Closed Sugar Plum Fairies

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava had just spent half a day in labor, and she was tired. She lay in bed, baby against her chest, eyes droopy as she tried to catch her breath. She wasn't sure where Noelle was, but he'd show up eventually. They'd only just thought to send an owl to Noelle- somehow delivering the twins had been easier. Plum- sweet little Plum- she'd been a challenge. Ava yawned, her messy hair sticking to her face. She felt like a mess. Vader was with her, and she hummed softly. "Do you want to hold her?" She managed, yawning and shifting slightly to offer the newborn in her arms to her best friend. "She should meet her godfather."
Vader was very pleased that the labour was over. He wasn't sure he'd ever get used to it. His best friend in some great pain, while her body did what it needed to. He was very pleased to never deal with it himself. Vader was just glad now that the baby was born, Noelle was likely on his way and Ava seemed okay. Tired but okay. He glanced towards Ava as she spoke, glancing down at Plum and smiling. "You sure?" he asked, he was happy to meet her this way without taking her from Ava. he was sure she wanted to hold her more and didn't take want to take Plum from her if she wasn't ready. Though she was offering the baby out to her. Vader would still wait till she said she was sure, but was reaching to take her.
Ava chuckled lightly. "Of course you can," She reassured him, yawning. "I want you to meet your goddaughter," She tried to sit up a bit, focusing a bit too hard on the motion and on keeping Plum secure in her arms. She sighed happily once she was upright. "Come here, silly," She gave her best friend a tired smile and leaned in, trying to help to transfer Plum into his arms.
It was the second week and Noelle had been fidgeting ever since the start of the feast. Heck, he did not even want to go back that semester. He checked in with Ava before he made the trip back, making sure she was still settled. Now, he looked up at the clock to see that he only had a few minutes before class started. He gathered up the books he needed when an owl swooped in from his open window. His eyes locked in on the note and took it right away. "Ava." He breathed in trying to be calm. He whisked off his wand, a patronus emerged bearing the message that he had to leave and could not make it to class. He rushed out of his office and did not even stop until he reached the school ground boundaries where one was allowed to apparate. He quickly did, materializing in an alley close to where she was.

"Ava... Ava... I-I'm here. I came here as quickly as I could-", he started but quickly stopped short at the sight. Ava with her daughter. His daughter. Their daughter. He was thankful for Vader being there. "Hi.", he finally said, able to catch his breath, still rooted to the spot.
Vader nodded, a little unsure reaching to go take her, but as he did, Noelle walked into the room. He pulled his arms back and looked at the man. A new parents. Vader smiled at her. "Ava did real well," he complimented her, motioning a little for Noelle to approach as he moved out of the way a little. Knowing that this a big moment for him. His first child. "Plum is beautiful," he complimented too.
Ava glared a little as Vader moved away. "Vader Timothy Hume you get back here and take this child," She scolded him, before looking to Noelle. "You, sir, are late." She scolded him as well before yawning loudly. "Vader, take Plum over to Noelle and then come cuddle me," She tried, feeling like she needed a nap. She knew Vader would keep an eye on things for her.
Noelle hurried over to Ava's side, dropping a kiss on her forehead. He did not care if she would get pissed over it. "Thanks. For being here for her.", he said, looking at Vader. "And I'm sorry. I hurried as soon as I got your owl." He brushed her hair from her face, gazing into her eyes tenderly. His eyes then wandered over to the bundle of joy Ava was about to pass to Vader.
Vader took Plum in his arms and held her. He just stared at her for a moment, he knew he would never have his own children in this way, but he was just happy to be there for Ava and her kids. He loved them, and he loved Plum too. Vader moved after a beat, moving around the bed to hand Plum over to Noelle, Vader knew that Ava would manage them both and her needs with them best, and unwittingly his mind cast to Dart, thinking about a future with him. "She's perfect," he said as he went to pass Plum to Noelle.​
Ava yawned, only vaguely aware of what the boys were doing. "Sweet little sugar plum fairy," She murmured, shifting to lay more comfortably. "Read her the nutcracker before bed." She mumbled, half out of it. She reached out a hand, half asleep already, just making grabby hands for Vader. "Timmyyyy," She yawned again, worn out after everything.
Noelle used the time to quickly set the food on the table, taking out the coffee he managed to ask from the kitchen elves before he left. He was just able to finish setting everything up when Vader just rounded to pass his daughter to him. "She is.", he whispered looking down at her in his arms the moment she was secured. He glanced at him, gesturing to the coffee. "I brought coffee. I got it from the kitchens.", he added with a sheepish grin. Ava was already sleepy, already yawning, and comfortable in bed. "I will, my love. Get some rest. We'll be here.", he said, taking the seat as he cradled Plum, admiring her fingers and button nose.
Vader felt the loss of holding Plum as he'd handed her over to Noelle. But he moved next to Ava who seemed to be calling for him. He went to sit next to her in the bed, to let her relax properly and be able to just rest after all she had been here. "That we will be," he agreed with Noelle, trying to really encourage her to rest.
-godmod approved-

Ava hummed and collapsed into Vader, completely ignoring Noelle. She snuggled against Vader- as much as she could without aggravating herself too much, anyway. Having the one baby to take care of after birth was a bit easier. Even without the extra set of arms. But all of that was thoughts for later. Ava was asleep quickly, warm and content in the familiar embrace of her best friend. Apparently giving birth was a really exhausting thing to do.

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