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Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Len♥)
13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust
Chante was feeling kind of nervous going to the Yule Ball this year. Last year, it hadn't been all that fun and exciting for her. Last year she was still sad about Len moving away and that's why the Yule Ball hadn't been personally great for her. This year she wanted to change that by trying new things or whatever that looked fun at the moment for her. She wanted to make up for the year before and possibly share a dance with Jessica Cade if that were possible. However, it's likely that wasn't going to happen if Jessica had a date and she had one too. That was possibly why she was nervous, Chante would be attending the Yule Ball with a boy named Grayson Wolfe. A boy in her year who had some classes with Chante. It was unexpecting and yet, she will admit to feeling a little excited about what the evening might bring for them. For the most part, Chante wanted to give dancing a chance, that's if her date wanted to. Chante will only do so if he wanted to. Chante made her way downstairs and linger at the entrance waiting for Grayson to arrive. Chante looked around for her cousin and saw that she came down with one of her teammates. Chante smiles, she wished her cousin and her date a good evening in silence. Chante wished for a good evening too.
Grayson had been looking forward to the Yule ball ever since he asked Chante to be his date. He knew it had been time to move on from his crush on Athena and he had been admiring the Hufflepuff in their mutual classes for a while so decided to go for it. It was a little to his surprise that Chante had said yes, they didn't know each other and had no clue what the girls impression of him was but hopefully he'd be able to make a good impression on her at the ball. The Gryffindor stood in front of the mirror admiring his own suit before heading down to the ball. It would be the first year he hadn't gone with his sister and he hoped she would have a good time without him, though history told him it was more likely she'd spend the evening spying on his date.

Once he arrived in the entrance hall Grayson immediately spotted Chante and made his way over to her. She looked absolutely stunning but he needed to act cool if he wanted to impress her. "Chante, you look breathtaking," He said once he had reached her. Chante was taller than the average fifth year girl and previously had towered over Grayson quite significantly in their younger years but recently Grayson had grown and was catching up a little to the girl. "I don't know about you but I'm excited to dance,"
Chante caught sight of Willow waving at her, so she returns the friendly wave from across the hall. It wasn't weird not attending the ball without her, sometimes she went with others to school's functions. They've been like this since Willow started her years at Hogwarts and it never bothers them to go their own separate ways. Chante went back to waiting, glancing nervously around for her date. She worried he wouldn't show, as she barely knew the teen. She was still shocked he asked her to go with him. It's not an everyday occurrence that happens to her. Nervous, she waited as the seconds prolonged.

Then, finally, he appeared almost like magic at the entrance. Chante's cheeks flooded with a rouge blush, "Thanks, you too. I mean, you look great yourself," Chante felt comfortable enough to return the compliment. She was all smiles, but still a bundle of nerves for what awaits this evening. Chante, although taller, didn't mind the height difference. They weren't that far off from each other. "I am too, sort of, I haven't had much practice so, I'll let you lead the way," Chante's lips stretch smoothly across her face, eyes lighting up with thoughts of dancing and eating, and doing whatever their heart's content. Chante was ready to have a good time with Grayson, and with hope get to know him a bit more while they did.
It was Grayson's first time attending a Yule ball with a real date so he was a little nervous, he didn't know Chante very well after all so he knew they would have to work to level of comfort between the pair. "Thanks," Grayson smiled warmly. "I do scrub up quite well if I do say so myself," He was glad to hear that she wanted to dance too but he laughed when she suggested he took the lead, it seemed he'd given the impression he knew what he was doing. "Oh don't go thinking I can dance, I'm hopeless but I like to do it anyway," Grayson held out his hand for Chante, "Shall we go make fools of ourselves?"
Chante grins, covering her lips to stop herself from laughing ridiculously out loud in front of her date. She can appreciate a good sense of humor, that was a good start but she didn't want to ruin it too early by bursting out of the seams to playful humor. "Well, as long as it's together," Chante took his hand and nodded. It's about time she rewards herself by having fun and not overthinking things too much. Puberty really did something to her mentally and not just physically. "I will admit, I was surprised you asked me to be your date. I'm always surprised anybody asks me to be their date actually," she laughs gently. "Too much in the kitchen hanging with the house-elves will do that to you," she would blush, but she enjoyed their company and help when she was on the roll with baking scrumptious treats. Chante could never be embarrassed at what she loves doing best, she poured her heart and soul to it every time.
Grayson laughed, "Well I'm not much interested in looking like an idiot all by myself," He was glad he made her laugh, she looked cute when she laughed. Chante's statement about being surprised when he, or indeed anyone, asked her to be their date surprised them. "Why wouldn't I ask you? You're beautiful, fun, a little awkward in a good way, anyone would be lucky to be your date," He smiled at her. "And I consider myself very lucky right now," Grayson led Chante by the hand through the Great hall and to the dance floor. "I can't say I've ever spent too much time in the kitchens, other than the odd midnight snack run while studying, maybe you can introduce me to the house elves sometime?" Grayson suggested as they made their way out onto the dance floor.
