Swimming with.....

Conan had just finished preparing the food and watched as the older boy gave Ai a towel as well. The older Ravenclaw boy had also checked Ai's temperature and reminded her not to move too much. "How is she?" he asked as he got closer to both of them. Conan also checked Ai's temperature and she seemed to be developing a cold. "Okay. So, you've caught a cold." he told Ai. "Come on, let's eat. The food's ready," he told Ai and Tsukino-senpai. Conan turned his back against Ai and said, "Come on, Ai. I'll take you there," he said. Ai complained but Conan said, "No buts. I won't be hearing excuses and complaints. Hop on," he told his twin and Ai had obeyed. Conan carried her to where they had set up the food and brought her down.
Ai, now seated a few feet from the food preparations, was wrapped in three sheets of towel. One is hers, another from her brother and another from her senpai. She remained silent as her senpai checked her temperature. And when her brother had approached them, "Ne, Onii-chan, Ryuuji-niisan. Gomenasai." she said. She knew it didn't exactly help since her brother had assured her that she had a cold. When her brother had told her that he would carry her she said, "Ie, Onii-chan. I can walk there myself," but her brother wouldn't take no for an answer. She hesitantly climbed her brother's back and got down as they reached the food. "Arigatou," she whispered to her brother and gave him a slight kiss on the cheek.
"There really is no need to apologize Ai-chan, it's partly our fault too as we didn't tell you to get off the water already." The young Ravenclaw said, seriousness evident in his tone. They were supposed to be her big brother, and they were supposed to look after her, but then, instead, what they did was just play. And he should be even more guilty as, though he didn't really mean it, he hit her with a ball. Though it may not contribute to her having a cold at all, it still counts as him being an irresponsible brother. He followed silently as the twins went to the place where the older twin had prepared their food. He's the oldest one here, he's supposed to be responsible for them. With a shake of his head, Ryuuji tried to get rid of this nagging regrets. There's no looking back to the pass, what they need to do now is to keep the younger girl warm so as to not worsen her cold at all."It would be better if you would change your clothes Ai-chan, the towels wouldn't help that much if you're still wet."He said once more before he took his towel and proceeded to dry the younger girl's hair. Surely, the food can wait right? The younger girl should first try to change so as to not make herself even more sick.
"Yeah, there's no need really. But you know, you shouldn't have given us more time on purpose. You could have gotten out of the water earlier," he told her sister, when her sister had apologized to them. Ai was slightly surprised on how he knew and asked, "Two things. Ability. And your my sister, my twin to be exact. Of course I had an idea on what you're thinking," he answered. Conan had blushed a bit from his sister's kiss on the cheek. He agreed with Tsukino-senpai that Ai should change first, "I'll go get her clothes," he offered. He ran to their bags and brought Ai's bag. And when he got to Ai, he froze. How could he be an idiot, and he only realized it when Ai said something.
Ai smiled when both her companions had forgiven her. But it surprised her that her brother knew what she was thinking when she was in the water. "How did you know?" she asked absentmindedly. Her brother had given her answers and she was satisfied. A few minutes later, Ryuuji-niisan had began drying her hair, "Arigato, Ryuuji-niisan. But aren't I being a little too spoiled?" she asked quite worried that she might be. Conan had offered to fetch her clothes and when he got there Ai said something. "Ne, Onii-chan, Ryuuji-niisan. I'll be going inside the castle now. I'd be changing clothes. I'd be back later. You can't exactly come with me, right? Since, the both of you are boys," she told both of them and waited for their reply.
Ryuuji had to laugh at the younger girl's remarks. It might have look like that they were indeed spoiling her, but then again, he didn't really care. She was their younger sister, and of course, they'll be taking care of her, be it that other call it as doting over her then, he didn't particularly mind it that much."No.. Ai-chan's not being spoiled, just this time.. let us treat you like a little princess, ne?" He said, pinching the girl's cheeks before he wrapped her with the towel again and went back to where he was seated. His eyes then followed her twins actions as he went to fetch her clothes. They were really amusing, really close indeed. The way that they care for each other is quite amazing actually, it is very rare for siblings nowadays to act like this after all, though of course, him and his older sister are like them at times too. The young Ravenclaw laughed once more when the younger girl pointed out that they cannot accompany her in changing out of her wet clothes, after all, she's a girl, and well... bother of them are boys. No, definitely not allowed indeed. "Nope...we aren't really allowed, but it doesn't hurt to accompany you inside though right? Of course, you should really change by yourself, but Conan-kun or I can escort you back to the castle." He added with a smile on his face as he run his fingers in his hair, head tilted upwards as he watched the different cloud formations forming up above them.
