Swimming with.....

The fact that the boy had instantly figured out that he was indeed a metamoprhamagus was something that surprised Ryuuji a little, added to that was the way that the younger boy had reacted. It was as if it was a normal thing, something which he didn't really expects. But then again, it is better this way, at least, he didn't have to deal with questions or requests, like people telling to imitate a certain kind of animal or something, it was fun at the first try, but it gets dull afterwards, that's why he didn't really bother to tell anyone about it. He didn't want to be some sort of a freak show displayed in a circus. The idea of having everyone look at him as if he was some toy doesn't really appeal to him. Who would want to have people stare at you all day as if you are some sort of dis[lay anyways? "Hai, hai, I am one, though, as you may have noticed already, I can't control it yet. It's not really great though, being different I mean." He said flatly, though the smile of his was still there. "Daijoubou, I told Ai-chan that I'll tell her about it once the opportunity to do so comes, Conan-kun noticed right away, and I don't want to lie"

"Hai, Hai, Conan-kun reminds me so much of myself." Ryuuji said, laughing at the disbelief in the boy's tone. It was true though, he really reminds him of the younger version of himself. "Well, for starters, it seemed like we both love sports, soccer in specific." He said, gesturing with his hand, "Then, it seemed like we're both protective as well... and your cold shoulder earlier, it somehow reminds me of myself to whenever I'm jealous." Now that he had actually thought about it, that's probably why he had been able to pin point that the boy must have been jealous of him earlier, it's because he acts the same way too. Thinking about that had brought this mischievous smile on his face once more.
"Don't worry, being different? Me and Ai get that a lot, so I can understand how you feel. More or less," he said. Conan didn't mind Tsukino-senpai being a metamorphagus. After all, Tsukino-senpai was still Tsukino-senpai, no matter what ability he possesses. When the older boy had told him that he would tell Ai about it too when the opportunity comes, it made Conan think for a while. "Ai used her ability on you, didn't she? Accidentally, I mean," he asked. Conan knew that Ai's ability wasn't stable yet, and she would sometimes use it on others accidentally. After all, Ai used her ability a lot of times at their previous school, that's why a lot of students know about their ability. "Well, lying is a bad habit, isn't it, Tsukino-senpai," he said. Conan doesn't like lying that's why he wanted to perfect their ability, to determine who lies and who doesn't. Conan was surprised when Tsukino-senpai told him about their similiarities, and they had quite a lot. "I see, so that's how you knew I was jealous," he said thinking about his behavior a couple of minutes ago.
<COLOR color="#000">Just like how Ai is so honest, this twin of hers is understanding too, that's probably the reason why Ryuuji had quickly grown to be attached with these younger kids. They're different from other people that he knew, really different at all. They don't judge by physical appearance, nor they say reckless things, they seemed to accept people as they are, and that's a trait that Ryuuji cannot help but to admire. "Well, she did said that she thinks that I am hiding something." A flashback of what had happened a day ago occurred to him. Just like Conan, Ai was able to sense that there was something about him that he was not telling anyone, but contrary to what Conan did, Ai had just let the topic slip. But since he had already told Conan about it, then it would be better to tell the younger twin too, after all, he owes her a lot. "Hai, hai, it is a really bad habit indeed, I hate it when people lies." It was true, Ryuuji hates those people who would conceal everything, tell malicious lies and false notes, for him there's no such thing as white lies, cause whatever it was, a lie is still a lie, so there really was no excuse at all. And besides, lying would just hurt someone, be it at the present, or at the future time, so he always had this thought that no matter what, he should always, always be honest. "So Conan-kun admits that he really is jealous... kawaii.." He said with a childish tone as he smile at the younger boy. Finding it to be somewhat adorable that he's indeed jealous of his sister befriending someone else.
"She was still unsure, wasn't she?" he asked the older boy. Conan knew that Ai couldn't do it yet on her own free will. She would just sense if there was something that was hidden or if there was something that was not right. "Still, it's remarkable how she can tell it accidentally. Demo, I don't like it when she does that," he said. Conan doesn't like it when his sister does that not because his jealous or anything but it was simply because his sister didn't like it. Ai would sometimes get scared of what was happening and what she was feeling that something was wrong. Conan was glad that Tsukino-senpai agreed with him on how he didn't like liars. He just nodded in agreement. Conan blushed a bit when the older boy had teased him about being jealous, "Mou, sore o tomeru," he told Tsukino-senpai and waited for his reaction.
