Closed start as you mean to go on

Eoghan Blyth

☽ The Tower isn't always bad ☾ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ XVIII
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (12)
Every time Eoghan returned home he was reminded of what he was at Hogwarts to accomplish. Witnessing what his twin sister was experiencing firsthand was enough to make him vow to the pair of them that he would work harder still, to make sure that by the time he graduated, he had something to show for it; something that he could use in the real world to benefit them both, and to take her far away from the life they'd always known and instead give her the opportunities to be who she was always supposed to be. Imogen needed him, more than anyone else ever could, he knew that. Being at school was the one lifeline they had to be able to move on with their own goals, and Eoghan knew that in return if there was anything he needed from her, she would have helped him too.

Eoghan had to focus and not waste his time with people he was never going to see again once he had finished at school. Of course, seven years was a long time and he had a chance to make real connections with people here, but he couldn't forget why he was here in the first place. It had been strange to see Lili again on their way back to school, for more than just one reason. He'd asked her to meet outside in the Courtyard after breakfast that morning so that he start the year off correctly; exactly as he meant to go on. He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to tell her but he hoped if nothing else, seeing her away from other students would at least give him the chance to answer his own questions.
Lilith was glad Eoghan had asked her to meet him on the courtyard. During their break they hadn't had much of a chance to see each other, only when they were returning to school had they seen again. It was off but she felt like she might have needed the time apart from everyone. As much as she loved her life within the castle walls and everyone included in it, she couldn't lie and say she wasn't neglecting her own needs. First thing she had done when back home was chat with her mum about her problems and as always she had shed some much needed light into the situation. She had provided Lilith with a plan what she could do going forward.

Lilith walked up to Eoghan who was taller than last year. The wind was playing with her hair as she finally reached her best friend. "Hey you, what's up?" She asked with a smile holding her hands in front of her, having to slightly tilt her head upwards to fully look at him. After a moment she decided pretending like this was just a normal friend meeting she went with her gut and hugged the boy. "I missed you Antares, a lot happened during the break but first I want to know whats going on inside that beautiful mind of yours." She said as she finally withdrew herself from the hug she had waited the whole break to fully experience. Sure they had seen each other on the way back but it was different when there were others around, when it was just the two of them like this, it was like she could finally be her.
The moment Eoghan's eyes spotted Lili walking towards him, it was as though his heart was trying to claw its way out of his chest. He had to swallow and take a moment to glance away if not only to control the slight blush to his cheeks, and the way he couldn't stop the muscles in the corners of his lips from raising on their own accord. What was this, and why was it so strong around this one student in particular? Not even seeing Imogen would propel this sort of reaction from him and yet around Lilith it was a fight to act natural. They were best friends for Merlin's sake, had been now for a year, so maybe Eoghan would have done well to remember that.

As Lilith approached, he merely mimed a hey because his voice decided to fail him. It was her arms around him that jolted the Ravenclaw into action however, as he returned the gesture and hugged her tightly back. "I've missed you too," it was true. Despite what he knew he was here to do and what he had to achieve, it would have been a lie to say that Lilith didn't often creep into his thoughts, threatening to be the reason his studies were tossed overboard. No. Any normal, best friend would just want to know how the other was doing, just as Lilith was doing now. Therefore mirroring the brunette was probably the safest course of action. He doubted she felt the same way he did, or if she did, she was better at keeping things under wraps than he was. It was also naive though, to imagine that anyone would see him the way he saw her because even if he was needed by others, it was an entirely different concept to be wanted. "I.. am.. glad to be back here," he said cautiously, trying to keep his thoughts and body language calm and collected. "It feels like home, to be at this school," he finished, not loosening his arms on his best friend just yet. "I just thought that maybe it would be better to have a chance to talk before, well, before the semester becomes hectic."
The sound of his voice was enough to make her smile even more, it was like a safety signal on a radio. She couldn't quite explain it but it was safety. Him sort of refusing to let her go made a light tint rise to her cheeks, surely this was what best friends did? Hugged each other not wanting to ever let go, because that was how she felt when he held her. Never wanting to let go or to be held by anyone else. "Yeah? I think so too, though I think what drives the feeling of home in are the people." By the people she might have meant only one person, because she doubted had he not been there would she feel quite as home as she did with him by her side.

"Yeah I suppose that would be a good idea, come lessons we'll be constantly surrounded by others and probably wanting to do some studying too and not just chatting out time away." Though she doubted that a chat could save their study thrive, they'd spend their time chatting instead of studying anyways. Maybe this would relieve some of that need to chat though, they could both get some answers. "So anything interesting happen during the break?" She asked as an opener of sorts for the conversation, he had to have something he wanted to figure out but she could not for the life of her see what it was. Lilith had learned on their first year that he'd tell her if she just let him have his space and time to get around it, she was patient and would give him whatever he needed. There was no doubt in her trust that he would tell her eventually.
More often than not, the words out of Lilith's mouth made Eoghan speechless in a reminder of why he liked her in the first place. It was true that this place felt like home only because he was returning to her, or the people, as she'd described. Perhaps that was how she felt too. Eoghan knew she had a lot of friends in this place, and maybe reuniting with Eli, Tori, Ondine and Professor Odegrad brought her the same feelings. "Right," he nodded calmly, leaning back against the brickwork. Every few feet the brick supports were placed around the courtyard, and even though Eoghan had seen many a student spending time out here in the past, it was more or less empty at this time of day, especially for those who were settling back into a routine. The way that Lilith was still peering up at him made it a little tricky to think clearly, so with his arms remaining around her, he moved the Ravenclaw so her back was against him instead, pulling her closer and resting his arms comfortably together. At least this way he wouldn't be too distracted.