Ai had smiled when her senpai had told her to let them treat her as a little princess. She was glad that she now had two brothers. Ryuuji-niisan really does treat her as a younger sister and she is happy about it. When her senpai had told her that one of them will accompany her inside the castle, Ai shook her head. "Ie, I will go alone. I'll be back here in a few minutes, okay," she said. Conan had tried to complain but she just shook her head and said, "Onii-chan didn't listen to my complaints a while ago. So, I'm not listening to his. Ja ne!" she said as she ran towards the castle to change her clothes.
Conan agreed to Tsukino-senpai that one of them should accompany Ai to go inside the castle. But Ai said that she would go alone. "Machigainaku! You have a cold, so either one of us is accompanying you," he told Ai. Ai wouldn't hear of his complaints and just ran off to the castle with her bag. "Honto ni, what a troublesome little sister," he said as he dropped to the grass. "Wouldn't let us accompany her and just ran off by herself," he complained as he looked at Tsukino-senpai seating in the grass.
<COLOR color="#000">"Maa, maa...our little sister's all grown up Conan-kun." Ryuuji said albeit a little too dramatically as he imitated the younger boy's actions and lied down to the grass as well. The blades of the green grass below him tickles him in some area, but he paid it no heed. His eyes were now locked up above him, watching the clouds. He somehow envies them, just how free they are, how they just go along with the wind sometimes, how they can change their forms at their will.. quite envious really. He smiled at that thought though, it was quite absurd after all, for a human being to envy the clouds, he must have been going a little nuts. He then turned his head to the side, chuckling at the younger boy's comments abut the younger twin. "Ai-chan wants to learn how to be independent. Let's support her, ne?" He said as he placed one hand under his head, closing his eyes as he let himself relax a little, feeling the wind blew against him. Everything seemed to be perfect, birds were singing their own tune faraway, tress dancing with the wind, sun shining brightly, yes, perfect indeed. "Conan-kun..do you like someone?" It was a question that had been pulled out of the blue, a question that he had asked Ai a few days ago. He wondered if the younger boy would answer it though, if not, then it would still be fine anyways.
"Hai, hai. She is," he replied on the comment that the older boy had said. Conan watched his surroundings and thought it was perfect. Fluffy clouds, blue sky, singing birds, green grass and the beautiful lake. Everything was perfect. Tsukino-senpai told him that Ai was learning on how to be independent and that they should support her. "Well, Ai's been independent on everything except making friends ever since Okaa-san and Oto-san died. I'm just a little worried, since she caught a cold," he told the Ravenclaw boy. The sudden question had surprised Conan and answered truthfully, "Well to be honest, I don't." Conan recalled his group, the Detective Boys and said, "But, in my group, the Detective Boys, I do have problems with the word 'like'. And a lot of them, too."
Ryuuji just nodded his head as he listened carefully to everything that the younger boy was saying. True, the younger girl was indeed independent already, and she's proven then a couple of times already. Just few days ago in fact, they had baked something in the castle's kitchens, though the fact was that it was only her who do all the baking, what he did was just watch over her. Cooking is truly not his forte, not at all, but Ai, she was definitely good with it. She knew the things that she should do, and the things that she shouldn't. "Oh, I see then." It was a simple response to Conan's statement. So, unlike his twin, this boy had no one that he likes in that way then, not surprising as it doesn't really seemed to be in his character. He seemed to be someone who's to focus on protecting his sister to turn his attention on somebody else after all. "If you don't mind me asking.. what problems are you encountering Conan-kun?" He then asked, albeit a little curious at the boy's latest statements.
Conan tried to think hard on his experiences with the Detective Boys. And with their fun experiences, being the leader, he knew most of their problems, too. "Well, Ai likes Mitsuhiko-kun, and Mitsuhiko-kun like Ai. But, Ai thinks Mitsuhiko-kun likes Ayumi-chan. And Ayumi-chan had, and I don't know if still has a crush on me. Then Genta-kun likes Ayumi-chan and thinks Mitsuhiko-kun and me are his rivals," he explained. It was true and really troublesome indeed. Conan doesn't really have anyone he likes yet but still ended up in the 'like' problem of the group. "Well, that's the only problem. Facing criminals, not much of a problem at all," he said as smiled remembering the times when they would capture a criminal.
Everything seemed to be complicated, really complicated indeed. These like thing within the twins inner circle is something which really confused the young Ravenclaw. Really, these kids were way too young but they're already having this complicated problems. It's a curious, curious things indeed, cause even Ryuuji himself is not that troubled with matter concerning love. With a sigh, he went to a sitting position, scratching the back of his head thus causing his hair to be a little messy. He didn't noticed that the younger boy had actually stopped talking already as he was too busy solving this love equation presented in front of him. It's way much more difficult with the homework that he often have to face. Such a complicated thing this love is. "I know that Ai-chan likes Mitsuhiko-kun, and that she thinks that Mitsuhiko-kun likes Ayumi-chan.. but then...ah.. this is really complicated Conan-kun." He said as he messed his hair once more, eyebrows furrowed as he picture everything out in his mind. It's a wonder how they still kept this friendship despite these complications, after all, as what adults would say, young people often follow their emotions. Seemed like these kids are more logical and reasonable that what the adults make them out to be.
