Stay away from me!

Zac Kuang

Well-Known Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
((Sorry for the length))

Zac had been spending a lot of his time in the library since the break up. Deep inside his heart, he still loved her. He was very disappointed that Veronica wasn't talking to him and even tho he wanted to get back with her, he still couldn't forgive her for being drunk. "I guess it's all over" He said to himself before sitting on the cold stone and take out a paper and start writing to his sister.

Dear Sally,
How are you doing? I'm doing.... Alright maybe?
No... Father's not going to marry another woman so don't worry.
I've been spending my time in the library lately.

Send my regards to Sebastian


(Sorry for the gm)

Valentine had been walking around the castle for hours and he didn't know why. A smile appear on his face after seeing an owl flew to him. He opened it and it was from his sister who was in Beauxbaton telling him that she was doing great and that she bumped on Marcello. Marcello was a childhood friend of his and he hadn't been meeting him lately. He would make sure that he could spend time with Marcello during summer holiday. He had been crushing on Valentina, Marcello's older sister secretly.

He stopped when he saw an Asian boy sitting all by himself, he knew who he was. Zac Kuang, Veronica's ex boyfriend. He had seen Veronica cry all by her self over this lad. "You" He walk toward him and kick his hand. "Get up" He pulled his shirt and punched his face. He didn't care that he was a senior of his. "You shouldn't do that to a girl and you know what I'm talking about" Valentine glared at the lad and look at him in disgust.
Zac was surprised that a boy that he didn't know grabbed him by his shirt and punch him in the face. "What's your problem?!" He pushed him to the side. Zac was never a violent type but if he had to protect himself, he would. "You do realize that I can kick you by casting a spell at you huh?" He took his wand out and pointed it at him. Zac was never those kind of boy but he didn't want to get nosebleed. He then lowered his wand but he still had it on his hand tightly. "Don't be rude" He stare at the lad. He didn't know what his problem was, he was `enjoying` sitting all by himself thinking about Veronica. But he was distracted with this boy and he couldn't understand why he did that. "Please leave" He said politely.
(No p)

Veronica hadn't been on talking terms with Zac Kuang for the past two weeks and that was doing her quite a little good. Atleast it kept her away from hearing his voice that had once claimed to love her. She had made new friends and made the old friendship bonds more stronger. She was more focused into her grades and seeker practice and everything was fine now that she was single. She couldn't understand the key to solve her puzzle mystery which was the reason to why she couldn't feel totally happy about her new life. She was considering the fact that Kenneth's advice about talking to Zac would help but that was the last option she was going to consider.

Today she had completed her homework and her seeker practice had her meals and life was good therefore she was back to reading her very favorite and abused copy of The Host by Stephenie Meyer. She was in the part where Wanderer was about to give away her life and Ian was sad for that. Love in any story was her favorite part but after her breakup she had been skipping to read about the kisses and the physical relationship in the books because it made her feel weird and made her remember Zac.
Valentine was slightly annoyed when he asked him to leave. Even though he was polite, he still couldn't stop him from leaving. "Don't tel me what to do" He rose his voice as he pushed him to the wall. "Who do you think I am? A first year?!" He spatted feeling annoyed, he could cast spells to him too even though Zac knew more spells than Valentine but Valentine could perform a lot of spell too. He didn't know why he was defending Veronica, perhaps it was because she reminded him of an ex girlfriend of his that used to cry all night long.
Veronica heard some raised voices and she turned her head to see where it was coming from. A few trees and bushes were obstructing the face of two guys especially since she was sitting so close to the lake and it was a hill of sorts before she could actually reach the benches. Probably some bully, she thought with a slight sigh for being distracted from her book.She went back to reading and her eyes were now teary, happy tears because she knew the good part was coming.
Zac was quite sick of the boy, he pushed him to the ground and get on top of him as he pointed a wand at him. "Do you not understand English?" He glared at him. "I've asked you to leave politely and yet you're still here! Trying to bully me. I'm older than you and I know more spell than you so please do respect me" If it was Sally, she would probably kill him for saying please to a rude boy like this. Zac had his limit and this boy was unbelievable. He didn't even know him "If you have a crush on her, go ask her out and stay away from me" He said calmly as he got off him.
Veronica smiled and laughed slowly as she read the part about Melanie and Jared kicking Jamie out of the room and that they didn't need to explain him the reason since he was old enough. As she looked up she caught a first year looking at her as if she had just run away from an asylum. She narrowed her eyes on the first year as she spoke calmly "What, now I can't even laugh ?"She was expecting a reply but all of a sudden the girl's friends started pointing at something and they ran to whatever it was that attracted them.

