an attempt to hit him when he mocked Valerius. Margo wasn’t surprised when Cameron didn't apologize but she had thought it had been worth a try. She was quickly realizing this wasn't going to end anytime soon and it looked like she would have to put a stop to it herself. "Will you stop." she said finally and stood up, facing Cameron. "I'm really sorry about this. Maybe we can talk another time." she suggested to Valerius before grabbing Cameron's elbow in attempt to pull him away. "Let's goooo." she said, drawling out the last syllable for emphasis.
Well, this is interesting. Valerius gave Cameron a smile. "Perhaps, but the offer still stands." He motioned to the chocolates. He was surprised when Margo stood to leave, trying to take Cameron with her. Biting back a sigh, Valerius stood himself. "No, Margo, you have nothing to apologize for. I must be off myself, I have studying to do." Valerius reached over and took three small boxes from the pile. "Enjoy the chocolates. Goodnight, Margo, Cameron," He nodded to each of them before turning and walking from the hall.
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