Open Still on the Sidelines

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Sydney Townsend

Amateur Duellist | Smarter Than You
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
11/2036 (25)
Open after Kadi posts with Simon

Sydney didn't know why she was even here. Well, that wasn't totally true, she knew exactly why she was here but she was pointedly ignoring it, mentally prepared with five different excuses if she happened to Emily. At least this was the time she'd have to deal with a stupid school event, Sydney thought, scoffing into her cup. Seven years of boring classes and useless dances and very little had changed it seemed. The same idiots still swanned around all dressed up and Sydney still got to stand here and glower at them for the evenings that she bothered to show up for. The last few months of the year could not pass soon enough so she could be rid of this cesspool, she mused, glowering at some heart shaped confetti that drifted past innocently. Sydney had made a point to wear all black tonight, and accurate representation of her own heart right now, hoping to come across as un-festive as possible. With any luck she could spend the night sneering appropriately at her classmates and go to bed content she'd proved the whole thing was a waste of time.
Simon felt a little bittersweet about his last dance at Hogwarts. He had always assumed that when the time came it it would feel more monumental. But as he walked into the great hall he was underwhelmed. It felt like all the others, well maybe not all the others. Last year he had a date and now....well he wasn't alone exactly, he spotted Sydney off in the corner looking as enthusiastic as always and joined her. "Festive outfit." he said with a grin. "Waiting for a date?" he asked dangerously. His tone was light but he knew what a question like that might get him. Sydney wasn't exactly forthcoming with personal information but from her exceptionally sour demeanor he figured whatever she had going on wasn't going well if going at all.
Sydney rolled her eyes when Simon joined her, considering the pros and cons of dumping her drink on his head. "I'm just confirming how much happier I'll be once we're done with this place," she said cooly, deciding she'd rather finish her drink even if it meant having to deal with Simon's smug face. "Couldn't find anyone to put up with you for tonight either?" she shot back. Sydney didn't know if Simon's own love life was as tender a subject for him as it was for her, but it brought her some measure of comfort that they both appeared to be alone tonight. Sydney would take being alone with her idiot friend any day she supposed over spending a single second with someone fake like Emily.
Simon grinned at her. He has his own reasons for not wanting to face the harsh reality of the adult world quite yet, but he couldn't fault Sydney for wanting out of here so bad. "Oh yeah? What are your big plans?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. He didn't actually know what Sydney was planning after graduation and he was deathly curious now. He kept up his smile when she asked about not finding a date. "Apparently not." he said dryly, and was surprised how sad he felt about that and dared himself not to try and find Juniper in the crowd. She was better off with out him. "Looks like you're stuck with me."
Sydney took a pointed sip of her drink, making like she was thinking hard about Simon's question when in reality she already had more ideas than she knew what to do with for her plans after school. "Step one, move out, that's for sure," she said, holding up a finger and jabbing it near Simon's face. "After that, probably enter some professional duels, learn the sort of spells they're too scared to teach the half-wits around here," she added with a shrug. She let out a snort when Simon said she was stuck with him, rolling her eyes. "I've been stuck with you since third year, no getting rid of you it seems," she said dryly, taking another sip of her drink. Admittedly, as irritating as Simon was, Sydney would almost miss him and his smarmy face once they'd graduated. "You should come watch me duel some time once we've graduated," she added, eyes trained sightless on the some of the students on the dancefloor. "Assuming you're not too busy being a boring prat somewhere or whatever you have planned. I could see you pushing papers in Gringott's or something," she said, glancing back at Simon to give him a smirk.
Simon listened attentively as Sydney spoke. He had always admired her passion for the things she cared about, even if half the time he thought she was just shy of being fanatical. But he was jealous too. He didn't really have anything in his life he felt that strongly about, or at least nothing at school that had come close to inspiring him to get his act together. Soon he would with out of school with no money from his parents and it was getting harder and harder to ignore how lost he really was. He nodded along as she list things and smirked when she said there was no getting rid of him. "That's right." he said jokingly. "I wouldn't miss a chance to heckle you in public." he said and nudged his elbow. Simon laughed a moment later. "My father would love that." he said dryly when she mentioned Gringott's. In another life that probably where he would have ended up. If his father had his way and if Simon hadn't turned out to be a complete disappointment. Maybe he would have been happy there but now the thought of being stuck in some office made him sick to his stomach.
Sydney rolled her eyes at Simon's dumb teasing. Trust him to never know when to quit. At least she could count on that, she mused, taking another sip of her drink. She scrunched up her face when Simon mentioned his father's approval, shaking her head in distaste. Her and Simon didn't exactly share their deepest darkest secrets, but Sydney had picked up enough over the years to know Simon's father was someone she'd hate. "Can't have that. Guess you'll have to find something else then," she announced loftily, giving Simon a thoughtful look. "I can make you my duelling caddie or something. You can carry around my bags at tournaments," she offered slyly.
Simon smirked at Sydney's response and it oddly felt comforting. "I'm going to have to." he said glumly. It was hard to plan for anything solid while still in school but the future would be present soon enough. But he smiled again before looking at Sydney seriously. "And how much does that pay?" he asked, sounding thoughtful. If he was honest working for Sydney sounded awful and he pitied the soul who might ever have to do it. But it was fun to pretend for a while that he was considering it. "I have have a quality of life to support after all." he added quickly and crossed his arms over his chest, grateful for the distraction and a chance to bother her some more.
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