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Amelie Derouin

Sweet- Lost
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight, firm nine inch Oak wand with Unicorn Hair Core
11/18/2039 (21)
Amelie loved seeing Jamie at pretty much any occasion, but when she'd found out that he and Onyx had adopted a son, she'd been especially eager to plan a visit. She managed to get a week off- Lucas was a great boss and had been easy to convince to let her out, so she'd packed up her bags and made the trip back to France. It was slower, sure, but she loved to just watch the world go by.

Eventually, she'd made it back to the Derouin Villa, and skipped up the lane with her bag over her shoulder. She knocked on the door, and when it opened she threw out her arms. "Surprise!" She sing-songed. "Auntie Amelie is here to spoil her new favorite little guy," She smiled brightly, waiting for the hug she knew she'd get.
Jamie loved Jacques so much. It felt silly how much he loved the little boy. He was such a delight and pleasure, and their little family felt just on the edge of being complete. Sapphire was pregnant and they weren't long away from the twos being born. He was eager for it. Eager for their house to be filled with the patter of little feet and childish laughter. He gave a confused look as he heard Amelie's voice in the house. He walked over and immediately went to wrap his arms around her in a hug. "Amelie, my dear, what are you doing here?" he asked eagerly, so happy to see her.
Amelie laughed, hugging him back tightly. "Now, now, Jamie Derouin, did you honestly think my favorite cousin could adopt some little cutie and I wouldn't immediately take off time to come and visit?" She teased, leaning back, hands on Jamie's hips. "I'm here all week. Free babysitting. Where's our sweet Mr. Derouin? With new baby Derouin?" She asked, peeking around Jamie to see who else she could shower her attention on.
Jamie gave a little laugh. "I should've expected it," he replied and really he should've because Amelie was a great and attentive cousin, and was always ready to support him, as he wanted to do with her. "He's down for his nap," Jamie said, "He'll be up soon enough, so you can get settled, and I can make you a little something to eat?" he offered.
Amelie smiled brightly. "Absolutely!" She agreed, tummy rumbling. "I'd never say no to your cooking," She teased. "Where shall I bunk down?" She asked. Her newest nephew was sure to have a room, and she didn't want to risk waking him up. "Is a little wine with lunch no longer appropriate? I'm not sure the protocol for having a toddler around. Is he a toddler? How old is he?" She asked, hiking her bag up on her shoulder again, a million questions in her mind.
Jamie nodded lightly. "You do prefer Onyx's though don't you," he teased. "Oh of course," he said and then explained to her the rooms which were left, given where Jacques was now sleeping and where the kids then were too. "It's appropriate, but just not too many glasses," he sais with a smile. "I'm not drinking right now, but I can still get a bottle out," he told her. "He's three, coming up for four. He's adorable, still a little shy, but he's settled in very very well, which is what you want really,"
Amelie giggled and just blew Jamie a playful wink and a kiss. She noted which room she could take and pouted as he said he wouldn't drink. "Well, boo, I don't want to drink alone." She stuck her tongue out at him. "Just grab something we can both have and we'll share. Gossip, catch up, all that fun stuff." She started for the stairs. "I thought he might be a shy little guy, so I was sure to get a week to let him warm up without pushing." She stretched. "I'm gunna go drop off my things and wash up, I'll be back in ten," She gave him a playful wave and sauntered to her room, settling in and redoing her hair and lip gloss before heading back down to find her cousin.
Jamie gave a little laugh and began looking for something fresh and good they could both drink. "Sounds good, Amelie," he said in response with a little smile. He watched her begin to leave. "he's a bit shy around people he doesn't know, but we've shown him pictures of you, so hopefully it won't be too bad," he told her, though he was sure she'd do well to get him endeared to him. "Okay, take your time," he said as he got some drinks together for them.
Amelie found him fairly quickly, and skipped up next to him, cheek nearly pressed against his arm as she tried to peek around him. "What did you find?" She asked, arms behind her back. "Need any help?" She peeked up, smiling and just letting herself enjoy being back. She'd missed it, missed France, missed her family. Especially her favorite cousin and his household. "Where is Onyx, anyway?" She asked suddenly, noticing the lack of hugs she'd gotten from Jamie's husband.
