Summer sunshine

Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Lexi was pretty bored around the castle and want some sunshine around, she decided to go at the garden and picked some flowers. She wore her flower printed tee shirt, red sweater, jeans and a rubber shoes. Lexi walked out of there common room and started to walked outside feeling the summer sunshine of the year, as she walked at the garden Lexi saw some pretty daisy around and went to picked one.
It took him for almost 2 days to decide whether or not he'll be spending his summer at the castle, it will be lonely again if he chooses to stay home, watching TV, playing his Xbox, reading books, eating, sleeping, like normal muggles do. He want it to be different this time and he never did regret it.

It was a nice morning, and Arnold decided to take a walk at the grounds, it's been a while since he had saw the hogwarts being green. He set his way to the gardens, he love flowers, not that because of another reason, absolutely not, it just reminded him about his mother.

"Lexi?" he mumbled, its been so long since the last time he saw her, maybe he was just too busy that he never did bother going out the common room not unless he needed to.

Arnold picked a purple flower just acroos him "Beautiful day huh" Arnold said when he had reached Lexi "For you" grinning at her as he handed the flower
Lexi was busy picking some flower when she didn't noticed someone is behind her, she turned around fast. Seeing it was one of her friends, Arnold. "Oh, yah. It is." She smiled looking at the blue sky, Lexi didn't expect Arnold would give her a flower and the color was her favorite. "Thanks." She said simply and took it from his hands, why every time i'm with him is so different? Lexi thought to herself. She cleared her throat, "Why are you here?" she asked.
Lexi smiled at him, "No, i'm not waiting for someone. Just walking." She said looking for some spot to sat on, then she spotted a tree with leaves that are big. "Do you want to sit? at that tree?" Lexi asked Arnold while pointing at the said tree, She's feeling helpless with the flowers she got.
"Really" Arnold grinned
"Sure. Whatever" he said and grabbed Lexi by the hand, running towards the tree. He sat first "Do you think it's possible that the..." he look around for a sec "Death Eaters would attack this school?" he whispered at her to make sure no one will hear
Lexi didn't expect that Arnold would had grab her in the hand, they run toward the said tree and she sat beside Arnold. "Why would the Death Eaters attack the school?" She asked him curiously, she placed the flowers beside her.
"Well, I just thought it would happen again" Arnold said turning towards her "I mean, it would be very silly.." he said sounding very interesting "..but I think its a great adventure if Death eaters will attack and then we'll save everyone, the school.."he trailed off, then smiled to himself
Lexi frowned, "Again?" She asked Arnold but not waited for an answer, "You mean it happen already?" Lexi gap her mouth in shocked. "You should not say that, i mean i got like two siblings here, studying. how i will save them?" Lexi raised an eyebrow on him.
"Arggh, stop kidding around, Arnold." Lexi smack him at the shoulder. "Not funny with all the responsibilities you got." She rolled her eyes but turned to look back at Arnold, "But what's that truth, did Death Eaters attack the school? I was out for one year." Lexi said while licking her dry lips.
"Alright, alright" Arnold said, massaging his shoulders "It wasn't just last year, it's been soooooooooo long" he said smiling at her "I hope you know the life about the great Potters, if you do, you'll know what I'm talking about."
Lexi rolled her eyes,"That one? I knew that, my mom always tells us when we were like little. Actually, that's our bedtime stories." She said scratching his chin like thinking. "Do you want the Death Eaters to do that again? That's lame of you to think of that." Why would he think of that? Lexi thought to herself.
"My mom also tells me that stories, almost like every night" Arnold smiled and made a sly laugh
"No, not really, I want it to be diferent" he said, looking straight to her eyes, then started laughing "O c'mon Lexi" he stood up "I won't be so stupid to be wishing death eaters would be attacking again" he said "I'm just being bored by the time being..any suggestion then?" he grinned at her as he reached for the brance of a tree as if climbing
Arnold had starred at her making her cheeks burned, Lexi took a deep breath when Arnold made a joke again. She turned somewhere and said quietly, "You should be the first to duel Voldemort if he comes back." and crossed her arms, "Well, i had a suggestion if your bored to your life, why don't we go at the forbidden forest. You want adventure, then i will give you one." Lexi said standing up and turning to him.
"You said the name" Arnold said smiling as he climbed the tree "He won't come back" he assured her "And his face is already old, I mean, the wizards are used to his evil traits etc.." he blabbered "It would be cool if theres a new Voldy" he said laughing.

"Im scared of that place" he said in a girly tone and grinned "I'll go if were allowed" he said
"Then what do you want to do?" She asked him while looking somewhere. "I don't have much know about the castle even though i'm three years here." Lexi said now looking at Arnold, the sun rays touched her face. "Ohh, teach me how to ride a broom. That will be an overall adventure and accident." She said rolling her eyes.
"Me either" Arnold replied "Hogwarts are full of secrets, although this school wasn't the school of the Potter's before, the mysterious one" he added grinning

"Of course, that will be alot of fun" he said beaming down her "Wait, you still don't know how to ride a broom? I thought Andy had taught you already? and Blane? he asked Lexi
"Hmmmh, let me think. When Blane teach me someone doesn't want me to ride and when Andy..wait..Andy didn't thought me how to ride it." Lexi put her hands on her hips. "And when she's going to teach me, we have a fight. Maybe i'm curse." She said acting like scared. "Never mind, Andrew will teach me how."
"Oh I remember that" Arnold said grinning "Was that Jaared, or whatever his name is" he recalled "You had a fight with Andy before?" he said curiuos "Why? how? tell me the story, if its alright" he said "Andrew? I think were in the same year, slytherin like you" he said grinning again and at the same time, he heard some rumors about this guy with Z, just long before.
"We just got on an argument and that's all..." She trailed off. "Yah, Andrew. My friend who is heart broken, i don't know what to do with him actually." Lexi said sitting in the ground again. "I wish he forgets about Zazuka."
Lexi rolled her eyes, sometimes she thinks that her friend is a gossip finder, "Well, i heard that Zazuka was jealous on Caina..and the next thing i knew they were part ways, Andrew with no one and Zazuka with Brian." She said thinking the story on her head, "If you don't know the story you can read it in a magazine, i have a copy." Lexi said thinking its best to led Arnold one.
"Well that's fast, their story being on the magazine" Arnold said with a sly laugh "No thanks, I'm quite satisfied with your story" he said grinning "And I heard those trio have some hole in their wall" he said, since he has been seeing the two girls at his class "And, uhm, hey..won't you come up here, its hard talking to you when your down there" he said holding on the branch of a tree.
Lexi groaned when Arnold wants her to come up into the tree, She stood up from the ground. "Help me first." Lexi said raising her hand for Arnold to pull her up. "Huh, my voice is quiet loud you know. How can you not hear it?" She asked curiously.

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