Stump the Staff

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Welcome to Stump the Staff, the game where you get the opportunity to test the staff's knowledge of HNZ-related trivia. How do you play, you ask? Good question! ^_^ If you choose to play, you'll post 1 question and the staff will have 2 hours to attempt to answer the question. Failure to do so on our part will give you bragging rights...and maybe we'll muster up a prize.
Question: Who participated in the oldest RP in Takarokaro Park?
Answer: Caitlyn Scott and/or Zachary Heaton

The Rules said:
For posters:
1. Please only post 1 question at a time. If a question has been posted and the two hours are not up, feel free to give the staff hints. I'm sure we'll need the hints :p
2. You must be able to provide a link to your answer so make sure you've done your research before you throw in a question.
3. Any questions about characters must be limited to past and current HNZ students.
4. Have fun! ^_^

For staff:
1. Any staff member may answer the question posted.
2. Don't lose :glare:

I look forward to seeing the crazy questions you guys come up with. Let the games begin!!
Which character attending HNZ now is "Completey Ignored"?
My only guess could be Hariah Meadow, but I think my answer comes too late even if I was possibly right. :erm:
Who went to the hospital wing twice for something similar?
Dymetris Kozlov said:
Who went to the hospital wing twice for something similar?
That question is farrr too general. It could be anybody who broke more than one bone, or got sick more than once, or anything at all.

But I'm going to guess Maddiie LeMour.
Nicolas King said:
Dymetris Kozlov said:
Who went to the hospital wing twice for something similar?
That question is farrr too general. It could be anybody who broke more than one bone, or got sick more than once, or anything at all.

But I'm going to guess Maddiie LeMour.
She did O_O?

I meant Y14 - Y15 :r hint : it's a male.
Patricia Styx said:
Andy Hydran xD
See what I mean about general?
I'm sure that Maddiie was in the hospital wing at least twice about her "shape shifting" disease. xD
Patty got it!!!!!
Nicolas King said:
Patricia Styx said:
Andy Hydran xD
See what I mean about general?
I'm sure that Maddiie was in the hospital wing at least twice about her "shape shifting" disease. xD
She was in there a lot =)) but itss because she had a crush on the nurse xD and she needed her potion xP
Dymetris Kozlov said:
She was in there a lot =)) but itss because she had a crush on the nurse xD and she needed her potion xP
So what you're saying is that, given the clue you gave, I was right as well. :r

Cool. :cool:
Briar has been in twice for broken bones due to bludgers. and it is implied that she is in often die t her "shape shifting disease"

which two students had a "relationship" with the same centaur?

and by that i mean romantic undertones
Patricia Styx said:
Staff: 1
Members: 1

Next xD
Members don't get that point until we get the topic link with the answer from James, as per le rules. :r
Briar Rowan said:
Briar has been in twice for broken bones due to bludgers. and it is implied that she is in often die t her "shape shifting disease"

which two students had a "relationship" with the same centaur?

and by that i mean romantic undertones
Elvera & Eden with Spike xD
correct, it seems that even before they new they were twins they had some things in common :p

Is that a question? o_O

If so: Yes.

Dymetris Kozlov said:

he changed the picture if i remember right it used to be this
but then the board rules were changed. so he had to change it
Next question? ^_^
Which HNZ Slytherin of 2030 has a crush on some-one unexpected?
Justin Kuya, on Professor Blaze? :r
What? I didn't hear about this xD
Damn Justin, must have a mind of his own <_<
At this rrate Justin will be crushing on everything :tut:
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