Closed Take Me Home With You

Jonah Edogawa

kendo • i hate it here • finicky
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Attending boarding school had been Jonah’s dream. He’d been so excited about going to Hogwarts and learning magic for as long as he could remember. Maybe Eli or Yuri were excited too, but it was all Jonah had been able to talk about days and weeks before they got on the train. And now he wonders why he was ever excited at all. He hated school and everything just went so wrong after the Sorting Ceremony. He hadn’t talked to Eli since and he missed him but Eli was still mad at him that Jonah wanted to cry everytime he saw his brother outside of class. He couldn’t even talk to Eli in class because that would just make him more mad. He hadn’t talked to Ro either in a while. He’d been slowly avoiding her after the whole thing with their Heads of Houses and Gryffindor losing forty - forty - points. He got two best friends for it but he’s been afraid of Ro hating him when he’d caused the point loss that he’d started avoiding her too outside of class. He wasn’t close to Yuri, and she could be mean, and he didn’t need mean. And he didn’t want to bother Hina-nee. And that was just his sibling problems! Classes were so hard. He thought only the lectures were hard, but he was having trouble with the spells too. And the teachers were so mean. And Flying - the one thing he was apparently good at - was turning out to be his worst class. He wanted to go home. And so, here he was on Brightstone Village. He knew his kaa-chan would be here. She told him so and kaa-chan wouldn’t lie to him. He just needed to find her. “Kaa-chaaan!” he called out once he finally caught sight of his mother as he ran towards her and tackled her into a hug, his arms going around her waist as he buries his face in her clothes. He missed her so much. “Take me home with you,” he mumbled into her clothes as he felt tears welling up. He wanted to go home.
Taylor didn't say anything as she looked at her son clinging to her, she didn't think she needed to as her arms wrapped around him, enveloping him in a way she hadn't done in some years. As her babies had gotten older they'd needed her less and less, one could argue that one of the reasons she has continued to have children is to chase that feeling again before it disappears, that, perhaps, is why she has found herself pregnant yet again, despite Lewis almost heading to Hogwarts. She'd almost had them all out of the house and at school, but that wasn't really fair to how she really felt about it, since she always knew she would allow any of her children to come home whenever they needed to. She loved them all equally, even if some of them gave her prematurely grey hairs. She saw a lot of herself in her children, she saw a lot of Conan and Ai, and in some of them, she saw Jeremiah and Liam, consequences of allowing them all to grow up so closely, she supposed. Her arms squeezed around her son, and memories flooded her of the last time he'd hugged her quite like this. Something was clearly terribly wrong for him to act this way, and though she never minded her children wanting her physical closeness or asking her for affection, she didn't like that it was because something had upset him. She wanted to help him, if she could. Unfortunately, if it was school related, perhaps there was little she could do. "Ah, Jonapon, what's wrong my darling?" She asked him, continuing to hold him close. She didn't know why he wanted to go home with her, and she wasn't sure she could simply remove him from he school right this minute, but if he really wanted to leave, she would take him, absolutely. She didn't let him go, but she moved one of her hands up to run her fingers through the soft stands of his hair. "Come on honey, tell me what's wrong."
Jonah hugged his mum even tighter when he felt her arms around him. He could feel his throat clogging up and his eyes getting wet. He didn't want to cry but his mum was here and she was giving him a big hug and her hand was in his hair and he didn't want to go back to school where Eli and Ro hated him. What's worse is that he couldn't even tell Kaa-chan that because he didn't want her to know that they were fighting. He's not a tattletale. Now if he could just not cry too, that would be perfect because he's not a baby no matter what Eli says. But now he didn't know what to tell Kaa-chan. He didn't how to tell her all of the things that made him hate Hogwarts so much that he just wanted to leave and go home. He didn't want her to be so disappointed in him because he was sure that he was failing his classes. He even lost points. And the teachers hated him even though the Headmaster said that they were supposed to help him. The Headmaster was a liar. But he didn't know how to tell his mum that either. There were so many things that he should and needed to tell her because it just all seemed like so much but he didn't know how to and why was this so hard? It was never this hard to talk to Kaa-chan or Tou-chan. But it was hard to want to see Tou-chan at school, and Kaa-chan seemed so far away that he didn't want to disappoint her in the few times he would get to see her. This was so awful. He didn't know to tell her all this that he just ended up shaking his head, his face still buried against her clothes, but now he could feel his tears falling. He wasn't a baby, he was a big boy! But this was Kaa-chan!
