Tech Support

Jack Dyson

Well-Known Member
Another call, another day on the job.
Jack rubbed the redness surrounding his eyes; a lot of late nights had been coming up, recently, and his call-out list was pushing to the absolute limit. Jack couldn't quite understand why his frequency in customers had suddenly boomed, though it may have had something to do with his previous celebrity encounter, and the promise of free publication. At last there had become actual evidence that some of humanity could keep to a genuine promise.

Pulling on the rugged sleeves of his overcoat and taking hold of his bag of technology, Jack snatched up his keys and headed out of the front door. The greatest plus of all this extra business, as Jack had so often mused happily to himself through tired yawns and sore eyes, was the addition of the 'tech mobil'. Starting the engine and shifting into first, Jack drove sleepily from the driveway of his house and out towards the residence of she who had summoned his experience that day.

Upon his arrival at the address, the young man smoothed over his scruffy fluffs of brownish hair. He had little time to care too wholly for it, and in his free time he did it no good by spraying it full of coloured chemical in compressed cans which would go on to clutter up his bedroom. All the fixtures of tightly knotted ribbon he often strung through it when making trip of an evening out, most probably did his split ends no good, either.
As he arrived at the door and knocked prominently, Jack pondered how long the job would take and whether or not he could fit in a hair appointment before the next call.

Usually a day that Leena Tuuri would work, however today, she had lined up an appointment with a tech support guy to help her fix her computer. She had downloaded a new software update for the old thing and it seems to have died on her. Every time she turns it on, the screen would go blue and come up with a bunch of numbers and ask her to input the restart code. Like she knew what that was. Did all muggles have this problem with their computers, or was it just her? Maybe it was the magic thing. Muggle electronics always seemed to go haywire when it came into contact with magic. It was silly, but then, who was she to complain, there had to be some downsides to living in the muggle society, as well as living in the magical society. Leena shrugged on her top and headed into the living room at the sound of knocking on her door.

"Evan, stay in your room as much as you can and do me a favour by not doing anything remotely magic, okay. Mummy has to be a muggle." She told her son as she walked past his bedroom and opened the door, smiling up at the man who, really, towered well over her small self. She blinked up at him, she hadn't really expected him to be so tall. Though she should have known, she rang a muggle establishment about a muggle problem, not a bank. Oh well, she was going to have to put up with it. So she smiled and stood back from the door allowing the man entrance into her home. Hopefully this wouldn't take too long and she would be able to make her way over to the Kaster's in New Zealand, but she had to leave soon if she was going to catch them. She lead the man over to where the computer sat on a desk against the wall in the corner of the room. She had turned it off earlier in frustration, so he was going to have to turn it back on.

"Sorry about this. I'm just not very good with computers." She looked up at him again. He was good-looking for a muggle. She sometimes could see why a magical person, such as herself, would go for a muggle, they had to be entertaining with all their creative gadgets and trinkets that they had to build to accomplish the things that wizards and witches could do with magic. All men were the same though, she would likely never trust them again. Even if she did know the truth of what happened to Ben, it didn't change anything. Not really.

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