Student Biography Form

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
This is the biography that we request all student characters fill out - at the very least. You're always free to add more detail to the forms, but this is what is more or less expected to allow other roleplayers to be able to learn about your character quickly and effectively.

The Basic Form
Basic Biography Form said:
[b]Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Character's Birthdate:[/b]
[b]Blood Status:[/b]
(Note: Purebloods must be approved)
[b]Hogwarts House:[/b]
(Include information about your character's hair, their eyes, their height, distinguishing features, anything that would be helpful in a role play)
(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings etc.] and some basic information on them [age, occupation, etc.])
(Give a brief history of your character - early child hood, sorting, the basics)

A More Complex Example
Another Biography Form said:
[big][b][u]The Basics[/u][/b][/big]
[b]Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Character's Birthdate:[/b]
[b]Blood Status:[/b]
(Note: Purebloods must be approved)
(All the information on it you can provide)
</i>[b]Hogwarts House:[/b]
[b]Other Distinguishing Features:[/b]
[big][b][u]A Little Deeper[/u][/b][/big]
(Psychoanalyze your character. How do they act? Why do they act that way?)
(How did your character grow up? Where? How did they enjoy their childhood? Anything interesting happen to them? How did they first learn about magic?)
(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings etc.] and some on them [A mini bio, if you will {Age, occupation, blood status, a little history}])

There you have it. Thank you all for the time you put into these characters.
If you have any questions/concerns feel free to PM an administrator.

Not sure when your character was born?
Have a look at this:
Birth years for student characters said:
Seventh Years were born sometime between you must have Javascript enabled to view this..
Sixth Years were born sometime between you must have Javascript enabled to view this..
Fifth Years were born sometime between you must have Javascript enabled to view this..
Fourth Years were born sometime between you must have Javascript enabled to view this..
Third Years were born sometime between you must have Javascript enabled to view this..
Second Years were born sometime between you must have Javascript enabled to view this..
First Years were born sometime between you must have Javascript enabled to view this..
Unsorted Students were born sometime between you must have Javascript enabled to view this..
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