Swimming with.....

Ai Nightray

mum • all of it was worth getting here • loyal
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
11/2018 (33)
Ai woke up from her afternoon nap and remembered that she was going swimming with her brother and senpai. She wore her swimsuit and a t-shirt and shorts on top of it. She got her things ready and went down to the common room where her brother was waiting. They quickly went to the Lakefront, hoping that their companion wasn't there yet as it would be embarrassing to make him wait. Ai felt relieved that her senpai wasn't there yet. She sat on the grass and asked her brother if he had brought his soccer ball with him, "Onii-chan, did you bring your soccer ball, like I told you?" she asked and her brother agreed. Conan had asked her who they were going swimming with and I answered, "I told you. He is a senpai I met the other day and I invited him." she said. Ai watched her brother kicking the ball when her brother had lost control that maid Ai shout, "Abunai!" and she hoped that no one would get hurt.
Conan had already gotten ready for swimming today. He had been waiting for her sister in the common room for a few minutes already. He also remembered that they were going to be swimming with someone Ai met the other day. "Wonder who Ai met the other day. Seemed pretty close to her for her to invite him to our swimming," he thought. While drowned in his thoughts, Conan saw Ai coming down to the common room and said, "You're late," and smiled. Conan and her sister then went to the Lakefront and saw that nobody was there yet. Conan had heard Ai asked him if he had brought the ball with him. He took out the ball and said, "Anone, I would have brought the ball even if you didn't tell me." It was true, whenever he would go out of the castle he would bring his soccer ball with him and kick it around. "By the way, who is it that's coming with us?" he asked and his sister had answered the question. "I see. So she met an older boy the other day," he thought as he continued kicking the ball. Conan kept on thinking on how the boy looked like or how his attitude was that he lost his control of the ball and kicked it hard. He only realized it when Ai had shouted and he prayed that no one would get hit.
It was a truly wonderful day, the sun was high up in the sky, smiling brightly at everyone in existence with the wind blowing gently and the trees dancing along with it. A perfect day for a swim and a perfect day to play soccer. This is the thoughts that had crossed Ryuuji Tsukino's mind as he walked along the grounds of the school. His hair was dancing with the wind the same way the the trees and the grasses did. He adjusted the sleeve of the shirt that he wore. It was a couple of times bigger than he is, but then again, he didn't care anymore. He had been in a hurry when he woke up earlier. After all, he was already late for the meeting that he had set up with the young girl that he had met days before. He had been in such a rush that he wasn't able to notice that the shirt that he had grabbed was the one that his mother had probably wrongly put on his bag before he went off to hogwarts. He laughed at the thought of how he looked like at the moment. Baggy white shirt and navy blue shorts, he surely look like a little kid, and with his already feminine looking face, he probably looked more like a boyish girl now. A thought which definitely scares him.

Shaking his head to clear it off with those unfunny thoughts, he quickened his pace. He's already very late. He'd hate to disappoint the younger girl too. Just as he was about to near the meeting place, a ball came flying straight into his direction. Out of instinct, he swiftly caught it, juggling it using his feet, then knee, chest and head. The familiar feeling was there once more, and a smile grew in his face. He only stopped when he heard that familiar voice of hers. "Ai-chan.. gomen ne, I'm late.." He said, ball tucked under his arm as he clasped his hands together in front of him, bowing his head a little too to add to the effect.
Ai was surprised when her senpai, Ryuuji-niisan had arrived. But, she was even more surprised when her senpai was able to catch the ball with his feet. "Sugoi, Ryuuji-niisan. You caught the ball. Demo, did you get hurt?" she said as she hurriedly approached her senpai. "Nii-san's great. Only a few manage to catch Onii-chan's kick," she thought. "Gomenasai, Onii-chan kicked the ball too hard. And, no need to apologize Nii-san, we just got here, too." she said as she smiled sweetly at the boy. When Ai looked behind her, she called her brother, "Ne, Onii-chan. Come here!" When her brother had approached them Ai introduced them both to each other, "Onii-chan, this is my senpai, Ryuuji-niisan. Ryuuji-niisan this is my brother, Conan," she said as she watched her brother introduced himself.
Conan was surprised when a boy had caught the ball with his feet. Only a few people had managed to catch a ball that he had kicked hard. He watched as his sister had hurriedly apologized to the boy and call him nii-san. "So, that's the boy we're meeting. They seem pretty close for her to call him nii-san. I wonder how they met," he thought. Conan wasn't sure if he was a bit jealous or not, since he has been the only one to be called Onii-chan by his sister. He was surprised when Ai had called him. He hurriedly approached Ai and her senpai. When he was introduced, Conan had bowed his head and said, "I'm Conan. Edogawa, Conan. First Year from Hufflepuff. Gomenasai, for kicking the ball too hard. And, arigatou for taking care of my sister." He then looked at the boy Ai called Ryuuji-niisan and waited for his reply.
"I'm fine Ai-chan, see, no wounds at all!" Ryuuji turned around as if to prove his point, smiling brightly at the younger girl who was obviously worrying about him even though no real damage had been done. But then again it was just him, after all, it was pretty hard to catch and if it was any other person who had been the one to be in the receiving end of the said thing, then he was pretty sure that whoever that person is, he was pretty unlucky as he was sure to get hurt. "See? Nii-san is perfectly fine." He said animatedly as he faced the younger girl once more, that catlike smile of his present on his face.

