Open Sunwashed Yellow

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
Open after @Onyx Michaels

Elliot still remembered Onyx pretty well after Halloween last year. If he was being honest, the older boy had made a bit of an impression on him, and he'd taken notice anytime he'd seen Onyx around, including during the Quidditch matches this year. Even though he'd only seen Onyx on the bench so far, Elliot still hoped he'd being able to spot Onyx hanging around the pitch. Off-season practice wasn't unheard of and Elliot was still at a point in the day where avoiding trying to flag students down in the Great Hall was ideal, even if it meant trekking out across the grounds. "Onyx?" He called out as he got onto the pitch, hoping his voice would carry if Onyx was in one of the locker rooms. "Onyx are you out here today?"
Onyx had just hit the ground when he heard someone calling his name. Swinging his broom over his shoulder, he walked over to the kid that had come onto the pitch. "Heyyyy, Elliot!" He waved at the boy as he drew nearer. "You're besties with little Lils, aren't ya?" He grinned, propping the broom up and leaning on it. "I haven't seen you in ages! What can I do for ya?" He asked with a bright smile.
"Oh, hey," Elliot said, trying to hold back a flinch when Onyx landed nearby. He'd been looking for Onyx on the ground, not thinking that someone might actually be practicing. In the air. Where people usually played quidditch. He decided to ignore Onyx's comment about Lily, just nodding briefly before moving along. He'd forgotten how easily Onyx could apparently fluster him. "I've got a rose for you, actually." He said, holding out Onyx's yellow rose and note.

Wanna hang out?

- Jake
Onyx tilted his head to the side. Was Elliot intimidated by him? He waited as Elliot explained why he was there. He blinked in surprise then took the yellow flower. His eyes widened at the note. "What?" He chirped happily. "Thanks El!" He ruffled the younger kids hair. "Hey," he asked, "Everything alright? Ya seem a bit... jumpy around me. Did I do something?" He lowered himself a bit to meet the younger boys gaze.
Elliot couldn't shake the impression Onyx was always trying to mess with him a bit whenever they talked, and he was getting that feeling now. It didn't help that he still found himself weirdly intent on making Onyx think he was cool. Trying not to blush or get flustered when Onyx messed up his hair, Elliot straightened his flower crown and busied himself with his basket and flower list rather than look Onyx in the eye. The flower crown had seemed like a fun idea this morning, but it was hard to not feel self-conscious in it now. "Everything's fine, you're fine, I mean uh," Elliot glanced up at Onyx again and tried what he hoped was a casual smile. "Just wasn't expecting you to be uh.. flying. But I should go, enjoy your rose!" He managed to get out, giving Onyx a quick wave and beginning to move away.

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