Steph needs

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Steph Shirley

Well-Known Member
'Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather'.
Okay, so Steph has got friends >.<
but she needs some romantic interest,
she needs someone to make her see that not all guys are idiots.

I honestly dont mind which house, year etc. But yeah, a boyfriend is needed for Steph. And it has to be a happy relationship, like a cute relationship.

anyone? *insert cute adorable face here*

Perhaps Steph could go through a little face where she fancies girls.. because I need some sort of way Joce would find out she is bi.. but maybe after like a week or two of them dating Steph realizes she was just confused because a bunch of boys have hurt her..

But this will only be happening at maybe the end of this year because I need to have Joce get through all her anger with Tommy// though she will probably only date someone to spite Thomas and Autumn.. though I don't see how that would work *rolls eyes* *groans*

Confusing eh? :p

You choose.. it's your character *shrug*
well once Steph and Demitris have dated and broken up,
i guess that could work.
Steph is pretty messed up
and she could think of it as another reason to p!$s off her parents.
Im up for it if your willing to wait a little while?
Sweeet ^-^

And I have no problem waiting

Woow Demitris is way older then Steph.. crazy weird :p
I know!
Its all because Stephs rebellious
and Demitris is hawttt :p
I know eh!!

It's a shame all of my characters will be distantly related to him in the future (aside from Nina) :p
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