Taking It All In

Noah Lewis

Well-Known Member
Noah sat in his tent thinking about everything. The upcoming owls that seemed to be the last thing on his mind. More thoughts of Asher swirled in as did the Yule Ball and then that little thought of Sakura came in. Noah knew she had left. It was because of him. Noah knew that. He didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. This made him a horrible person. Noah knew that as well. Now he was with Asher. How could this happen? Asher deserved someone better than him just as Sakura had deserved someone better than him. So why did Asher seem to love him so. How could all his thoughts include her in some way? How was Asher the main part of everything he thought about dreamed about? He wondered if she felt the same.

Noah decided that the noise of the outside students was too much. He stood up abruptly and walked towards the forest. The last time he was in the forest was the last time he spoke to Sakura. There was a big verbal agruement and she stormed off. Now he was daring to go back in knowing that this time no one would be waiting for him. He would be all alone. Was that what he needed. Did he just have to take everything that had happened in? It all happened so fast yet Noah didn't regret any of it. Did that make him a worse of a person?

Noah sat on a fallen tree as he moved his foot in the dirt drawing random pictures in the dirt as if that was going to help him clear his mind.
Asher walked across the lawn thinking. I can't believe Sakura is gone. It's because of me. I wasn't exactly the best example of friendship. I hope she isn't angry with Noah. Oh Noah, how can one person make me so happy? How could he love me so much, I don't deserve him. He treats me so well. Someone so wonderful shouldn't love someone like me, but I'm glad he does.

Asher continued to walk and found herself on the edge of the forest. She'd always been able to think in the forest. She walked into the trees and saw a familiar sigure sitting on a fallen tree. "Noah?" she asked. She was wondering why he was sitting by himself. "Are you alright?" she asked softly walking to his side.
Noah was drawing in the dirt as his foot moved back and forth making nothing but lines and circles that meant absolutely nothing. He was thinking about everything and nothing all at once. Then he heard Asher's voice Now I even hear her all the time Noah thought I can't stop thinking about her either He thought digging his foot harder in the ground making one long line.

Noah then felt someone beside him. He looked over to see that it was Asher At least I am not imagining things Noah thought happily though he didn't want to look as he did now. Noah looked almost upset. How could he be upset when he had Asher by his side? Yet he was due to everything around him. Though Noah put a smile on his face.

"Hey" He said looking at her directly as he dismissed her question. He didn't know the answer. He didn't know if he was alright. "What brings you to the forest?" Noah asked
"Just thinking... Do you mind if I join you?" she asked quietly. Asher noticed that he had avoided the original question. He must feel like I do...I wouldn't know how to answer either.
"Thinking" Noah repeated. How that was an understatement. He wondered if she knew Sakura had left as well. He wondered if she blamed him like he did...probably. "Of coarse you could join me" Noah said attempting to flash another smile. Asher made him so happy even when he was feeling this low. How was that possible? Noah didn't know or care. He liked it.

Noah continued to rub his shoes in the dirt not knowing what to say, not knowing what to do. Really there was nothing he could do and that bothered Noah.
Asher sat beside Noah and watched him draw patterns with his shoe in the dirt. She leaned her head on Noah's shoulder and sat in the comfortable silence. "Oh Noah....I'm such a horrible person...." she sighed.
Noah felt Asher lean on his shoulder. How could she comfort him so much without saying a word? Noah continued to draw small pictures in the dirt when Asher said something that completely caught him off guard.

"You mean you are a wonderful person" Noah said not understanding how she could ever even say anything like that "You could never be a horrible person." Noah continued "But I can" He whispered as if the sound of the words hurt his tongue to say aloud. "I am a horrible person" He continued his tone hushed. You deserve better He thought his mouth unable to say the words out loud.
Asher felt the moisture in her eyes. She lifted her head when Noah called himself horrible. "No, you're not horrible...you didn't make Sakura feel like she had to leave, like I did. I can't believe I hurt her so much...." Asher's voice broke with her tears.
Noah looked at Asher the name Sakura stinging his ears. He saw that Asher was crying. He took his hand and wiped away some of the tears. "Asher" He said softly "You had nothing to do with Sakura" Noah paused the name sounding foreign to his tongue "You have nothing to do with her leaving. You were a friend to her." He continued wishing he could have been a better friend.

"We got into a fight here" Noah said looking at the ground. This was the exact spot where Sakura and Noah had their last real talk "Lots of yelling, it's my fault" He said. "it is always my fault" he added looking down at the ground remembering the night. Noah had said some things that he wished he could take back. Sakura shouldn't have left, Noah should have. He was the one that should leave not her. Noah caused all the pain.
Asher looked down. "I knew about the fight, and I know what you said to her. You couldn't have been nicer to her. I was the one who told her we were friends and then hurt her so much...It isn't your fault." Asher placed her hand Noah's cheek and looked into his eyes with conviction. "Don't ever think anything is your fault. The only thing you're allowed to be faulted for is how you make me feel."
"Everyone knew about the fight" Noah said laughing slightly though the laugh almost did not sound like his own. It wasn't bitter or spiteful. It wasn't an angry laugh or even a sad or happy laugh. It just wasn't his laugh.