Conan laughed as the older boy had troubles figuring out what he had just said. After all, he also had problems trying to figure it out when he first knew about it. "It is. But, the end point is Ai and Mitsuhiko-kun like each other. But then, Genta-kun likes Ayumi-chan, who likes me," he explained. He smiled at Tsukino-senpai, who was still having a hard time. "It's a miracle isn't it. Being able to have a close friendship, despite that problem. I, myself, kept wondering on how it was," he told the older boy. Conan had voiced out his thoughts which he seldom does, and could only wait at the reply of the Ravenclaw.
Ryuuji nodded his head absentmindedly, still too engrossed with this complicated love equation. Though the younger boy had already tried to clarify everything up, he was still a little confused, no, scratch that, he was still to confused. Shaking his head, the ravenclaw tried to clear his thoughts out, trying to focus at the situation at hand, and trying to understand everything. It was really quite ironic, how it was too easy for him to understand things related to academic and sports, yet, things like these confuses him so much. "I should be glad I'm not included in one." He said unconsciously, not noticing that once again, he had voiced his thoughts loud. He's older that these kids, yet they had experienced things that he is yet to experience. Really, his respect for them grew even more. "Ah.. what did you say Conan-kun?" He then asked curiously, tilting his head to the side as he looked at the younger boy. He was too busy with his musings that the statement that the boy had just said hadn't registered in his mind.
Conan laughed a bit when the older boy said that he was glad not to be included in a love equation. "Hai, it's pretty hard," he admitted. It had been pretty hard on him, being liked by his friend then getting chased by the other. But, through all that, they were still friends. Laughing together, eating together and being on adventures together. "I said, it's a miracle how we can keep our friendship, despite that complicated love problem. I wonder how we could have done that," he told Tsukino-senpai once more. "You got engrossed in solving the equation, didn't you?" Conan asked innocently. He was smiling at the older boy who had tried to figure out the love equation of the Detective Boys.
"Ah.. yes. But it's good really, that you were able to keep your friendship intact despite these internal conflicts with your feelings.. it really is a miracle." The young Ravenclaw said as he scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed that he wasn't paying attention to the younger boy at all. It's a bit disrespectful of him. "Gomen ne Conan-kun, I was indeed, trying to solve that equation.. it's much harder than math.. uh, well you know, those things." He said, smiling lightly as he looked at the distance. Conan's and Ai's circle of friends sounds like an amazing bunch of people with different personalities. It must have been great to know them, must have been great to be friends with them. He didn't get to have lots of friends at home as he would usually go straight to his house after his classes, so just hearing about the twins' stories really made him feel happy. "You're lucky to have them." The boy said absentmindedly once more, indicating to the fact that the twins were really lucky to have met such great friends who are willing to stick with them through thick and thin.
Conan listened to the opinion of the older boy about their friendship still being close despite the conflicts. He nodded and agreement and couldn't help but smile on the remark of Tsukino-senpai about the Detective Boy's love equation, "Hai, it is. Had a hard time on it too when each of them told me," he said. Conan remembered the day when each of his friends had wanted to meet up with him, but each had told him a different time and place. And he came to each, and he was told of the parts of the equation one by one. "Hai, we are. Especially the girl who ran off to change clothes," he said, Conan knew that his three friends had made Ai happy on the times they were together and that made him happy as well. "But you know, I feel kind of bad for Ai. She came crying to me once about Mitsuhiko-kun. She told me she liked him but Mitsuhiko-kun likes Ayumi-chan, but I knew the truth and couldn't tell her," he said. Conan still remembered that night as if it just happened. Ai came to his room and cried saying that she likes their friend but he likes Ayumi-chan. He had no idea on why would Ai think that, but Conan knew the truth and he didn't tell her.
"So, Conan-kun's the leader of the group eh?" From the looks of it, the older twin was the one who's responsible for the group if all of them would confess their problems or these kinds of things to him. They seemed to trust him that much, it is not that surprising though, the young boy have all the qualities of a good leader, and well, he's quite charismatic too, probably the reason why Ayumi had fallen for him. He nodded his head in understanding to every word that the younger boy had uttered. He must really love his sister, always thinking of her even at this very moment. "And they are all very lucky to have you too." He said as he pat the boy's head, smiling warmly at him. Must have been good to have him as an older brother, though it's pretty impossible since he's older than him. "Doushite Conan-kun? Why don't you tell her?" Once again, he was confused as to why the boy had not told his sister the truth. He's not one to judge though, there must have been a good reason for this younger boy's actions.
