Taking some time off

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hi everyone,

It's getting toward the end of my semester so I think I'm going to take next week off to catch up on my schoolwork. I love HNZ, but I have two humoungous papers to work on and a lot of reading to do over before the end of the semester. Plus, Thanksgiving is on Thursday and I'll be off to visit family for a couple of days.

I'll make up all the work I need to when I get back and for people I'm in rps with..I'll try my best to keep up with them, but if I can't, sorry!

Happy thanksgiving :)

Hey Cyndi! Understand your predicament totally, think I'll be doing that myself.

You get those papers done, I'll be eager to see you back! :D

Hey :D

Yeah I think we can basically all understand this predicament..... good luck on the papers and I look forward to seeing/ RPing with you when you get back :D

Deb (Hilary)
Cyndi, I am working on avoiding the same thing actually. I am hoping to not have to take time off, but semester end is hard this year.
Good luck and hurry back!!
'Tis understandable of course. ^_^
Hope you kick butt with school and those 2 humongous papers as well ;) and we'll be waiting for you here to welcome you back with open arms. :D

Isabella (Abby)
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