<COLOR color="#000">"Hai, she still have doubts about it." Ryuuji could still remember how the younger girl thought that she had disappointed him, how she looked so unsure with her statements. It must have been bothering her then, and this was proven true with Conan's statement. "That ability of yours is amazing though, and Ai-chan's a bit unsure of it, but I do believe that she can master it someday." He said with confidence, believing fully that the girl had all the capability of learning this trait that they already have. It may not be magical at all, but indeed, it would be really useful. Ryuuji had to laugh as he saw the expression on the younger boy's face when he reminded him of him being jealous earlier. It as funny and adorable at the same time. How the younger boy's face turned into a shade of red was quite amusing indeed. "Gomen, gomen Conan-kun, demo, honto ni, Anata wa kawaii desu." He said in between his laugh once more, his eyes already forming tears from too much laughter. He's not being rude or anything though, he just found the younger boy's protectiveness over his sister to be really adorable and amazing.
"Hai, the ability is indeed amazing. Demo, for Ai, she finds it scary sometimes. After all, she said when she accidentally uses her ability, it feels like something stung her back. I believe she will be able to learn it, too. She is a fast learner once she understands the parts that confuse her." he said. Conan still remembered when they were in their previous school, Ai would sometimes get low scores and he would have to explain it to Ai again. And, after that, Ai would get high scores again. Conan watched as Tsukino-senpai laugh at him for being jealous and maybe for blushing as well. After Tsukino-senpai's statement, "Shizukani," he said and he stood there in silence watching his sister from a distance.
<COLOR color="#000">Ryuuji just listened as Conan talked about his sister. He was happy, definitely happy indeed. The younger boy sound really protective, and it seemed like he really cares for his twin. Traits that Ryuuji greatly respects, for thought the younger boy was merely eleven year old, he seemed to be able to so responsible. A young boy who's strong enough to not break though he have these mantle of responsibilities. With these thoughts in mind, Ryuuji cannot help but to smile once more, a smile different from the which he usually shows. This smile is one that holds so much admiration and respect. Surely, the twins had indeed earn these from him, and they both deserve it. "So long as Conan-kun's there, Ai-chan would be fine." He said wistfully as he stared of the distance. It must have been fun having a sibling studying in the same school. Back then, before he entered Hogwarts and when he was still an elementary kid, his sister would often pick him up, which was a bit embarrassing but really fun too. He remembered the stops which they will made, the trips to ice cream parlours and arcades. They rarely do it now though, what with his sister being in high school already, and him studying at Hogwarts. "Hai.Hai." He dropped the teasing once again as he followed the younger boy's line of vision, seeing him watch his younger sister. "Conan-kun really loves Ai-chan." It was a statement that wasn't meant to be said actually, just a thought that once again, he had managed to voice out loud.
Tsukino-senpai had now earned respect from Conan. It was because he can understand him and his sister which other people hardly could. And, he could just smile from the thought. Conan was surprised on what the older boy had said. "And so long as she's there, I would be fine as well," he added to the older boy's remark. Conan remembered the day that he and Ai got there letter. He was glad because he knew that he and Ai would be studying in the same school. Conan was glad that Tsukino-senpai dropped the teasing but was surprised at the sudden statement. "You bet I do. And I would protect her from anything that will harm her." he told the older boy.
<COLOR color="#000">"Saa... you better do that Conan-kun." Ryuuji said with a little smile as he stood up from the grass. Stretching his limbs and arms which felt quite numb now from too much sitting. He wanted to do something, though, the thought of going already for a swim is not on his mind right now. It was quite cold, and he's not yet ready to soak himself wet. Walking around, he tried to think of something to do. He passed by the younger girl who was still swimming in the lake. She was having lots of fun it seemed, and just watching her was enough to make him feel quite good too. He then walked back to where he was before, only for him to caught sight of the round thing that they have definitely forgotten there, the soccer ball. Eureka! As if hit with a sudden discovery, Ryuuji picked up the ball and turned to look at the gender bend of the girl that he was just watching earlier. "Say, Conan-kun.. want to play?" He offered, tossing the ball back and forth using his two hands, smiling like a little child who was inviting his playmates to play in the sand and build some castle.