Ryuuji was just having fun talking to the younger girl when he heard her call out to someone, specifically, her brother. He looks quite like her, definitely twins. "hajimemashite Conan-kun.. Boku wa Tsukino ryuuji desu. Fourth year ravenclaw. Just call me Ryuu or nii-san too if you want to... I don't mind really." Ryuuji flashed him another smile, his eyes almost appearing to be closed from such gesture. "Oh by the way, here's your ball." He then threw the ball to the younger boy, hoping that he would be able to catch it too. After all, from what he had heard, this boy is pretty athletic the same way that he is too.
Ai was glad that Ryuuji-niisan didn't get hurt. "Okay, whatever you say, Ryuuji-niisan. I was worried, you know." she said. It was true, since the last time someone got hit by a ball her brother had kicked hard, that person ended up with a bruise. Ai watched as her senpai also introduced himself and throw the ball at her brother. Ai's brother had caught it with ease and continued kicking the ball in the air with his knees. "Ah. I'll go change first, then go into the water okay. I'll call you when I'm there already." she said as she ran towards a tree. She removed her t-shirt and shorts that revealed her swimsuit underneath. After hanging up her clothes, Ai went to the lake and jumped in. From a distance, Ai was watching her brother having a conversation with her senpai.
Conan watched as the older boy introduced himself as Tsukino, Ryuuji from Ravenclaw. "How did Ai manage to meet a Ravenclaw, anyway?" he thought. Conan suddenly noticed the ball coming close to him and using his quick reflexes he caught the ball with his feet and continued kicking it in the air using his knees. "Tsukino-senpai is fine," he told the older boy. Conan wasn't sure why but somehow he felt a bit irritated. Was it because he did not get enough sleep? Was it because he was tired? He didn't know. Suddenly, Ai had told them that she was going to change and just call them if she was ready. Conan nodded in agreement as she watched her sister run off. Not wanting to be kept in silence, Conan started to talk. "So, how did you meet Ai, Tsukino-senpai," he asked in a serious tone and waited for Tsukino-senpai's reply.
Ryuuji just nod his head in a gesture of understanding as he watched the younger girl run off to prepare herself for the swim. It really was nice to be out there under the sun, it makes him feel young again, not that he was old already of course. In fact, he was just fourteen years old. Way way too young. "Ah, Ai-chan, watch out for the giant squid!" He yelled after her, a smile appearing on his face as he watched her with fondness. Really, it was just like he had a younger sister of his own.

He then turned to look at the other twin near him. From how it looks, the younger boy is not as fond of him as the girl was. He didn't know where the coldness was coming from but he decided to shake it off. After all, anyone who loves soccer and who is Ai's friend or brother must be nice, no? "If that is what you prefer Conan-kun." He said, the smile still on his face. The boy had that serious tone in him when he had asked him a question. He cannot help but to laugh a little in slight amusement. Ryuuji had this feeling that he knew already why this boy was acting like this with him. "Ah, Ai-chan just managed to see me having a one-sided glaring contest with the walls in the North tower." His eyes were seemingly close from lightly smiling. Ai's twin seemed to be really different from her, and he was surely interested about how this conversation and this day would flow.
Conan was still unsure on why he wanted to act coldly on the his sister's senpai. He was never cold to anyone who didn't hurt his loved ones until now. When Tsukino-senpai had replied to his previous question, Conan followed a comment even he was surprised to hear, "I see, so Tsukino-senpai must be a very weird person, having such a competition with the wall." Conan was surprised that he spoke such words and said, "Gomen, for saying such things," with still a serious tone. While waiting for Tsukino-senpai's reaction, Conan thought hard on why he as acting coldly to the older boy.