Jamie moved to put his arm around Amelie when she reappeared and gave a little shrug. "I'll be happy for the help, but I don't need it," he said softly, not wanting her to feel like she had to do anything, he wanted her to enjoy her time with him. "He's with Sapphire, I believe," Jamie said with a little nod. "She's due pretty soon, so we're just keeping a good eye on her." he said. "Now, tell me about you, what have you been up to?" he asked.
Amelie leant into her cousin easily, humming. "Well, I'll let you get this one, but I'll take over dinner," She countered, giving him an easy smile. She pressed a kiss under his jaw before moving to sit nearby. "I can see him hovering, he's a sweetheart." She got comfortable, crossing her legs and tucking her hair behind her ear. "Oh, you know, just working. The flower shop has been nice. The owner, Lucas, he's a really quiet guy, really soft. Lanky guy, likes pastels, you'd think he's all limbs but he's just a gentle giant. Hard to get through to, though, he's not exactly chatty." She shrugged. "What about you? Hows life as a sports dad treating you?
Jamie smiled as she leaned into him before moving away. He focused on making the food, and listening to what Amelie had to say. From what she was saying, he wasn't sure if she was interested in dating him, or if she just didn't have anyone else to talk about. "Do you like him?" he asked, trying to get her to say a little more. "Oh, it's wonderful," he said. "I love being a dad, and Jacques is a sweet kid,"
Amelie shrugged at Jamie's question. "He's a good boss, I suppose, if not a little too hung up on an old flame or something," She rolled her eyes. "I don't think I'll ever understand that- that pining for someone." She flashed Jamie a wicked grin. "Kinda reminds me of you, actually. When Onyx went on that trip with Sapphire." She chuckled, before listening to him talk about being a dad. "For what its worth, I did always think you'd be a good dad. You're very nurturing." She hummed. "I'm not surprised he's a sweet kid- even if he had some troubles, no one could spend any amount of time with you and Nyxy and not be at least a little bit of a sweetie."
Jamie gave a little smile, appreciating her kind words about him as a parent. He had always figured he could be a good parent if he tried, it was just more complicated for him and onyx, than it would be for a straight couple and he knew they had gotten pretty lucky with it. "It's good, I'd say, that you've never experienced it, it does sometimes feel like you've gone a little insane," he told her with a fondness that indicated that he didn't mind it. "I like being a parent, it feels right, especially with Jacques," the man said.
Amelie laughed lightly, shaking her head. "Admit it, you've always been kinda insane for the pretty goth boy," She teased, wrinkling her nose at her cousin. She smiled as he gushed about being a dad, watching him fondly. "From the stories you've sent, he seems like such a good kid," She agreed, trying to steal peeks at what he was doing. "How's that food coming? I'm starving," She pouted.
Jamie laughed and nodded in agreement. "Since I first laid my eyes on him, I've always been a little insane for him" he let himself agree with a little smile. Since it was the truth. He had always been a little insane for him. "He's a good kid, just needed a stable home," he said softly, so pleased that he and Onyx could give it to him. "It is almost ready, sit down, I'll have it plated in a moment,"
Amelie scrunched her nose and stuck out her tongue. "You're so sappy its gross sometimes," She teased him. She settled in for the food, laughing lightly. "Well this is the most stable home I've ever seen." She complimented him. "And its coming with a few build in siblings, too. Sapphire is due soon,you said?" She asked, recalling they'd mentioned it briefly when asking about Onyx before.
Jamie laughed lightly as she called him sappy, though he knew that he was very much sappy. He didn't mind it either, he liked being able to show his love so openly, and was always glad to have someone in Onyx who loved it like he did. "She is," he replied. "We'll work to make sure Jacques doesn't feel left out, or like he's being replaced, but I think it'll be good once the babies are here, we'll be able to be a full family," he said.
Amelie hummed, smiling at her cousin. "With you two? It's impossible not to feel loved. A little smothered, maybe," She winked playfully. "But I bet he'll just adore the twins as much as you two do, and they'll adore him." She stretched. "Now come on, slowpoke, food," She tried to shoo him. "Feed me! I'm famished."

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