She could her some cheering from up and she wondered what was going on. Closing her book she got to her feet and made her way up. Her view was obscured by a crowd that had gathered in a circle around something. She stood trying to see what was happening but as she was easily the shortest amongst the lot she couldn't see. She could hear male voices and she wondered who had got into a fight this time.
Valentine groaned as he tried to push him off her. "Get off me!" He yelled at him, the lad was surely strong. "I don't have to respect someone who dump their girlfriend for their small mistake. You know Veronica didn't mean it! And you know that she wont do it again!" He spatted, he didn't know why he was doing this he couldn't believe himself. "Why am I talking to you anyway?" He yelled and manage to get himself off Zac. If he had a sister of his beside him, she would know what to do and she would stop him from killing this lad. Too bad that she wasn't there, he was making sure that he would owl her right after he got rid of this lad. He did care if he got detention from the professor, he didn't want to get them just because he fight with this lad.
Veronica was slowly able to make her way through the crowd after being squished by many muscular arms and heavy feet that stepped and pushed her. She was finally in the front and what her eyes spotted was not reality, not to her at least. Zac was on top of Valentine and...they were fighting? The word didn't come from Zac Kuang's dictionary then why was he doing it? She caught some words as she tried to guess what this was about.

Did I hear what I think I heard? she thought her head confused because she was thinking about Zac and at the same time not wanting to think about him. Where they fighting because of her? She couldn't have imagined this day in her wildest day dream but well it was reality and it took her about a minute to figure that out. "Guys.." she said as she moved inside and looked down at them hoping she would be able to stop this fight but she couldn't be so sure because her physical strength was negligible. Another thing that put her into a paralyzed state for a second or two was that she was looking at Zac and Valentine and she was talking ...talking to Zac Kuang.
Zac was frustrated, he didn't know what the boy want and he wanted him to leave so bad but the boy was still there trying to kick him. "What on earth do you want? And who on earth are you?!" He spatted as he pushed him. "I don't know why you're talking to me! Ask your self and the tiny brain of yours" He couldn't believe that he was insulting this boy. "And the relationship between Veronica and I is none of your business!" He glared at him.

Unexpectedly, Veronica came, e was surprised that she was talking to him. "Ve... Ver... Veronica! W,w,what are you doing here?" He took two steps back as a smile appear on his face, it was automatic. He didn't realize that the only girl that could make him smile was Veronica.
Veronica stood their the look of surprise and confusion on her face as she watched Zac do things which she hadn't ever expected him to do, to fight, to get angry or be violent. Why was Valentine behind Zac Kuang? No, he doesn't have a crush on you. You hardly know him, she reminded herself as she came back to her senses. She frowned at Zac ignoring his smile and his question. "What the hell do you think you were doing?"she asked her voice raised a bit as the crowd watched in silence.

She helped Valentine get to his feet and glared at both of them. "You know perfectly well that you could have hurt him" she said angrily to Zac and then turned to Valentine. "What is this all about? When did I ask you to have this conversation with him?"she questioned wanting some clear answers.
Valentine had heard that Zac wasn't a violent type of lad but he was obviously insulting him. "Low minded people like you shouldn't be here" He pushed him angrily as he look at him in a disgust. But suddenly, Veronica came and helped him. A smirk appear on Valentine's face after seeing Veronica's reaction and ignore Zac's smile. But he was quite shock that she was also mad at him. Of course she would, Valentine was nobody to her he was younger than her anyway so why should she bother knowing him personally. "I was just trying to prove you that he's not like what you think. See! He was trying to hurt me. And if he's a goody-good type of lad, he wouldn't do that" He smirked and eyed Zac, he knew that he could ruin Zac's reputation in a minute.
Zac couldn't believe what Valentine did to him. "I can't believe you set me up!" He groaned as he walk toward him trying to push him. "Sorry Veronica, I can't stand this boy" He glared at him. He wasn't going to stay around her and act like a fool. He couldn't control his temper lately and he didn't know why maybe it was the effect of the break up. He had changed into a different person since the break up. He used to be very calm and kind but not anymore. If he kept acting like this, he would only hurt himself even more. This wasn't him and he didn't want to be like this. He turned his shoes not wanting to mess with them. "I'm outta here!" walk a few steps away seeing if they would stop or not.
Veronica heard Valentine first she smiled a little because the way Valentine was smirking was making her smile. "That's no reason for a fight" she said in protest as she wondered what the actual reason was. She waited for a minute and watched Zac react and say he was leaving. This is your only chanceher mind told her to go talk to Zac and solve it with him but she didn't want to disappoint Valentine by making him think she was taking sides.