"Oh honey," she said in a soothing tone, rubbing this back. He wasn't crying, but it was the fact she could tell that he was trying not to that was worrying her. She frowned, looking around to see if the could take him anywhere that might either cheer him up, or calm him down and she looked at one of the toy shops seeing a toy broom in the window and that sparked an idea in her. "Do you wanna come for a fly with me? We can have a little loop race?" She asked him, hoping that, by the end, he might have relaxed enough that he could tell her what was wrong. "Just you and me, no touchan, no brothers or sisters, just like it used to be when you were learning, do you remember?"
Jonah burst out crying. He wanted to fly with mama but he was failing Flying. "I'm failing Flying class I'm sorry kaa-chan," he said in between great heaving sobs. He could guess he was failing because he kept getting in trouble in that class more than any other class. When classes had started, he'd thought he'd be ahead of everyone because he'd gone to Mahoutokuro hadn't he? And this wasn't his first school. But everything was so different and he thought he was good but he was not. And he couldn't catch up because reading the books was so hard so he didn't want to read them anymore and it was so hard to focus in class too but that wasn't new. And then there was Flying which he was supposed to be good at because it wasn't even supposed to have theory or writing and he'd been hoping it would pull up his grade but it was so boring and he couldn't even get extra credit because he was losing points instead. It was the one class he was sure he'd excel in but the rules move and he couldn't understand why he was failing for being good. He hated Hogwarts. And now he was just crying on kaa-chan because he wanted to go for a fly with her but he didn't want to fly now because he was failing Flying.
"What? What do you-?" Taylor couldn't finish what she was about to ask because suddenly her child was wailing and she wasn't going to get anything out of him now. What did he mean he was failing flying, how did you fail flying? How could he fail flying? He already knew how to fly! She had the vaguest sense that something else was going on, a communication or something, because it didn't make sense to her that he could be failing something she knew he knew how to do. Perhaps he'd misunderstood the assignment, or maybe he wasn't quite flying the way that was expected, Merlin knew she had taught each of her children different flying techniques because they each knew differently. It wasn't the end of the world, it was an important fundamental class, sure, but it wasn't going to ruin his academic record if he was just sliding in with that class. She patted him softly on the head, keeping her arms wound tightly around him. She knew that now that he was this upset, there was no talking to him, she was just going to have to wait it out. She wanted to know what was going on, but she really wouldn't be able to understand him at the moment, she whispered soothing Japanese words to him, words she'd often overheard Ai telling her babies back when they were small. It had always seemed to calm each of them down, even though they were bilingual. Jonah particularly always just seemed more drawn to his home language.
Jonah was upset about a lot of things. If he was honest, he'd been upset since the first night in the castle. And he hadn't cried since then so he thinks it's a win. He was upset that he was in different houses with Eli and Ro. He was upset that Eli was mad at him. He was upset that he lost Gryffindor points. And he was upset that he was too stupid to get good grades in classes and that Eli was right that he really was dumb. Because he either couldn't focus enough in class or the teachers were all talking too fast or too much and the books were so hard and now Jonah was failing a class that didn't even need books that his Kaa-chan had taught him all his life. But now Kaa-chan was there and she was talking to him in Nihongo through his tears and it felt a little bit like home. He missed home so much. He missed Tou-chan calling everyone to the table at dinner and Kaa-chan yelling at all of them and Ro's little smiles and Eli's grumpiness. Now Tou-chan was eating at a different table that he didn't feel he could go to, Kaa-chan was so far away, Ro seemed like she was always scared more than ever, and Eli hated him. Everything was so wrong in Hogwarts but Kaa-chan speaking Nihongo to comfort him was a little bit of home. "I wanna go home kaa-chan," he sniffles as he slowly calms down.