"You don't need to tell me that, Tsukino-senpai," he told the older boy. Conan would be willing to do anything to protect Ai. To not let her get hurt or be harmed. Conan watched as Tsukino-senpai stood up and walked around. Meanwhile, he just sat there, feeling happy that his sister was happy swimming, seemingly to have forgotten about her two companions. But, Conan knew better on what his sister might be thinking, she was giving them time to get to know each other. And with that thought in mind, Conan smiled and said in his mind, "Arigatou, Sis." Conan was surprised when Tsukino-senpai had invited him to play soccer. Conan stood up and stretched a bit. "Hai, why not," he said taking on the challenge the older boy might be able to give.
<COLOR color="#000">Ryuuji smiled that catlike smile of his as the younger boy accepted his offer. Finally, after years, he'd be able to play again. He had no doubts that he's still really capable of playing the said sport. If there's one thing that he's really skilled at, it was all types of sports that he would set his mind into. And out of all those sports, it was soccer that he enjoys the most. It's not that he was being arrogant or anything, but when it comes to things that he can do well, Ryuuji has no qualms at all. "Great!" He said happily as he stopped tossing the ball, his face already taking the serious expression that he always wore before he would start a game. He's sure to have fun, and from what he had heard from Ai, Conan's a good player, one who could possible stand up against him. The wind was blowing quite hard, and Ryuuji cannot help but to smile once more. Nature seemed to be bending on their will, and it seemed to be more than happy to watch them have fun too. "You start then." He tossed the ball at the younger boy, knwoing that he is fully capable of catching it. And with another smile, Ryuuji ran, distancing himself away from the younger boy, taking a stance which shows how serious he is even if this is seriously just a game.
Conan caught the ball easily which the older boy had thrown. He put it in the ground and release a good kick, he quickly followed the ball. And made it go sidewards between his feet, quickly approaching the older boy. Conan made a huge kick to the left side of Tsukino-senpai hoping that the older boy wouldn't catch it. Conan stood in defense, just in case the boy would be able to catch his kick once again.
<COLOR color="#000">It was fun, definitely fun indeed. Ryuuji stood his ground as he watched the younger boy kicked the ball. He had a good form, and his kicks were indeed strong, he seemed to have good control with it too, making it easy for him to decided where the ball should land or not. Ryuuji didn't move when the boy kicked the ball to his left, he was observing him, observing him the way that a predator will as he think of strategies for him to win this game. With a swift movement, Ryuuji was easily able to catch the ball, juggling it with his foot, knee, then chest, before he dropped it to his feet and started to kick it away from the boy, his motions were flawless and without any unnecessary acts at all. It was nostalgic. It's as if he was back home again, playing in the field as much as he wanted to. "Take it from me if you Conan-kun." He challenge, without any hint of arrogance in his tone at all, not letting his guard down in case the boy decides to take it away from him again.
Defense wasn't much of an option for Conan, and he decided to steal the ball. Timing was the most important thing for Conan when it comes to soccer. He was enjoying the game, looking for the perfect time to attack. A plan had come to Conan's mind, just perfect for the distance from Tsukino-senpai, he wasn't a hundred percent sure on what would turn out, since he didn't know the capability of his opponent. As soon as the timing was right for Conan he ran toward the older boy, sliding to the dirt attempting to kick, yet, quickly letting his reflexes move, attempting to stand up from the back of the boy and kicked the ball at full strength. Conan ran after the ball, glad that the plan he had used numerous times had worked.