"I could have been nicer" Noah said drawing a circle in the dirt "But I wasn't" he said ruining the design with one kick. "You were her friend" Noah said as he looked at Asher and felt her hand on his cheek. "Well I will take all the blame with how I make you feel without problem" Noah said smiling "But I want you to know it wasn't your fault. Nothing is every your fault well nothing bad is ever your fault" Noah said smiling slightly.
Asher smiled warmly. "I'll only agree with you if you promise to understand that nothing is your fault either." Asher wrapped her arms wround Noah and hugged him lovingly. Noah couldn't have been hurtful if he tried, and Asher knew it.
Noah loved to see Asher smile though he wasn't completely sure that he had nothing to do with Sakura leaving. In a way he still blamed himself. She had given him her heart and Noah basically stomped on it more than once. Noah was determined not to do the same with Asher. He just couldn't do that. This time was different. He knew that as he looked in her eyes.

"if I promise than will that appease you?" Noah asked smiling.
Asher smiled warmly. "Yes." She leaned up and kissed Noah lovingly. "And I know you're just promising me that to make me feel better. But thank you..."
Noah kissed Asher back as if he could never be happier. It was hard for him to be even after everything that happened. Noah pulled away slowly and had that all too common dopey smile on his face. "Any time" Noah said smiling more "Anything to make you feel better" Noah said as he drew a small heart in the ground with his foot unknowingly. Once he looked down he almost began to blush but prevented it. Noah careful erased the heard unsure if Asher saw it.
Asher smiled blissfully at Noah. She saw him glance at his drawings in the dirt and then quickly erase it. But not before Asher saw it was a heart. She smiled. Asher took Noah's hand and turned it palm up. With her finger she traced a heart in the palm of him hand and then kissed it. "So you always know you have my heart." she said, her eyes filled with love.
Noah watched as Asher took his hand feeling her draw the heart in his palm. If only it could stay forever there as an imprint of everything of her love of his of everything between them.

Noah looked at his palm and smiled as he still felt Asher's touch following through him. "Well I think it is quite obvious that you have stolen my heart" Noah said "I doubt I will ever get it back though I think it is in good hands" he said gasping both of her hands in his, as he felt her warmth and looked at her with compassion.
Asher giggled. "Well, thats good, because I don't think I'll ever want to give it back." she teased. "I never give up whats mine...especially when its so important."
Noah laughed. "As I suspected" Noah joked "At least you find it important" noah said. Thoughts swirled around his mind. How could this be? Did he really have the right to be happy? After everything? Asher wasn't giving him a choice. He just had to be happy around her like it was fate. Yes fate.
Asher giggled. Her eyes were locked on Noah's. Fate...happiness...perfection...no, none of those words was enough...only one word fit... "Love..." she said quietly, not realizing she was speaking. Her eyes widened after a moment when she realized what she'd said. She knew she had probably finally succeeded in scaring Noah away completely.
Noah just stared out into the forest. So many things had occured yet he was so content and happy it wasn't even funny. Though he still had not settled things with James and Isabella. Maybe he should talk to them so time I may have to... Noah began thinking but his thoughts were cut off by one word that came out of Asher's mouth.

Noah didn't looked down at Asher. He was so close to blushing it was almost scary. Did she just say what I think she said Noah thought not knowing how to react to that. The word had never seemed to be in his life before and suddenly it just came out of the blue.

"Love eh?" Noah said smiling "I guess you have fallen for me as much as I have fallen for you" He said thinking over what he said as the words came out. This time a small red appeared on Noah's cheeks. Only for a moment then his true color came back but still. He had just sounded like a complete dork.
Asher looked at Noah. Please don't scare him away. Why did you say that?! Then Noah surprised her. "I guess you have fallen for me as much as I have fallen for you" he said. Asher blinked as the words sunk in. "You've fallen for me?" she asked quietly. A shadow of a smile played on her lips as Noah's cheeks tinged red for a moment.
"Maybe" Noah said smiling at Asher's question. "I thought it was obvious, but maybe not" Noah continued "Of course I have fallen for you and be grateful I don't know how many guys are willing to admit that aloud" Noah said laughing slightly. No guys that he knew would ever say something like that to a girl, but for that moment it seemed right to do so.
Asher smiled and blushed deeply. She looked down shyly. "I guess I don't have to tell you that I've fallen for you do I?" Asher had never expected to tell Noah how she felt, let alone to know that he was feeling the same way. Asher felt like she could float if she let herself. You better hope he isn't just saying that to make you drop it......I didn't even think of that.
"No I don't think you have to tell me" Noah said putting a little strength on the word have just to see her reaction out of it all. Noah felt really odd for a moment. He had just said something completely out of his comfort zone. That wasn't usually like him even if it was the truth. Good thing Asher didn't take it the wrong way.

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