OOCOut of Character:
Let's have them talk for a while. It might actually be fun. ;)
<COLOR color="#000">The statement that the younger boy had just said had come as a big surprise to Ryuuji. Really, this boy surely had a problem with him. Something which he founds to be quite amusing instead of being annoying. After all, no one had acted like this with him yet. This was definitely the first time. And right now, he was very much interested at this younger guy. "Hai, I am a really weird person. But then again, being weird is not that bad, is it?" He said, still smiling. He wanted to see just how far this boy would interest him. He likes this fiery attitude of his. It was something new to him after all.

"Ie, Conan-kun shouldn't apologize for saying things that he meant to say, it's like saying sorry for being honest, which is not good at all." Ryuuji dropped his smile by then, and a serious expression too over his face. He examined the younger boy, he just seemed so trouble, and unlike when he talked to the boy's twin before, where he could clearly tell when she was upset or not, this time around, he just couldn't. Maybe it was because he doesn't know the boy that much yet. "Does Conan-kun hate me?" It was just an innocent question really. Ill intention, zero. He just wanted to know what the boys thinks of him. "Or is Conan-kun jealous?" Again, that brutally honest personality o fhis had resurfaced once more. There was no smile in his face, instead, a calm expression took over it.
OOCOut of Character:
Sure, sure.. :)
Ai seeing her brother and her senpai having a conversation made her feel happy. "I hope they get along well," she thought. Ai decided to not disturb them for a while and just call them later. She swam around the lake having fun, while her companions had a conversation on where she left them.
Conan, still unsure of what he's feeling, stood silent on the question asked to him. He kept on thinking what was going on with him. He kept on wondering why he wanted to act coldly on a guy that is kind to his sister. Conan had snapped back into the real world just in time to hear Tsukino-sennpai say that he shouldn't apologize for the things he meant to say. "I wasn't apologizing for what I wanted to say, I was apologizing on how I said it," he said quite harshly this time. He did mean to say that Tsukino-senpai was weird but the way he said it was quite harsh and that was why he apologized. Conan was taken by surprise when he was asked if he hated the boy. He shook his head in disagreement, "Ie, I don't," he said. When he thought about it, he clearly didn't hate the guy he was talking to, but, for some reason, he was acting cold towards him. Conan was already surprised that he was asked if he hated the guy, but he was even more surprised to be asked if he was jealous. Conan didn't know why, but he knew that he had turned red. Thoughts had jumbled in his head. "Was I jealous? Is that why I am acting cold towards him?" he thought. And while thinking about it, he didn't know what Tsukino-senpai's reaction was.
Ryuuji didn't know whether he should be amuse or should be surprised with the way that the younger boy is talking to him. Amused because the way he talks is a bit entertaining to watch and surprised because this is really the first time that someone gave him a cold shoulder. He discovered that he didn't really mind it as much, after all, despite those harsh ways f talking, he could see that the younger boy is a really nice kid. Maybe it was just that he was finding it really hard to communicate with him. He didn't know why, but surely, he would figure it out later. "Then I'm really happy, hate is such a strong word you know." He said, lightly smiling as he turned to look at the younger girl who was obviously enjoying her swim. He promised her that she'd be the first one to know once he received the news about the try outs that he did earlier, he'd been appointed with the position that he had tried out for. And now that he remembered about it, he should probably tell her the news once he got the chance to do it too.