"It's okay sweetie, if you really want to come home, I won't force you to stay," she says simply. Even after more than half her life in Japan, her Japanese is not up to the standard her children or husband's is. Well, that's not entirely true, she understands it perfectly well, though her pronunciation is sometimes a little off. Hiragana and Katakana are almost second nature now, but it's sometimes the kanji that gets her. She never did manage to get past the basic 250 or so. She'd never been a good student. Her kids take pity on her wrong words and just go with it though. So whilst the sentiment was the same, she'd used the wrong placement of words and chosen omae instead of kimi, mostly she figured if nothing else it would make him laugh, well she hoped. It was hard for them to understand how their mother couldn't speak their native language sometimes. "What's been happening?"
Jonah couldn't help but give a wet chuckle at his kaa-chan's Nihongo. She says things weirdly sometimes, and he'd given up on correcting her after so many years. She gets them wrong every now and then anyway, and that's okay because Jonah loved it anyway. He sniffled as she asked him what's been happening which he supposed was fair. He hadn't written to her since he'd started Hogwarts, too scared that she'd find out about breaking into the Headmaster's office if he said the wrong thing. He'd only written Lew-chan to tell him about Quidditch. But he hadn't written anything else. "I hate school," he says sullenly. Well, he didn't hate school, he'd been fine with going to Mahoutokuro. And he'd been excited to attend Hogwarts. He just hated going to Hogwarts now because it sucked. If this were a time he'd have gotten his grades, he would be showing them to his mum right now. Or not. Probably hide it away really. Either way, it was perhaps only a matter of time before he did get his grades back and he already knew he'd get a big fat T. He probably should just admit to it. "I'm failing Flying, Kaa-chan," and that honestly made him want to start crying again. But he wasn't, because Kaa-chan was here and maybe she would take him home.
Felix walked back in the other direction heading back to Keye's pub.
Taylor couldn't understand how Jonah could be failing flying, not since he'd been flying since birth basically. All of her kids had been on brooms since birth, even before then really because she'd been flying with the Tengu for about that long. The idea that Jonah, who was easily the best trick flyer out of the triplets, could be at the bottom of his classes a flyer was actually a little insulting. She knew there had to be more to it than that. "Honey, why are you failing? Are you having any trouble? Maybe we can iron it out now and you can go and ask the Professor to help make it up," she didn't know why the professor wouldn't have offered to help in the first instance, since that seemed more like it should her job, but perhaps having so many students meant she simply was entirely aware that the students sometimes needed help. She remembered how many first years had been in her classes and it had been an awful lot.
Jonah was sure that Flying wasn't the only class he was failing, but it was by far the worst. And it was the worst because he already knew how to fly. He liked to think that he was a better flier than most his siblings, he was just younger that's all! He wasn't the fastest but he was sure that he could be the best among his siblings if they were all the same age. He would have snorted if he had the energy, but as it was, he just held on tighter to his kaa-chan. "The professor doesn't like me," he admits because that was the only reason he could think of. "She hates me," he stresses so kaa-chan can understand the gravity of the situation. Sure, he had done more than what was asked for in the class but wasn't it really unfair that he had to dumb down for the other kids to catch up? That doesn't happen in other classes, and he would know because he was the one behind in all the others. And besides, he only did it once. "I do what she says but she hates me." He'd flown within her rules. She said height and speed that they were comfortable with. Jonah was a fast flier, a chaser, that had been taught and trained by his mum. He was comfortable. And he even made sure to stay out of the other kids' way, and still he got in trouble. "I hate it here mama, the rules change." He missed home. The rules don't just change on Jonah at home.
Taylor didn't know what was going on, and she was annoyed that she didn't have more time with Jonah to figure it out either because she would have to leave in half an hour and it just wasn't enough time to spend with her child. She didn't like it, and she couldn't quite figure out what was wrong either because nothing that he was saying was making a lot of sense in her mind since she had always known the school to be very fair and Jonah to be rather bright, he was very high in his classes though not the top, no one expected him to be the top student though. She never expected any of her students to be exceptional, just themselves, well, unless it was flying, they were all born to fly. So this made even less sense. "How could she hate you my love?" she asked, clear confusion in her tone. She moved slightly away from him but only to reach down and cup his face in her hands. "You're one of my favourites," she said, but of course she said that to each of them, because they were all her favourites in their own ways. "How could anyone hate my darling boy?" she knelt down a little to be at a better height to him and because him squeezing her stomach was making her a little queasy. "All you have to do is tell me what you want and if you want to leave here right now I will pull you out of that school, have you talked to your siblings? Yuri? Rose and Eli? What about Hina?"

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