"Hai, I am. Quite not fit to be one, am I? Although, for Genta-kun, I'm not the leader. He's the self-proclaimed leader of the group, but the others disagree." he smiled as he told the older boy. Conan still remembered the day when they accidentally formed the group, it was when they stopped a bunch of robbers and Genta-kun proclaimed himself as leader. But, the others did not agree and told them that Conan should be leader instead. When Tsukino-senpai told him that his friends were lucky to have him, he just simply smiled and said, "I hope they are, cause they get into a lot of trouble when they're with me." The group would wind up in kidnappings and robberies and Conan, being who he is, tries to stop the criminals. And, of course, his friends would come along too, resulting to them getting in trouble. "Well, that's because he told me not to. The day they all called me, Mitsuhiko-kun told me not to tell Ai, because he will tell her someday. That's why I couldn't interfere," he explained to the Ravenclaw. Conan had faith in his friend and knows that Mitsuhiko-kun would figure out what was the right thing to do.
At the younger boy's statement, Ryuuji shook his head, signifying his disagreement to the things that he had just heard. Contrary to what Conan said, Ryuuji believed that the younger boy has all the qualities that a good leader should have, qualities that one would look for in a person who'd lead a group. and in all honesty, he believed that the older twin is fit to be a leader, be it that the said person himself seemed to bot be convinced with his abilities. "Well, I believe that Conan-kun is fit to be a leader, and though Genta-kun does not agree, since he's still following you, it still means that he acknowledges you, right? Even though he wouldn't admit it." Genta, Conan's friend, seemed to have this friendly rivalry with him. Well, since they were still friends, it wouldn't be considered to be unhealthy, right? And since it seemed like Genta believes that Conan was taking ayumi away from him, that's probably one reason why he doesn't want Conan to be the leader of their group. Ryuuji just shook his head at the thought once more, really, the way that these kids' minds work...really complicated indeed. "If that's the case, then Conan-kun should keep his word." Though he believed that Ai should know the truth to keep her from hurting even more, Ryuuji respects the younger boy's decision. And another thing, it seemed that he had given his word to not tell Ai about the thing that he had learned, and because Ryuuji believed that once someone had given his word, or had promised something, that someone should keep his promise, never to break it whatever the case maybe.
Conan nodded in agreement when the older boy had told him that Genta-kun acknowledges him leader of the group. "Well, he does. During the dangerous times that is," he told the other boy with a smile, "It's after the case when he tells everyone that he is the leader," he continued and couldn't help but smile at all the memories. Genta-kun would proclaim that he was the leader and the rest would tease him that he wasn't. "I really should. I promised him after all. And he promised me, too," the Hufflepuff told Tsukino-senpai. "Saa, I don't want to interfere in Ai's love affairs, after all. Unless, a certain person makes her cry on purpose," he said as he looked at the clouds above him making him feel relaxed.
<COLOR color="#000">"Still it's a feat. At least he considers you still as a leader. Though he does it during the dangerous times." Ryuuji told the boy with a laugh. Genta seemed to be the typical boy who wants to impress the person that he adores, that's why he was trying to be the leader. Having friends like Conan's and Ai's friends surely sounds like fun. He'll be able to go on adventures, have little kids' fights, and all. Based on what he was hearing, Conan's circle of friends are really interesting. Oh just how much he wanted to meet them too. It would surely be exciting. "Hmm.. honoring your word is really important Conan-kun. Trust may be easily gained, but once it's broken, it's hard to gain it back again." The Ravenclaw told the younger boy, patting him on the head before he let his hand drop to his side. He looked at the sky which is now so clear. He loved the view, he really does. "I won't interfere as well... but I won't ever forgive the person who'll make her cry too Conan-kun, speaking of which, I wonder where Ai-chan is now?"
Conan laughed with the older boy. He never expected to have much fun with Ai's new found friend, considering that he was indeed jealous a few hours ago. "Hmm. That's what I told them too, once," he said reminding himself of some of his time with the Detective Boys. Conan shrugged when he was asked where Ai was, but he was pretty sure that she would show up sooner or later, since she is the type who doesn't want others to worry. "I don't know," he replied, but he spoke too soon because he caught sight of his sister approaching Tsukino-senpai's backé
Ai had took quite a long time in the bathroom. It was not easy running around the school almost half naked and only wrapped around in towels. It was a good thing that she managed and was able to change clothes, but she was disappointed. They had planned to go swimming together, but the young girl caught a cold. She left the bathroom and approached the lake. She had spotted her two companions having a wonderful conversation she cannot hear. She slowly approached her companions, specifically, Ryuuji-niisan and covered his eyes with her hands.

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