When the younger boy was found to be speechless with his question, Ryuuji cannot help but to laugh, a heartfelt and innocent laugh without any ill intention at all. The younger boy was obviously startled by his sudden question, and it was definitely his fault. "Gomen, gomen, Conan-kun...demo, you don't really need to be jealous or anything, Ai-chan really likes you after all." He said in between his laugh, before he stopped and put that serious expression once more. "Ai-chan really look up to you Conan-kun. Protect her always, ne?" He then smiled again before he placed his hand on top of the younger boy's head, patting it a little before retreating it and taking some candies from his pockets. "Does Conan-kun want some?"
Conan was still drowned in his thoughts thinking if he was indeed jealous. He tried remembering why he had not been jealous on his past friends before. And it hit him, Ai was not that kind with their friends in Japan. She was showing the behavior that she only shows to Conan. But now, he was not alone in seeing her sister's behavior. That was the time when he realized that he really was jealous of Tsukino-senpai. When he got out of his thoughts he had managed to hear from Tsukino-senpai that hate is a very strong word, Conan nodded in agreement. He also watched as their senpai laughed at Conan for being jealous. Conan knew that Ai likes him but he was jealous that she treated the older boy almost the same way she does with him. When Tsukino-senpai told him that he had to protect Ai, Conan told him, "You don't have to tell me that, Tsukino-senpai. That, I can tell by myself." He was quite surprised that he was patted on the head and was offered some candies. "Hai, arigatou," he said as he took up the offer. Conan was curious on what Tsukino-senpai knew, so he asked, "Ne, Tsukino-senpai, what did Ai tell you? About our family? About our experiences? About her experiences?" and waited for the older boy's reply.
"Promise me that, won't you?" He extended his hand, again, in the same way that he always will whenever he would commit someone to do a pinky promise with him. It's just some sort of a way for him to seal a contract or a deal. He was just used to it, cause for Ryuuji Tsukino, a pinky promise is a solemn oath that no one shall ever break. He himself is a person who hates not abiding with anything that he had already promised. He tries as much as he could to keep his words, be a man of honor as what his mother would often say. "I too, am promising to protect that smile of hers Conan-kun, gomen ne? I'm not stealing Ai-chan away from you, cause no matter what happens, you're still his brother." He said seriously, his head bowed a little as his fringe cast a shadow over his eyes. He knew that the younger boy must be giving him the cold should because he must have been feeling quite threatened. And Ryuuji knew that the younger boy shouldn't ever feel that way, cause no matter what, the fact is Ryuuji is just an intruder in their life. "Demo, Ai-chan's a really great person, that's why she's also important to me... dakara ne, can I be his other brother too?" This time around, he was smiling already, but his tone was still serious as he looked straight at the younger boy's eyes. His eyes' color flashed a deeper color of blue. But it was just in a mere millisecond that it was not probably noticeable, not by someone who's not really observing that hard.

He placed his index finger in his chin in deep thought as he contemplated on a way to answer the younger boy. "Enough for me to understand that despite those smile of her, Ai-chan's still a fragile and delicate little doll. Demo, even so, She's also a really strong person.. after all, she has you, Mitsuhiko-kun, Genta-kun.. and Ayumi-chan with her ne?" He said, avoiding the topic about the twins' parents death and the frequent kidnapping that they would usually have to suffer. He didn't want to bring a depressing atmosphere around. It's not the right time for him. And besides, he would hate to remind the boy about those tragedies that they had to endure. As much as he could, he would want them to just be happy.
Conan was most known in his previous school for four things: his supreme observation skills, his excellence in sports and academics, his protectiveness for his sister and friends, and he never breaks his promise. That is why when Tsukino-senpai had asked if he promises to protect Ai, Conan made a pinky promise and said, "Hai, I promise to protect Ai." And the deal was sealed. Even if nobody told him to, he would protect his sister no matter what. When Tsukino-senpai had told him that he promises to protect Ai's smile, Conan was really glad. "Pinky swear?" he asked. "If you were unable to protect that smile like I was, I won't forgive you," he said. Conan is now seeing his sister smile freely, something he wasn't able to see for a long time, and he is not about to let that end. "I'm not afraid of you stealing her, I was just jealous. That you were able to give back the smile that was lost for so long," he said as he looked at her sister enjoying her time in the lake. Conan still remembered that he was unable to make Ai smile in front of others, she only smile in front of him, and it made him feel bad. Conan got driven out of his thoughts when Tsukino-senpai asked if he could also be her brother, "Hai. Demo, you must not make her cry," he gave his conditions. He looked at the senpai in the eye as he would usually do when asking and giving conditions. Suddenly, he noticed something, something that changed for a second and said, "Ahh. I guess Tsukino-senpai is a really interesting person, after all." He noticed what had changed, it was the color of the eyes. Anybody would have missed it, but not Conan, he was trained to look at the slightest changes. When Tsukino-senpai had answered his question, the words processed in Conan's mind. "I see. From what you said, I can guess that she told you about our parents' death, and what happened on their burial. And if you mentioned our friends, that would mean, she told you about the kidnappings, ne?" he said. Conan smiled at his senpai, the usual smile he would give when he interprets what others are saying. And, he just couldn't wait what Tsukino-senpai's reaction would be.
<COLOR color="#000">Ryuuji smiled at the younger kid near him. They were so much a like it seemed. They're both athletic, and they're both overprotective over those who are important to them. Looking at Conan, Ryuuji was reminded with his younger self, minus the cold shoulder earlier of course, but then again, he didn't mind that at all, it was probably just a defense mechanism that the boy had set up around him, and besides, from what it looks like, the boy is slowly letting down his barrier, a thought which definitely delights him. He like this boy too after all. "Hai, hai, pinky promise." He said, sealing the deal with the younger kid. He's a man of honor, trying all his best to always live up to his words, not to break any promise at all. That's definitely who he is. "I won't forgive myself either. Trust me."