"Shows over" she shouted and the people began to disperse and chatter. She turned to Valentine and gave him a charming smile. You're flirting, her mind warned her but she was just trying to make things right in her way. "Thanks for showing me what he is like" she said in a whisper so no one else could hear them. "Can I catch you later? I really want to tell him what an idiot he is" she asked with a smile as she gazed at him for a second hoping that her mask was very effective and he wouldn't be able to tell. She was going to talk to Zac Kuang, be brave and tell him he hurt her and he deserved hell but since she couldn't give him hell she would just talk to him and make him realize what he lost.
Valentine pushed Zac after being pushed by him. "Get lost Kuang!" He yelled not stopping him from leaving and then got back to Veronica as a smirk appear on his face, he was pleased that Veronica was flirting with him and he was going to show Zac that he could get her but Valentine would probably ditch her for a couple of days. "Ignore him, he's a jerk anyway" He insulted Zac as he rested himself to the tree behind him. He didn't actually know who was wrong what he knew was that Zac dumped Veronica coz she was drunked and make out with random guys but Valentine had been in that position before the only difference was that he wasn't drunk, a lass put a love potion in his drink.
Veronica smiled as watched him tell her to ignore Zac. "I've been doing that for the past week. I'm going to talk to him this one time so he doesn't think I'm weak or something" she said with a smile. She couldn't help but wonder if Valentine was crushing on her or not but she would have to figure out that some other time. "Later" she told Valentine giving him another smile before she hurried behind Zac. Due to her physical strength being none it took her two minutes to get to him, her breathing was heavier she stopped and looked at him.

It was very weird and she didn't know how to do it right. What was she suppose to say? She wasn't going to apologize, no way. If anyone wanted that it would be over her dead body. Talk, her mind said and she gave him a weak smile. "Um..Hi" she said hoping that was a good way to start this.
Unfortunately, they didn't stop Zac from walking away. He wasn't going to deal with the young lad. If Veronica was better with him, Zac wouldn't stop them from going out. He step into the corridor and start walking slowly thinking about what happen. He touch the bruise on his left cheek and shut his eyes. He overheard Veronica's conversation with him, it wasn't clear but he heard the idiot part nothing else. He was humiliated in front of her and he realize that Veronica hate him. Zac had been thinking about transferring to Beauxbaton lately so that he could be with his sister and start talking about their future which was running the family business.

Zac stopped when Veronica came toward him and greeted him. "Hey" He said softly without smiling. He looked at her in the eye and slid his hands to his pocket. Everyone that saw him that day could tell that he was in pain not just physically but mentally. He was driven crazy by the girl and of course the boy that was trying to beat him up.
Veronica watched him say 'Hey'. Her heart was beating loudly again because she was hearing his voice after what seemed like ages. "I...I..well whatever happened back wasn't your fault" she said looking at his eyes hoping he wasn't too mad at her for talking to Valentine first. "He must have started it" she said hoping she would get some leads about what was going on between them. Her breathing slowed down as her mind reminded her that she was supposed to be mad at him and not the other way around.

