Strange girl

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Annika Lansden

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Well, this is Annika.

Annika is eleven years old, has lived in Wellington, New Zealand her entire life, and is muggle born. She of course had no idea that she was witch, and so she is a faithful believer of science. To sum her up, she is a little strange. To most people, weird. She suffers from insomnia, which probably adds to her strange appearance and moods. She is generally had to get along with, as she lacks in the normal social skills of an eleven year old. Or she just chooses not to use them, as she likes to be independant. Annika is going through a rather confusing time at the moment, because finding out that magic exists counter-acts all her scientific beliefs.

So what I'm looking for is a close/best friend for her. They would have to be quite open-minded to be friends with her, and quite patient. Once somebody gets to know Annika, which is very rare, they find an intelligent person, with a surprisingly dry sense of humour.

I am not really looking for any love interests yet... She doesn't really believe in love. It doesn't have a formula.

Enemies, maybe. She doesn't usually have people who dislike her, they just think she's weird. If someone would like to tease her a bit, or maybe hate her, that would be interesting.

Thank you ^_^
Stella Thompson might be her friend. Though probably more unspoken than anything, they'd just get along really well because they're both kinda out there and maybe due to that they'd accept each other? Stella's muggle born too, and a technophile, and a child of the internet pretty much. She's really bizarre and references memes and thing, and she's smart and a computer genius but not so much with the social skills. I guess they'd kinda be awkward but she'd probably be accepting even if she didn't know how to convey it. If that makes sense.
I'm half asleep typing this forgive me.
I have replied to our Elizabeth/Annika topic ^_^
Well, I certainly have Tim to offer. He is a complete nut nad I'm sure Annika can relate to him. Infact I think Tim would be very interested in her. Not Love wise, but compelled that there was another one like him.
Camilla: That sounds really good. Annika loves the internet too, since it's all science, so they can talk complicated computer stuffs. Would you like to RP, and see how they get along?

Brittany: Yup, I saw :) Shall we see how they get along, then decide if they'll be friends?

Tymm: That sounds funny, and I can see it working. She is very open and accpeting, and won't think twice about having a male friend eight years older than her. Would you like to RP, and see what happens?
I think so. That would be great! :D However I must say Tim is well....Dark :(
Shall I start or You?
Alright. I'll pm it to you when it's done!
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