Ryuuji nodded his head in affirmation. He'd never make the younger cry, he's never been one to be comfortable in seeing someone's tears after all. He's the type to find happiness whenever those around him are happy, and be sad when the others are sad too. He can easily sympathize with other people, he's sensitive, just like that. Ryuuji had to blink his eyes a few times as he heard the boy's comment. "eto..interesting?" He had to confirm that he had heard him right, and besides, there's something about the way that he said it that makes Ryuuji feel like he had noticed something which he wasn't supposed to notice at all.

"Hai, gomen ne? For intruding in your personal life." He silenced for a moment, as if thinking about how he should phrase his next statement. He wasn't really sure what to say about those stories that he had heard, it's a bit of a depressing topic, and it was something that he wish that the twins would never experience again. They were young, and they deserve to be happy.
Conan was glad that Tsukino-senpai had promised him that he would also protect Ai and her smile. He was glad that his sister had met such a person and he now knew on how his sister had managed to open up. Tsukino-senpai was kind to Ai and to him as well. Conan knew that Tsukino-senpai would keep his promise on not making Ai cry, but if he did, Conan would have to get mad. Conan was not suprised at all when the older boy had asked him, "Hai, interesting. Very interesting." he answered. Conan smiled at the thought of it and began to wonder how the older boy had managed to change eye color in a split second. And, he had found it very interesting. Conan had heard Tsukino-senpai apologize for intruding, but, Conan didn't mind at all who knew and who does not, as long as, no one would hurt Ai. "Ie, it's nothing. You're not the first one to know about those, and if Ai didn't tell you, I would have told you all that myself," he said. Conan wanted others to know what they've been through, and that they should not try to mess with him nor with his sister Ai.
"What do you mean by interesting then Conan-kun? Care to elaborate?" Ryuuji already had this feeling that the boy had noticed something about him, something that other people had not been able to see before. He was quite nervous yet, he's quite excited too. This boy is really observant, and that makes him more interesting in his eyes. If he did notice what he thought that he had noticed, then the respect that he had for the younger boy would definitely increase. Not only was he a responsible brother, he seemed to be really smart too and quite sensitive of his surroundings as well. Traits that he found to be really admirable for a boy of such a young age.

"You're life's full of tragedy, demo, those things had made you stronger too, and I admire you for that." It was true, after all those things that these twins had suffered, they still managed to stand up on their own and have those smiles in their faces, Ryuuji found those things to be really amazing. They were merely kids, and he was happy that instead of weighing them down, these problems had seemed to mold the twins into responsible and stronger individuals. "I never did encounter a lot of problems in my life, my family is weird, but they're really warm. Though they're not my real family by blood, they are like one in my heart." He said serenely, closing his eyes for a moment as he enjoy the feel of the breeze. It was definitely fun to be staying here under the warm sun.
Conan gave a smile at Tsukino-senpai when he had asked what was interesting, "How did you manage to change your eye color so fast, Tsukino-senpai?" he asked curiously. Many would say that Conan had the eyes of a detective and the hearing of a dog. Those keen senses of his was what kept them alive during kidnappings. He would easily notice things that are useful and would easily hear if someone was coming. Conan was happy that Tsukino-senpai admired him, but Conan admired him, too. "Arigatou. I admire you, too. For being able to make her smile," he said. Conan was quite surprised to know that Tsukino-senpai's family was not really his family. "Saa, family is not always measure by blood. It is the relationship and the bond that keeps it together," he commented as he sat on the grassy land. He watched as his sister swam happily on the lake.
<COLOR color="#000">So the younger boy had indeed noticed that small moment wherein Ryuuji's eyes changed it's color, he was indeed observant, and for that, Ryuuji's respect for the younger boy had indeed grew. Taking a deep breath, Ryuuji tried to decided whether he should tell the younger boy about it, after all, it's an ability that not all people have, it's hereditary, and that is why it had been the only clue that he was holding on to to find hind real parents. He wasn't sure whether he should just tell it to him, after all, Conan might not believe him, or more so, be scared of him. After all, it's not everyday that you'd see such ability. "Are you sure that your eyes are not playing tricks with you Conan-kun?" He asked once again, trying to confirm everything. Just this last question, and probably, he'll tell him. He figure that he can probably trust this younger boy anyways.