The tactic that the younger boy had used had indeed, surprised the Ravenclaw. He had actually thought that he'll challenge him head on, but no, instead, he make use of the opening at the older boy's back. Instead of being irritated, a wave of excitement run through the nerves of the young Ravenclaw, making him stopped for a moment. This was it, the young boy was proved to be a real challenge then. "Saa... Conan-kun's great eh?" He said with a smile as he ran after the young boy. He can feel it, the wind against him, his shirt dancing along with it. His body was light, and he can hear the birds cheering for them. Be it just an imagination of his or not, he was happy. With a hard kick on the ground, Ryuuji tried to quicken his pace, trying to overrun the boy. And with a jump, he tried to take the ball away from his opponent, who, this time, was Conan. "I heard from Ai-chan that you're planning to try for quidditch, are you not?" He said, kicking the ball lightly as he ran away from the younger kid, keeping the conversation going to loosen up the competitive atmosphere between them. He was having fun, and be it that he loss or not, it's fine.
Conan couldn't help but smile when the older boy had told him that he was great. He continued running after the ball, and, he was surprised that the Ravenclaw had already caught up to him. Tsukino-senpai already had the ball and Conan was running after them. While chasing the both the older boy and the ball, Conan had heard a question. It was about if he was planning to try-out for Quidditch, "Hai, I am. Planning for Chaser," he replied. Conan decided to increase his speed and already caught up to the older boy. He kicked the ball away from the older boy and switched to full speed. He kicked and kicked until he was already a bit far from Tsukino-senpai. Conan was a fast runner thanks to a lot of experience of running away from kidnappers, and thanks to that he had managed to get away. "How about you? Trying out as well?" he asked as slightly kicked the ball around.
"Already did." Ryuuji said as he run to catch up with the younger boy. The young hufflepuff is a bit fast and is hard to catch up to, but being Ryuuji, who was not one to give up at all, he was able to caught up to the young boy, his eyes glued to the ball, as if trying to figure if there was any pattern at all or if there is any mannerism that would indicate the boy's next movements. Keen observation, is, after all, very important in any kind of sport. One who is observant enough would have an edge as it may help predict the opponents next plan. "Ravenclaw Keeper." It was an absent minded response as Ryuuji slid down to the younger boy's left, successfully taking the ball away from the younger boy. "Chaser's a good position though, it's like, you're controlling the game or something." The boy remarked in between as his eyes darted from left to right, trying to figure out a way to distance himself from the puff. "By the way Conan-kun, where's our goal here?" It was a bit funny actually, how the two had just engaged in a play without any plan at all, without even knowing the place that they would consider as their goal post, a place where they need to kick the ball to at least score.
"Okay," Conan said in a long manner when he realized that the boy had already tried out and managed to get the ball as well. Normally, Conan would just stand there, but, since they were playing soccer, he instantly got out of his daze. "Keeper's good as well, preventing other team to score," he told the boy as he ran to the boy. When Tsukino-senpai had asked him where the goal was, for the first time, Conan burst out in laughter and sat on the grass. He realized how silly they were playing a game with nothing to score points. He kept on laughing sitting on the grass, forgetting that they were still playing. He watched Ai swimming in the lake and smiled after just finishing his laughing episode.
Hearing the younger boy's laughter, the young boy from the Ravenclaw house stopped on his tracks, juggled the soccer ball on his knees, and just stared at the younger buy in confusion. "Doushite Conan-kun?" He asked, still continuing to play with the ball as his eyes were trained on the hufflepuff. A few more seconds passed and Ryuuji lost his focus on the game, losing his control on the ball, thus, resulting to it bouncing faw away from him, towards the lake were the female version of this guy whom he is talking to is currently swimming. "Ah.. matte.." Ryuuji exclaimed, his his hand reaching out to the ball as if he could still catch it. He paused, paused before he too broke out to a hysterical laughter. His eyes were already watering, and his sides are hurting from too much laughter already. "Ai-chan! Gomen ne! I hope I didn't hit you.." He said in between his laughter, putting both hands at the side of his mouth as if it would amplify the sound of his voice.
The young Hufflepuff had barely managed to hear the older boy's question. "Sore wa nani. It's just silly that we kept on playing not realizing that there was no goal," he said as he smiled at the older boy. And then he instantly noticed the older boy running towards the lake chasing after the soccer ball, and he saw Ai, swimming towards the direction of the ball, not noticing it at all. It made him stand up and run, "Tsukino-senpai, Ai! Abunakkashi!" But, it was too late the ball had already gone into the water and Ai near the shore. "Anata daijobu?" he said as he worriedly looked at his sister.
