Students out of Bed!

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Elizabeth Chang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
I just wanted a cute title or something :tut:
Anyway I have students that need plotting with! :frantics:

Here I have Elizabeth Chang

She is a fourth year Ravenclaw and transferred last year from Salem. She's virtuoso and artsy in every way possible and loves to learn new things from other people. She comes off shy but she's really not, she's just too scared to make the first move. She's a worrier and always tries to abide by the rules because it's how she was raised but now that she's been away from her parents a while she's starting to act more her age. I'm looking for friends that can help her get out of her shell and have adventures with her because she's dying to let loose and have some fun!

Then I have Lizzy's younger sister, Amberly Chang

She's a second year Gryffindor and all she wants to do is have fun! She's really bubbly and happy all the time, it can get annoying at times. But she needs friends to have fun with! She doesn't really care about school much, even though the magical world is completely new to her, she wishes she just knew it instantly without having to go to classes and stuff. She finds school somewhat pointless because she's going to be a performer anyway! She's really good at singing but isn't as musically diverse as her sister is. She may need some enemies to sort of tone her down, give her a reason to stop being so happy all the time lol. Or some studious friends to get her on track or something.

So that's it! I really want to start RPing with these two so if anyone has any ideas please post them!! :) I'm flexible and willing to RP! :frantics:
I have briar rowan a fifth year Gryffindor prefect who could be friends with eather of them, don't think that because she is a prefect she is a goody two shoes, she isn't. She is pertty wild and care free, and loves sport. she would much rather spend time in the grounds (and yes in the forest) than in class, and although this year she is trying to study for her OWLS she still finds plenty of time to have fun, play quidditch and help out the younger students.

I also have Tara Sitara, a third year puff. she enjoys art and drawing. and is nice to anyone. although recent events have caused her to be a little more subdued than she was, it trying to not let it bring her down. she will be friends to anyone, and is trying to forget about last summer. (maybe Amberly could help bring tara back to her bubbly, life loving self)
I have Sapphire Clow and Lola Caracola for these two. Sapphire is a Hufflepuff fourth year who is trudging through school even though she can't speak. She's been mute since the age of three or four because of something she wasn't meant to see. Lola is a muggle born girl who loves sports. She's loud, really loud but make friends with the Whipper Bird and she will protect you for life.
Lizzy & Briar
I think these two could definitely be friends. Would you like to start an RP or me?

Tara & Amberly
I like Tara's storyline! (Sorry been lurking :r ) So I'd definitely like to RP with this character and Amberly could help her be happy and stuff again.

Sapphire & Lizzy
Sapphire is definitely another interesting character that would be cool to RP with so I think her and Lizzy should be friends since they're in the same year!

Amberly & Lola
I think so much energy between these two would cause them to com bust xD but they'd definitely get along! Would you like to start or me?

Still welcoming moreeeee people! :)
awesome i never thought my topics were good enough to attract lurkers XD
would you like me to start the one with tara and Amberly, and you can start the Lizzy and briar one.
I will have to wait till i am out of class and have had lunch though
Cool it seems that Sapphire is attracting all the Ravenclaws lol. Anyway I can start that one with Lizzy while Lola and Amberly can start being weapons of mass distraction :p
Once upon a time Lizzy was supposed to have a crush on Jeremy too :r but I became inactive cuz of school & work. :correct:

I'll start the topics for Lizzy & Briar, and Amberly & Lola then! :)
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