"Ai-chan's smile is special, and I want everyone to see how wonderful it is." He then turned to look at the younger girl still swimming by the lake. She must be having lots of fun as she was not bothering them at the moment. Hopefully though, the rumored giant squid there won't be disturbed at all cause they are invading its territory. "Hai, it's not by blood indeed, that's why I treat Ai-chan as a younger sister, and of course, you too Conan-kun."
The question didn't surprise Conan at all. He didn't doubt what he saw, but, when the question was asked, the family ability kicked in. He felt that the older boy was hiding something and that made him even more curious. "Are they? Or is Tsukino-senpai hiding something? I wonder. An ability of some sort maybe?" he asked. He wasn't quite sure what Tsukino-senpai was hiding but he was sure that the older boy was indeed hiding something. "Did Ai ever tell you about the family ability?" he asked. Conan didn't know if the boy knew about it, but if he didn't, Conan would be willing to tell him everything. Conan knew what Tsukino-senpai was talking about, about Ai's smile and he just nodded it agreement. It is very precious to him and he wants others to see it, too. "Me? You treat me as a younger brother?" he said wondering after the older boy said that he treats Conan and Ai as his younger siblings. "I can see why you would want Ai as a younger sister. Demo, me as a younger brother. I can't see a reason on how you would want that," he said and waited for Tsukino-senpai's reaction.
Ryuuji was torn between the decision of telling or not telling. He didn't want to lie, no, not at all, but he wasn't exactly sure either whether he should really reveal this so called ability of his. It might freak the boy out, and besides, no one else knew of it yet. Even he himself was not fully in control of the said ability, he still finds it to be so hard. Altering his physical features is something that actually depends on his mood, he cannot control it out of his own will. Despite him being a metamorphmagus for as long as he could remember, Ryuuji still had no idea how to completely harness this ability of his. "Hai, she did tell me about it." Ai had told him something about their family having this sort of sixth sense, being able to feel whether someone is lying or not. It's a great ability though not magical at all. Taking a deep breath, Ryuuji decided to gamble, it's all or nothing, and besides, he trust this boy already. "Then, does Conan-kun know what a metamorphmagus is?" He asked, smiling lightly.

Ryuuji had to laugh at the boy when he confirmed whether he really treats him as his younger brother. It's quite amusing really. The disbelief in the younger boy's voice was something that is really amusing to hear. "Hai, doushite? Don't you want to have an older brother Conan-kun? I'm the youngest in the family, so I really want to have younger siblings, and besides, Conan-kun reminds me so much of myself." It might actually be like they are father and son because of their similarity, but that would be weird, after all, he's still just a fourteen year old kid, and he still looks really young too. So a father and son thought was something that would definitely be out of the options.
Conan wasn't surprised that Tsukino-senpai knew about the family ability, "It's amazing how much Ai told him. She must have used her ability again accidentally," he thought. It was his way of thinking since he knew that Ai wouldn't tell anyone unless she accidentally used her ability. But, Conan didn't dare to ask. He just nodded his head in affirmation when the older boy had told him that Ai did tell him. When Conan was asked if he knew what a metamorphagus was, he remembered something he read about them. "They are the ones who can change their physical characteristics at will, aren't they? Then you must be one since you asked if I knew about them," he said keeping a calm face. "That's great, isn't it. Having such a rare ability. Goshinpainaku. I won't tell anyone. Even her," he told Tsukino-senpai while looking at Ai. He knew that it was something that only Tsukino-senpai had the right to tell, and he respected that. Conan was surprised that the older boy really wanted to have him as a younger brother. "It's not that I want to. Well, I wouldn't mind. After all, I'm older than Ai. Eh? I remind you of yourself? Nanto?" he asked. It was something he couldn't believe. Tsukino-senpai was more mature than him and more caring, he could even make Ai smile which Conan couldn't do for so long. He thought that he was nothing like the older boy.

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