Chante giggles, when she does some of her dark brown hair fell trailing down her face. "I wouldn't say you would look like an idiot, funny but not an idiot," Chante says with a genuine smile. If she wasn't blushing already, she would be now by his next set of words. Chante could feel the heat rise to her cheeks, she hopes it wasn't so obvious that she was blushing hard. "I, ah, thank you and me too. You're very easy going, and funny," although she wouldn't judge a person solely on looks, he was cute too. Chante always thought of her friends and even professors quite lovely when their personality shows in their appearance. There was no correlation to any of that, maybe, but if Chante wasn't interested in baking she would've been more into her creativity, and finding ways to express herself by appearance. "Sure, I'd love to, they're pretty helpful when I'm down there messing around and getting cake mix on my face," Chante laughs, then glance around at those on the dance floor. Everyone seems to be having a fun time dancing, Chante could feel her stomach flutter as she gets ready to shake it where everybody could see them.
Grayson laughed when Chante told him he wouldn't look like an idiot, but he would look funny. "I'll take it," He smiled playfully at her. He was looking forward to a fun evening with the Hufflepuff. He was glad to hear she thought of him as easy going, he wasn't always that way, when he was younger he was quite serious and grouchy but since he got to Hogwarts he not only mellowed out but found his mischievous streak and began having more fun in the process. "You bake? That's so cool, what kind of things do you bake?" He asked curious as to what sort of things she concocted during her long hours in the kitchens. Grayson was thinking of a follow on question when the upbeat music changed to something slower. He hesitated for a moment before moving to placed a hand on her waist, "That ok?" He asked awkwardly. Grayson had never slow danced with someone before, it was weird and he wasn't sure if he was doing it right, but he liked it and he hoped Chante did too.
Chante eased up, "Good," they were playful words coming from him, albeit, Chante had to always be such a positive soul with others. It's a habit, she won't want to change that about herself anytime soon. But then again, there a negative flip to it when she was in the worst mood. She still remembers about last year with Kengi, not everything been sorted as she would have liked with her old friend. Chante remains to be working on that whenever time or chance was on their side. "Yup," Chante nods, grinning. "Cupcakes and cookies for right now, I want to try other stuff. And, I made every flavor pudding once, that was fun," remembering Kengi called back the time she figured out how to make pudding cups and that time she made frybread with Len, that was fun too. "I'll make you something one day, it'll be my treat," she promised, then she got real quiet. The song currently playing was slow, the mood shifted all around them. Chante's pulse speeds up, her mouth went a little dry. Every nerve in her body was jumping out at her, and yet, as placid as she would allow herself to be, Chante nodded. Nervously, she placed her fingers cupped on his shoulders and drew a little closer. "It's more than okay," she tries to laugh but her tummy was in knots. She prays that the spirits will keep her afloat because she felt like she wanted to faint right then and there. Goodness her. "If I fall will you catch me?"
Grayson smiled as Chante told him she'd make him something in the kitchens, it was a sweet sentiment and one that hopefully meant they would be seeing more of each other going forward. "I'd like that," Grayson had been nervous when the music changed and hadn't been sure how Chante would respond to his move but she not only seemed ok with it, but slightly enthusiastic which he liked. "Catch you?" He asked softly, "Are you falling for me already?"
Grayson's humor was perfect timing and ease the flitters happening in her belly. Chante laughs, looking down a bit because she wasn't exactly eye leveled with Grayson. She didn't seem to mind as close as they were that he was slightly more shorter than she previously thought. "I felt a little faint. and dizzy. That's not to say that I'm not...," Chante quietly whispers to him, swaying slowly to the music. It felt so rushed, quite rushed. Was it too soon? She had no clue and for the moment didn't care if it was. Chante lived content in that instant with no regrets. That felt nice.
Grayson thought his silly comment had risked ruining the moment, but it seemed to have gone down well. Chante seemed to get his humor which he liked, not many girls did. "Well if you do faint, I promise to catch you," He smiled up at her. The moment was crazy, it all felt so sudden but it seemed natural. "Good, because I like you,"
Chante couldn't stop from grinning at everything Grayson was saying, her lips will surely be sore by the time their evening comes to an end. She may have to press ice on them, and she still won't regret any of it. "I think I'm okay now, thanks," Chante kept up swaying to the music. She regains a bit more composure and had enough courage to lean over and plant a tap kiss on his lips. It was light, sweet and flitters recommence going crazy in her belly. "Thanks for this night, it's been really fun."
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