Start of a New Year

Seraphine Rowan

Ex-Minister / Mother / Stern
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ironwood 14 1/6" Core of Chimera Scale
While trying to find the perfect Headmaster or Headmistress for the school, Seraphine Snow had stepped her foot into the school, to oversee it for the moment while Thomas was handling things back in the Ministry. It was only temporary, because Seraphine preferred to be in the Ministry than the school. She knew better than to stay around here for too long. She might end up loving too much. After sorting had been completed, and everyone was in their rightful houses, she looked toward each child and teenager's face for a brief moment. They already knew that they were Headmaster-less for now, but she trusted the Deputy Headmistress and Deputy Headmaster to lead the school. Well, she trusted the Deputy Headmistress much, much more. She had been at the post longer than the other one, so it was common sense. And then there were other reasons. She was also Gryffindor Head of House, so that spoke that she was closer to her students.

After the sorting hat had been put away, she tapped her wand at the podium to gather some attention. The Great Hall was silent, and she began, "Before the feast begins, I believe that there are a few more announcements to be made. I'd like to welcome the new professors to the school, Professor Zhefarovich, Professor Kesslar and Professor Evett. I am sure that they will be delighted to teach every one of you. Please remember that the Forbidden Forest is strictly forbidden. I am sure that if any professor finds you there, you will be dealt with accordingly with detentions and loss of house points." She did not remember if there were any other announcements other than what she had made earlier. It was simply a reminder that students are to stay away from there. It was not safe at all. Some of the students here knew it more than the others, she was sure. Seraphine was aware that a professor had died back there, but why someone went back there was beyond her.

"Let's not keep our appetites waiting! Remember to have fun, and make Hogwarts New Zealand the best school that it is!" A feast for kings appeared on the tables and in the empty platters deliciously prepared by the workers that were happy to work here. Seraphine turned back to the staff table where she smiled charmingly, and she went over to sit with the other staff, just for the evening before she would be gone over to the Ministry once more. However her first priority was, as of the moment, finding someone to lead the school.
OOCOut of Character:
Everyone, staff and students, are welcome and encouraged to post!
Professor Jacqueline Black sat at her usual place at the head table in the Great Hall. The fact that break was over was bittersweet to the woman. She missed her husband and her young son, but she was very happy to be back at Hogwarts New Zealand. It was her second home. Jacqueline missed the school and the students when she was away for the extended breaks. The students had all just arrived and the first years had been sorted. The brunette surveyed the hall as Ms. Snow stood up to give the typical start of term feast speech. She was here this year because the school was once again without a Headmaster or Headmistress. Jacqueline nodded to the woman as she finished, clapping politely. The professor respected the younger woman and the work that she was doing at the ministry.

Jacqueline filled her plate with the delicious food as it magically appeared on the table. A few seats down sat Professor Black's daughter-in-law. Jacqueline was planning on speaking to her after the meal as had been requested of her. She had talked to Cameron a few days ago and he had asked his mother to keep an eye on Cyndi Kingsley. Cameron worried about his wife and the child that she was carrying. Jacqueline knew it made her son feel better than she was there if Cyndi needed her. Jacqueline had not always been the best mother to Cameron, Kiera, and Katheryn, but their relationship had improved in the past eight years since she had married Raziel. He had made sure that Jacqueline tried to mend her relationships with her oldest three children.

Across the room, Professor Black glanced at Azolla, knowing that she would be seeing her shortly. Her adoptive daughter was actually her cousin's child who was deceased. Jacqueline was the closest thing the Loncars had to a mother. Jacqueline took a bite of her food, sighing internally. Already there was so much that she needed to do even though the school year had just started.
Jeremy was glad to be back at the castle for what would be his final year of formal magical schooling. What made this day even better was that Jeremy would get the chance to wear his Head Boy badge in front of the other students for the first time. Jeremy had been thrilled to receive the badge and had kept it completely shined since. It was carefully placed on the lapel of his Ravenclaw robes, proud to keep the badge with the Ravenclaws for one more year. Glancing around the Great Hall, Jeremy saw that the Gryffindor werewolf girl, Briar, had been named Head Girl. He had the feeling that the Head Girl was going to be a Gryffindor.

Wondering why the Minister of Magic was here for the Sorting Ceremony, Jeremy decided to listen what she had to say. She didn't say much and didn't mention anything about a new Headmaster, which was pretty suspicious to him. Shrugging to himself, Jeremy dug into the feast and scooped some mashed potatoes onto a plate before turning to the girl seated next to him and asking her how her vacation was.
As Athena entered the castle and headed for the great hall, she felt extremely odd. This was the first time since she had entered the school that she was not flanked by her twin siblings. They had graduated in May and left her to come back to school on her own. The Slytherin looked around the hall, her gray eyes taking in the other students. Sitting at her house's table, Athena did not engage in any conversation other than the occasional nod or wave. With her hands in her lap, the blonde turned her attention to the Minister who was presiding over this year's opening feast. She wondered if that meant that the school had not chosen a new head person yet. Rolling her eyes, Athena turned her attention to the food. She grabbed a biscuit and buttered it and then began to nibble on that. The teen was a picky eater and nothing that was near her seemed appealing. She already missed her dad's cooking.

Athena was not looking forward to classes starting again. She had promised her dad that she would try her best this semester and now she would have to. The teen didn't like to disappoint her dad, whom she looked up to more than anything. Athena wondered if her cousin might be willing to help her. They were in the same year after all. Turning in her seat, she looked around to see if she could spot him.
Aphrodite had a very strange and unnerving feeling about this year at Hogwarts. She couldn't quite place it but there was something amiss. That was never good in the young girl's books. It meant that this year was either going to be really bad, or very unusual. Neither of which she was too excited to face. Aphrodite wanted a simple year ahead of her. Especially since she had been appointed Quidditch Co-Captain. Maybe that was why she was having a bad feeling about this year. 'I swear to Merlin that if they don't share the dang ball this year I'll beat their heads in with a beater's bat.' Aphrodite rubbed her temples and avoided looking at anyone across the table for the time being. Normally she was a very sweet person who greeted everyone with smiles and waves, but with the bad feeling she had about this year, plus the fact that she was tired and groggy from the train ride, she wasn't in the best of moods. But sooner or later she'd get over it. That was always how Aphrodite was. she could be angry one minute, and forget all about it the next. One thing was for sure, Aphrodite couldn't wait to unpack her trunk, take a warm bath, and sleep in a cozy bed. That was all she needed right now. That and something to fill her belly with. It could keep her mind off of things. Aphrodite breathed and looked up at her aunt Seraphine. It was strange that she was here and getting things started off. She hoped no one noticed the similarities in last names. Aphrodite was unsure if she wanted others to know that her aunt was the Minister for Magic in New Zealand. Hopefully the Ministry wasn't here on some Umbridge 2.0 kick or something.

The feast began and Aphrodite went for the first thing that caught her eye, strawberries. Aphrodite started to nibble on one and let her eyes finally wander around the hall now that others were sorted. She saw her brother Romaine. A part of her wondered how in the world he managed to get Prefect. Then again, he was a pretty good kid. Sometimes it seemed like his head was filled with sawdust, but overall he did well in school and he was friendly to all. Across the hall Aphrodite also spotted a glimpse of Isaia. She blushed and waved at him softly. Maybe this would be the year that they got together? Aphrodite could only hope so since she really liked him. Another strawberry was popped into her mouth. Hopefully that bad feeling would go away soon. It was starting to bother her.

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