Teddy Is lonely

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Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Heya everyone,

REcently I have been neglacting poor Teddy here and was wondering if anyone would be willing to RP with him, get him back in use.

He is generally a calm boy, rarely gets angry unless somebody or somebody related to them has hurt his Dad or Half-Sister. He is kind, and in an on and off relationship so if you want your character to be a crush then it's fine.

Please reply!!
Hey :) I have a perfect 2nd year for him :)

Her name Is Alexis Ziamian and she's griffy 2nd year.. Interested? (Crush) lol.

Replyyy :D
Yeah, atm he's getting close with his current girlfriend again so we could make them friends first and then get together when Teddy and Immy drift apart again?
How's that sound?
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