Closed Tastes Like Honey

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (27)
Things had been difficult after leaving Hogwarts, trying to make a name for himself in the entertainment world, but the longer Kauri worked the more settled he felt in his life. Between his day job at Florean Fortescue's and the regular kids parties and events he had been picking up he was finally making ends meet comfortably, and starting to feel like he had really found his path in life. It had been difficult leaving his parents' home at first, but the more time passed, the more comfortable he got living with Flavio and Miro. Flavio was a good friend, and Miro was just about the sweetest kid Kauri had ever met. He had always known he wanted to be a dad someday, but getting to spend time with Miro and watch him grow up had only cemented that knowledge.

Kauri had always been a morning person, but he had to admit it was hard at times. He had set aside time for a shower before work, hoping the water would wake him up properly. And it had... sort of worked. He didn't feel like he was half-asleep anymore, at least. He had forgotten to bring clean clothes into the bathroom with him in his torpor though, so he wrapped a towel around his waist, hoping to make a quick dash through the living-kitchen area to his room for some clothes. Unfortunately for Kauri he was no longer the only one awake, and he laughed a little in embarrassment when he saw Flavio in the kitchen. "Oh hey, morning!" He said cheerfully, aiming for casual. "I meant to tell you, I put those mini-muffins I made last night in the fridge, you should grab a couple for Miro's lunch when November brings him over." He smiled, making his way across the room towards his own bedroom, one hand holding his towel up firmly. "Have a few yourself too, if you like!"
The summer morning was warm enough already, without the addition of the freshly brewed cup of tea in Flavio's hands. The temperature in the air alluded to another warm day, one where Flavio knew he would predictably find himself overheating and out of breath as time progressed and he went through his tasks at work, causing him to loosen his tie before he returned home. It would therefore be smarter decision to avoid the hot tea entirely and substitute it with a colder glass of water or even ice tea, and this idea had dawned on Flavio. However like many adults with little sleep the previous night, Flavio would be entirely useless without the warm drink to wake him up, and out of habit he had chosen to brew the same cup of tea he drank each morning. Similarly, he had made his same plate of toast with honey, alternately too tired and too lazy to piece together a more substantial breakfast to start his day. Mornings weren’t Flavio's favorite part of the day but the routine was obvious and like everyone and everything else in the world each day began with the sun rising to a morning, and Flavio along with everyone else needed to power through it.

Standing at the kitchen island, and leaning slightly on his elbows, Flavio stared into a blank space on the wall ahead of him as he mindlessly sipped his tea. He soon took his glasses off, placing them next to his plate of toast as he rubbed the sleep from one of his eyes, hoping he could rouse his brain from the sleep deprived stupor he found himself in. It was in that moment Flavio heard Kauri’s voice and turned his attention to his flatmate, half listening to Kauri’s greeting. Only after mumbling something resembling a ‘good morning’ in response and sipping his tea again, did Flavio put his glasses back on to find the image of Kauri in only a towel entirely clear in his vision. Out of shock and embarrassment at the sight, Flavio choked suddenly, soon looking away from Kauri and coughing as he blushed heavily and attempted to regather his composure.​
Kauri's original plan had been to leg it as fast as he could across the room to get changed, though his plan was quickly abandoned when Flavio started to choke. His eyes widened and he darted back across the room to the kitchen area, thumping Flavio on the back with his free hand like he had learned in his first aid course. "Are you okay?!" He asked, trying not to panic. It was just a little tea, Flavio would be fine. "I - nod if you're okay." He added, not sure if Flavio could talk just now. "I can get you some water too..."
Flavio was caught in a whirlwind, his face flushed and chest burning as he wheezed and coughed over the tea he’d accidentally breathed in. The pressure of Kauri’s hand on his back forced him to cough again, his throat dry and caught at the same time causing his eyes to water. He tried to wave his hand and dismiss what was happening, to tell Kauri he was okay, that he was just a little startled. But he only managed to cough again. Flavio eventually nodded at Kauri’s words to show he was okay, able to then step away and hold his own hand to his chest as he leant against a nearby counter, attempting to catch his breath and contain his coughing as if he was alright. As if the sight of Kauri in a towel hadn’t entirely surprised him.

A few moments later Flavio exhaled heavily, managing a hoarse chuckle as he recovered from his choking fit. “I am okay, I am sorry. I drank my tea too quickly.” He breathed, trying to play off what had happened as if it were nothing and that he was alright. He felt anything other than alright, but he tried to ignore this fact, furthermore trying to ignore that he was unable to look Kauri in the eye, or at Kauri at all really. He kept his gaze on the tiled floor, focusing on his breathing over anything else.​
The rough coughing only made Kauri worry more, watching Flavio's face to see if he needed to do something more serious for choking. But to his relief the other man caught his breath eventually, and Kauri felt the tension melt out of him slowly as Flavio managed to actually speak. "Ah no, all good!" He said a bit too cheerfully, trying to smooth over the situation. "Happens to everyone, aye?" He smiled, taking a step away once he was sure everything was alright. "If you're all good I'll go get dressed." He laughed awkwardly, suddenly very conscious all over again that all he was wearing was a towel.
The realization he was definitely awake quickly occurred to Flavio, and this thought paired with Kauri’s mellow words caused him to chuckle again. The situation was still horribly embarrassing however, regardless of Kauri’s casual demeanor about it all. Flavio shook his head at himself, moving to take his glasses off for a moment and using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away the tears formed in his eyes. He then returned his gaze to Kauri, thankful his vision was blurred and he wasn’t furthermore embarrassed when he spoke again. “Sorry to keep you from um, dressing. I will be okay.” He apologized gently, sighing again and looking away from Kauri as he placed his glasses back on. Stepping back to the kitchen island, Flavio picked up his plate to slide his half eaten pieces of toast into the bin, his appetite lost from what had transpired. “I do need to get to work, anyway. I will see you tonight?” Flavio asked as he placed his plate in the sink, intent to focus on his day ahead, what he would have for dinner that night, anything other than Kauri.​
Kauri laughed slightly when Flavio apologised, shaking his head quickly. "Nothing to be sorry about, you're fine!" He said cheerfully, trying to compensate for the embarrassment in Flavio's voice. He nodded when the other man asked about that evening, grinning cheerfully. "Yeah, for sure! I finish at six and I don't have anything on after work, so I'll be back around six thirty." He smiled, heading back towards his room to get changed and let Flavio finish getting ready for work. "See you later, then!"

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