"What happened?"
she asked as she tucked her hair behind her ear preventing them from flying around, especially flying into his face which was no longer cool since they weren't together anymore.
Zac eyed her and frowned he missed her but he wasn't ready to talk to her especially after being called an idiot. "What happen back there was..." He paused and start walking away from her. He didn't know why he was acting like that, Zac had never walk away from anyone else but perhaps it was because he could no longer hold his anger. Zac was the kindest from all but he had his limit and he lost his temper. "You called me an idiot" He continued and stop as he looked at her. "It's not your fault anyway, I've been acting like one so I deserve that" He blamed himself. Zac was a total opposite of Sally, while his sister was so confident about her self, Zac wasn't.
Veronica watched him break off in his sentence and then start to walk away. Seriously, any person in their right mind would know that Veronica deserved an apology but she wasn't asking for it. To top it all he was showing her attitude! "Yes I did" she said as he turned to talk to her a little angry now. She walked up to him and held his wrist making sure he didn't run away like a puppy again.

"Yes you deserve it but I didn't mean it" she told him as she glared. Couldn't he just apologize to her? "I hardly know Valentine and I don't know if he is crushing on me or what" she said. "But that's not the problem..."she added and looked at Zac. "I called you an idiot so I could get rid of him and..c.come talk to you" she explained.
A sad smile appear on Zac's face after Veronica admit that she called him an idiot. He knew that she hate him and it wasn't her fault and wasn't his. He eyed her for several second not moving an inch with his eyes filled with sorrow. He was 101% sure that he would move to Beauxbaton soon. Either his parents would let him or not, he would move no matter what they said even though they forbid him.

"What if Valentine tell the whole school that you agree with him? And everyone start mocking!?" He was quite frustrated, it seemed that Veronica hadn't been acting wisely. Zac was going to sit in the library not talking to anyone for hours with a huge textbook in front of him. "What do you want to talk about?" He asked calmly with a sad smile still plastered on his face.
Veronica waited and watched a sad smile on Zac's face. "Honestly, I don't give a damn about what everyone says" she told him with a smile. She hoped that she could do this and tell him that although he had been wrong she was ready to move on and be friendly with him. He asked her, what it was that she wanted to say. Say it, her mind commanded as she shrugged. "Well..I've been hoping to say this since.." she started as her eyes moved to the face on which she was once smitten. She sighed thinking about their break up but this wasn't the time to stop talking.

"You've been a jerk and it has been painful but I..thought I should not ignore you" she said hoping that would make sense. She hoped he wouldn't get angry again because of being called a jerk because that's what he was, a Jerk! for breaking her heart. If this time he wanted to loose his temper she could deal with not talking to him for her own life because it was very rare for Veronica to go talk to someone they were angry at and do so without shouting.
Zac didn't know if he should be comforted by Veronica's words or not. "You may not care, but I do care" He replied her. Zac didn't want a bad reputation and he did care about what people think. Zac was a little annoyed by Veronica, she had changed a bit. She used to be different but she was acting like a fool. Zac wanted to yell at her so bad but he didn't have the heart and he had never yell to other people unlike Sally who had been yelling every second.

The work jerk struck him in the heart, she had been acting like a jerk for the whole time. "If you didn't make out with some random guys, we wont be like this" He said calmly not yelling, talking to Veronica made him sad and he didn't know why. He wanted to be comfortable around her but he couldn't, she was always ignoring him or in this case, blaming him. "Do whatever you want, Veronica. I'm not stopping you" He shrugged. He wasn't yelling and wasn't mad but he was disappointed.
Veronica frowned at his words. It was too hard to understand Zac Kuang after the break up. She watched him a minute wanting so badly to walk away but the advice that she had got from Kenneth and her courage to be friendly to him again would not let her do so. "I don't care anymore about what you care" she said angrily watching him in the eye. She had moved close to him, this time in anger and as she realized that she might accidently hit him if she lost her temper she took a step back. "Thought I'd make that clear for starters" she said with a shrug.

"Another thing that you need to know is that I don't want you to dig up the past and put it in front of me every-time we see each other. Both of us know that I was drunk and it was a mistake. Yes, it was a mistake but you're choice..." she said her voice becoming shaky. She gave herself confidence to talk "it was your choice to break up and then I chose to not to talk to you" she told him as if that needed any reminding. "Now I choose to talk to you, friendly bases and forget the past. Do you want that?"she asked him wanting an answer. A plain clear 'yes' or 'no and nothing crap about his feelings or her mistakes.

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