Taking A Break

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava always felt better when she was with Vader. Less defiant, less angry. She skipped along next to him as she made her way to the kitchens. "Halloween is sooo exciting! We need to go to the feast." She giggled, taking Vader's hand in hers and swinging it as she walked. "I don't know if I'll wear a costume this year." She scrunched her nose. The thought of asking her papa for a costume made her stomach turn. She paused as they came to the kitchens. It hit her at that moment that it was possible her cousin could be here. She swallowed nervously before entering. "Lily?" She called, spotting the other Lockwood quickly. Ava let out a breath before walking over. "Hey," She greeted with a shy smile. "What are you making?"
Lily had been making some fresh treats when she heard someone call her name. She emerged from the oven, a hot tray of muffins in her hands. She poked her head up to see her cousin. "Avaria?" She set the muffins down, noticing the boy with her. "And... ah... Vader? Hello," She greeted with a soft smile. "I, ah," She stuttered a little. The house elves were very nice to let her bake her in the kitchen. She just didn't get disturbed by other students often. "Muffin?" She asked shyly, a blush creeping into her cheeks.
Vader followed Helene, letting her do the the guiding, ”I don’t usually wear anything too complicated, maybe I could go dressed as Timmy Turner,” he suggested for himself after she had indicated that she wouldn’t wear one. He had a tired hint on his tone, but it was clear he was quite happy to talk to her. Quite happy to spend the time with her. Vader followed Ava into the kitchens and stopped short when Helene did. He listened as she greeted someone named Lily. The person looked up from where they were bent over the oven and smiled a little at them. Sipping lightly on his fresh coffee and letting go of Helene’s hand. He was surprised that this girl, Lily knew him. ”Hi,” he greeted in return before nodding, He wasn’t quite sure what to do. He didn’t want to keep standing, he was hoping to take a break which wouldn’t be doable if he was stood awkward, ”I’d like a muffin, if they aren’t too hot?” Vader looked to Ava as if for permission for it, but did made his way to the first available seat. There at least he could sit and just let the situation unfold, sipping the coffee lightly.
Ava nodded as Lily greeted them. She couldn't help but smile softly at the younger girl. "Ah, that's right." She murmured to herself as Vader asked for a muffin. "Hey, this is my cousin Lily. She's a second-year Hufflepuff. Her little brother Ren just got sorted into Gryffindor." She told him, taking a few muffins from Lily with a thank you before sitting down with Vader and giving him one. "Lily makes the best sweets. Try one." She took a bite of hers, melting into her chair as she did so. "Lils, come sit with us," Ava invited her over.
Lily blushed more as the boy accepted her offer. "Oh, yes, I have a few," She turned to the previous batch on the counter. She had only made two batches today. She offered a couple to Ava, who took them and sat down with Vader. Lily hesitated as her cousin introduced them. "I-it's a pleasure to, ah, to meet you." She stammered shyly. She blushed, looking away as Ava complimented her. She glanced up as her cousin asked her to join them. "O-oh, N-no," She stammered quickly, smiling nervously and waving her hand at her cousin. "I couldn't, ah, couldn't p-possibly intrude." She stepped back, accidentally bumping into the counter.
Vader wasn’t sure about what to make of the new girl, but she was according to Helene, her cousin and also a hufflepuff. He waved at her and smiled, ”Hi Lily,” he greeted her again from where he’d taken a spot in the room. He took a sip of his coffee and was pleased when Helene gave one to him. He put down the coffee and very carefully started munching on the muffin, he could agree that this Lily girl made excellent sweets because he made an appreciative noise as he took a second and third bite of it. Vader nodded in agreement when Helene offered for her to sit with them, but the girl didn’t seem to want to. ”No, you should join us!” Vader agreed with a nod taking another bite of the muffin he had, munching quickly. ”You should definitely join us. We’re just taking a bit of break, so you could join us?” Vader would be happy for her to join them, after all, they were just sitting taking a bit of a break it wasn’t like this was a whole big thing, he was certainly enjoying just sitting and relaxing a little bit. He could feel his mind relaxing a little, and put more at ease as he had a snack, he had needed to take a break that much was evident. The coffee kept him awake and his hands were shaking a little but his mind didn’t feel as busy. "This is delicious,"
Ava gave her cousin a soft smile, quickly agreeing as Vader reassured her. "Lily," She told her gently, "If it was intruding I wouldn't have asked. We haven't really talked much yet. I want to get to know you. Vader is pretty much my brother, I want you to know him too. Please? I'd really like it," She pleaded gently. If she got over the fact that her father had lied about this to her as well, she was actually beyond thrilled that she had more family. Three cousins, an aunt, and an uncle. She'd love to know more about the Lockwoods that she had never met. She patted the seat next to her hopefully. "Please," She repeated again softly. "I've never had a lot of family before..." She admitted with a shy smile.
Lily bit her lip, uncertain when Vader said she could stay. She turned to her cousin, though, surprised by Ava's soft statement. How could Lily refuse that? She had spent all her life surrounded by her family. The thought of not having them.... Lily picked up the basket with the cooled muffins and set it on the table, sitting down between the two of them. "A-alright," She stammered a bit. She turned to Vader. "Um, I may, ah, may be wrong, but i-is Padme, ah, your sister?"
Vader slowly munched on the muffin as he let the two girls interact. He put the coffee down on the table and lightly put a hand on Helene’s shoulder when she spoke about never having a family. He was generally quite annoyed at the way Helene’s father treated her. He wanted her to always know she had family with him, but of course it couldn’t ever really replace real family. The boy smiled a little sympathetically at her. He wanted Lily to stick around, he wouldn’t really mind it, she seemed nice enough and if Helene wanted to spend time with her then he did too. He made a little room for her to sit and just went back to focusing on the coffee and the muffin. He was half way through a mouthful of muffin when Lily turned to him. He nodded, taking a drink of the coffee to swallow the mouthful, ”Yeah, she’s a first year, in Hufflepuff with you,” he gave a little smile, he wondered if perhaps Lily had met her, or had seen her about the place. He yawned a little, covering his mouth as he did so, ”Have you met her?” he asked, he hadn’t interacted much with Padme at school, he was busy and he’d noted that she had friends which was good, but he was still concerned and keen to make sure she didn’t encounter anything like he had in the school, maybe Lily would be able to tell him as much.
Ava felt warmed by the hand on her shoulder and moved to place her fingers over Vader's without breaking her gaze away from Lily. She smiled brightly as the girl moved to sit with them. She was glad Lily had decided to stay, even if Ava was now a bit lost for words. She picked up a chocolate chip muffin as Vader and Lily talked about Padme. Ava hadn't thought to check up on the younger girl. She kicked herself. She needed to stop being so wrapped up in her own problems. She just wasn't sure how. She stayed silent, taking a bite and letting the two converse without her. Ava was really starting to become convinced that she was a horrible person.
Lily listened as Vader asked if she knew Padme. She nodded. "We talked once, briefly. I didn't think to connect the two of you, though." She managed without stuttering. Ava was family, and that made Vader family too, right? No need to be nervous. She swallowed and sat up a little straighter. "She seemed really nice." She offered, smiling at Ava as she bit into a muffin. "Do you like them?" She asked Ava shyly.
Vader smiled with ease at Helene, trying to provide her with some semblance of comfort as she dealt with this situation. It was all friendly enough but he knew how hard it was for her and her family, how tricky things were so of course he would do whatever little he could to help. His gaze rest upon Lily though and smiled, ”My sister is nice, I think she’s settled in well. This school is hopefully being nicer to her than our last school was,” he knew that it was his fault, it was his name that had started their school problems and she had suffered because of it. He let himself sink a bit, sipping lightly on the coffee between bites of the muffin as Lily addressed Ava rather than him. He was enjoying just relaxing and eating. It was his birthday after all, and he could enjoy the peace, the quiet conversation and the muffin which was as good as any cake would be.
Ava nodded as Lily turned to her. "They're delicious, right Timmy?" She asked him with a smile. "I wasn't able to make you a cake for your birthday, but these are really good too." She decided, trying to assure him. Or maybe she was trying to assure herself. She wasn't sure what she was doing much anymore. She turned to Lily. "Oh, speaking of younger siblings, how's Ren?"
Lily bit her lip. "I hope it is. She seems happy, at least."

