Closed Swing Sets, Flowers and Peace

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Sully)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
During their day in Brightstone, Chloë's family had decided to take a lunchbreak in the park. Her grandparents had bought food for her and her cousins and they were sat down on the grass. For some reason her younger cousins had been bursting with energy today, and the ten year old was starting to get a bit annoyed by them. So, she finished her sandwich and made her way over to the swingsets, knowing they were too far away for her grandparents to allow her younger cousins to follow. The park was busy that time of day and Chloë couldn't help but to be let down when she arrived at the swingsets and all of the swings were taken. Nonetheless, she was still glad to get some rest from her hyperactive younger cousins for a second. Deciding she would wait around untill one of the other kids was done swinging, the young girl sat herself down on the grass and started absentmindedly plucking daisies and making them into a chain.
Harper decided to spend his day at the park, his sister was off on some hiking adventure and his mother was working of course. He had his hands in his pocket, there wasn't much that he liked to do at the park. Looking for the swings, he noticed they were all full. Harper made his way over to the swing set anyway, deciding to wait. Another girl his age was plucking daisies, perhaps she had the same idea and was waiting on a swing. "Are you waiting to swing?" He asked her, not wanting to take her turn.
Chloë was caught of guard by another kid that had made his way towards the swingsets asking her if she was waiting, causing her to accidently break the chain of daisies she was working on. She softly sighed, before looking up at the boy and giving him the slightest hint of a smile. The girl was a little annoyed that he caused her to mess up, but it was nice of him to ask her if she was waiting so she felt like it wouldn't be fair to react annoyed. Rather, she'd stay polite. "Yep, they're kind of populair today apparently." Chloë replied, before starting to pick out daisies for a new chain, determined to finish one. "But I'm also fine here, so if you're aching to go you can go first if one of them comes free."
Harper looked down at the daisies she was playing with. He noticed her sigh and wondered if he interrupted something. "No, that's alright." Harper leaned against the swingset. "Are you making something?" He said curiously, interested in her concentration.

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