Summer Afternoon

Kenzie Fudge

Kenzie made arrangements to end up meeting her closes friend Brodie Fudge during the end of the month before school resume back to session. The plan was to meet halfway across the world, weather it happen Florida or somewhere the horizon met the son early morning, that was the plan. It backfired completely when Brodie's family detested the idea and insists Kenzie come visit him instead. Deciding last minute, she round up going along with Lucy permission to travel with portkey. Apparating instead of portkey would've taken no less than a second to do, she deciding apparating sounded better. Not knowing Brodie's family all to well, she made reservation to stay at the Leak in London.

After arriving and getting situated, Kenzie waiting on Brodie to meet her near the ole rigging shop. Waiting inside just meant, waiting for an old wizard to come by her and ask all these silly question of being with someone or not. Kenzie didn't need trouble now, she would be dealing with her other sister Lacey if she got into heaps loads of mess. So in effort, she did all that she could to avoid strangers. Kenzie turning around when someone tried too, looking space out playing deft. It was easy to play like this all day, yet she wasn't hoping for this to go on forever. So she waited just a little more longer, walking up the street now no where near the old pub. If by any chance Brodie was around, she end up bumping into him shortly. It would be a drag if she was stood up by her closes friend.
Brodie landed his flying motorbike outside of the store where he was supposed to be meeting his best friend. Brodie's grandparents had decided he wasn't making enough friends at school and so they had arranged for the two to spend any waking moments together. Truthfully they were probably hoping that Brodie and Kenzie would end up falling for each other. Never gunna happen. Were just friends. Brodie told himself. He felt nothing for Kenzie besides the love a brother might feel for his sister.

As Brodie entered the shop he noticed some creepy old wizard trying to talk to Kenzie. Anger flared up inside him and he almost ran over to where he was sitting. "I'm only going to tell you this once sir, leave my friend alone." He said trying to make his voice as manly as possible. Brodie would gladly fight any man who dared try to hurt Kenzie. "Are you okay?" he asked turning to her. "He didn't try anything, did he?" he added gripping the handle of his wand.
A man ran up along side of the one pestering Kenzie. She was surprise to see that it was Brodie who came to her defense. The straggler took the hint and left Kenzie be for the second time today, this time never to come back and bother the girl again. "Whoa, what's all that about?" she started to laugh, the silly situation was nothing Kenize couldn't have handle it on her own. Still, she was please to see her had came. "Yeah I'm fine, he was just being a turd, begging for who knows what" she shrug, sitting now that she made herself comfortable on a stool. She order a glass of something light, like water, butter beer was to gross to drink over the summer, she preferred water over this heat.

"How was your travel here? It's nice to see you came." she went along the line of words and sentences her sister made her practice to say when she saw Brodie. They were like friends, close friends she didn't want it to go anywhere past that line. But she been meaning to do something, her friends at school dared her too do. They were a group of witches who were like high society stuck up who Kenzie always hang with, kinda dumb for her to fall with this crowd. She had let this kinda group pressure into anything, and there was like no way out of them unless you wanted to be outcast at Salem.

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