Ai was swimming leisurely to shore to prepare food so they can eat. And as she was reaching the shore, her head had hit something. It was a ball, a soccer ball to be exact. Then she saw Ryuuji-niisan, laughing and approaching her as Ai rubbed her head, "Ittai!" she said. And when her senpai had apologized to her while laughing, she just told her senpai, "Mou, Ryuuji-niisan. You say you're sorry but you keep on laughing!" A little while later, her brother had approached her, "Daijobu, Onii-chan," she told her brother. She fetch the ball in the water, and went out of the lake. She wrapped herself in a towel and began preparing the food she and Conan had brought.
As Ryuuji approached the lake, his previous conjectures had been proven to be true, the soccer ball had indeed hit the younger girl. With a huff as he tried to catch his breath, Ryuuji wiped the side of his eyes, he was tearing up again from too much laughter he guessed. He paused once more when he heard the young girl's comment. She was right though, he was apologizing yet he was laughing. Really immature of him. With a deep breath, the young Ravenclaw bowed his head a little too low, his voice now low and serious and his face showing no hint of mischievousness or childishness at all. "Gomen ne Ai-chan..." He repeated once more, head still bowed down low. It was indeed really childish of him to apologize while still laughing, after all, it sounded insincere does it not? Only when he heard the other twin's voice that Ryuuji stood up once more. Though he didn't really meant to hit the younger girl, he cannot help but feel a little bit guilty. "Gomen Gomen Ai-chan.. did it hurt?" He said once more as he approached the younger girl, carefully touching the part where the ball had hit. "I'm sorry too Conan-kun.. I lost control of the ball."
Conan felt relieved that Ai was alright. And he watched as the older boy apologize to her, but Ai accepted the apology and smiled. "Ie, as long as she's alright. Guess I'm not the only one who lost control of the ball today," he said as he winked at Tsukino-senpai. He remembered when they met more than an hour ago when he almost hit someone with a soccer ball. Then, Conan walked towards his sister worriedly. "Ne, Ai. Wouldn't you get a cold wearing only that?" he told her. Conan looked at her sister. She was only wearing a swimsuit and a towel, but then she was preparing the food. A while later, Conan heard a bunch of sneezes. And when he turned it was her sister. "See, I told you. Sit down. Wait here. I'll prepare the food," he said as he got his towel and wrapped it around Ai. She tried to complain but Conan would not hear of it and finished preparing the food.
Ai watched as her senpai apologize to her, "Watashi wa daijobu yo. It's alright, Ryuuji-niisan," she said as she continued preparing the food. Moments later, Ai felt cold but she didn't want to worry Ryuuji-niisan and Onii-chan. And then, Ai was surprised when her brother had pointed out that she could get a cold with what she is wearing. "Ie, I'll be fine, Onii-chan." she said as she continued preparing. After a while, Ai sent out a sneeze, and another, and another, and another. Her brother had wrapped her in his towel and started preparing the food himself. "Onii-chan, I'll do it. I'll be fine," she said but when she tried to stand, she felt a bit dizzy and fell back to her seat.
<COLOR color="#000">Ryuuji watched the way that the twins interact with each other, they seemed to understand each other very much, and that thought sent a smile to the young Ravenclaw's face. It really is rare to see siblings this close, it must have been really great to have a twin then, is it not? He watched as the older twin took over the preparation of the food. He could have helped then, but he was too focused with just watching them, and besides, he's not really that good with this kind of chores. These thoughts, however, were stopped when he heard the younger twin sneezed. She would indeed catch cold if she would stay in this condition. "Ai-chan should change her clothes." He said as he approached the younger girl, giving her the towel that he had brought along with him as he knew that they were supposed to have a swim. "And don't try to move too much too Ai-chan, you might really get sick." He added in a brotherly manner as he approached the younger girl and placed the back of his palm on her forehead, as if checking whether she's developing a fever. Maybe it was not a good idea to have let her swim around that much after all, after all, winter had just ended.

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