She smiled as her cousin said the cupcakes were good. Her brow furrowed as Ava called Vader Timmy. "Wait. Timmy?" She questioned, looking between them. She gasped as Ava said it was his birthday. "What? You should have told me! I'll make him a cake. I can bring it after dinner!" She nodded decisively before turning to Vader. "What flavors do you like?"

She smiled as Ava asked about Ren. "Oh, he's good. He's in Gryffindor though." She sighed. "I was hoping he would be in Hufflepuff with me, but I suppose not."
Vader nodded and looked towards Lily as she asked about his nickname, ”Yeah, erm….my middle name is Timothy so Timmy,” the boy didn’t feel like going into too many details about why she called him that rather than by his name. Vader wasn’t sure he wanted to talk about how terrible he found his own name. He was trying to be better with it, to be less frustrated or shy about his name, though it was still a point that people even at Hogwarts made jokes about. He shook his head at both of them, ”Oh no! It’s okay! I don’t need a cake,” he looked between Helene and Lily, ”Really, I have work to be getting back to with Accio, so it’s better if no cake,” The boy assured them both hoping they’d both let it go. He didn’t have time to be celebrating his birthday, he didn’t have time to be celebrating his birthday. There was so much to be doing. Vader sipped his coffee and smiled lightly at them both.

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