"That depends on what your version of interesting is," he said quietly against her ear, a small smile creeping its way back onto his face. "Imogen for one has decided she wants to learn to play the Didgeridoo," he informed her. It was a painful process and one that Eoghan couldn't understand himself. She'd decided to borrow her friends' instrument whenever she came over to visit, since the Blyth's couldn't exactly get their hands on one of their own. All those germs shared between the girls were enough to make Eoghan feel unwell, and that was before his sister tried blowing. "Our grandmother forbade it, but since when has that stopped her?" he added. Imogen liked to push their Grandmothers buttons in any way she could, sometimes he was sure she did it on purpose just to elicit a rise. Eoghan hadn't told Lilith too much about his home life and for a good reason; the less she knew about that place, the better. The second year squinted a little in the direction of some more students who were coming out of the castle, and was pleased to see they weren't coming their way. "What about you? How was it spending time with the twins?"
Lilith noticed a shadow of something passing through those starry eyes when friends were mentioned. She didn't understand why though, but knowing the way he was she let it go for now. She was a little surprised when Antares just moved her around and resting her back against him, well that was unexpected... But who was she trying to fool, it was rather well maybe she'd go as far as use the word pleasant, not out loud though. Heavens no, the blush on the second years cheeks intensified at the thought of it being nice being held like this, what was happening, was her brain chemistry being altered? Should she seek out the nurse right away? Should she take a potion or something to calm her nerves, because for some reason she was feeling extremely nervous about the way the top of her head looked. Or what if her hair was out of place in the back, or gods forbid there was a leaf in there somewhere.

Her nervous thoughts were soon interrupted by Eoghans voice right by her ear, again it was unexpected but not unpleasant. Maybe it should have been expected, he was behind her after all. She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips, well that was definitely a sight to behold. "Aren't those things like really heavy? Massive too?" Lilith asked, kind of having a hard time wrapping her head around how someone could comfortably play the instrument. Lili felt her body starting to slowly relax against his and she just hummed at the mention of his grandmother, she didn't know much but by whatever she had heard, she knew she wouldn't like the woman.

"Ah the twins, see it was great I had missed them and they me apparently. So much so that Leo had taken it up to himself to rearrange my bookshelf. My carefully put out series order and alphabetically placing them had now been changed into a disaster..." A full body shiver ran through the entirety of the Ravenclaws body at just the memory of that terrible sight. "Though, I think the best thing out of the break was speaking with my mum. I told her about some of the things I have been experiencing and well my daydreams you know, she kind of helped me figure out what to do next." Lilith's voice lowered in volume as she spoke about those things, she knew Eoghan had seen her in that state many times. Had even been the sole anchor she had had the past year, but it was still sort of an embarrassing topic. She would have liked to pretend as if it did not happen and maybe it would work someday.
Eoghan tried to keep a sense of calm as he hugged Lili, doing his best not to think about things too hard and instead tell himself that he'd seen plenty of friends in a similar albeit maybe not quite so close hug. It was different with them, he was sure of it. They were close enough that this wasn't strange, weren't they? The way that Lilith continued to chuckle also just gave Eoghan the confidence to believe that he hadn't just done something stupid. "Yeah that's what I mean," he mirrored her laugh, glad that he'd gotten the chance to tell things like this to Lili away from the rest of the group. It wasn't just that he didn't want others to know about the going ons of his family, but Eoghan had no desire whatsoever for any of them to think he would laugh.

As the thought of such crossed through his head, the reality caught him out. The Ravenclaw listened as Lilith went on to tell him about the twins, but he couldn't help but only pay half attention as he discovered in that moment that maybe there was a bigger issue at hand when it came to his friendships and relationships. "What did she say?" he asked, pleased to hear that Lilith had opened up to her mum about what had been going on, although curious to know whether she was going to take further action about it. It seemed to affect her enough that it wouldn't have been a terrible help to speak to someone professionally, but in truth, Eoghan knew so little about it and had so few adults he would have turned to in a similar situation, that he had to let someone else take the reign on this one.
Lilith liked Eoghans laugh, quite a lot actually it was one of her favourite things about him. She would never place the things on a pedestal and number them in order of what was her most and least, because they were all her favourite things. Everyone had their favourite things about their best friends. Lilith absentmindedly brought her own hands to play with the sleeves of his robes, needing something to do with her hands. Turning her head sideways to peer at the blondes face questioningly she spoke again. "Did you just switch to English? Why, did something happen? Is something wrong?" Looking around for any explanation to the sudden change in language she returned her eyes on his face.

"Well she said that I should talk to someone at the school, she can't exactly help me from Finland but she also knew how much going to school here means to me. She also said some other things which kind of well it was nice to hear." Lilith continued in their shared language, just for that extra bit of secrecy. If someone were to eavesdrop right now they had less of a chance to know what she was on about. "Can you believe it she said I was too independent and needed to accept a little help every now and then. Do you think I am too independent? Surely not I would go as far as I depend on you to be my bestie you know? That's not very independent?" Kind of silly of her mother, though maybe she was right and Lilith needed to stop with the "I can do it on my own" mentality and accept the help that was out there for them.
As Lilith started to play with the sleeves of his robes, Eoghan just had to be grateful it was the material and not his actual wrists. It was hard enough trying to concentrate on everything else that was going on without wondering about their body language as well. No this was ridiculous, obviously, Lili felt comfortable enough that she was just doing what felt natural which should have been the end of it. "What? Oh," he couldn't bring himself to shake his head or say no, as much as he wanted to deny there was an issue there was one person he wouldn't lie around. He couldn't say much more as he looked down into her face which was littered with both curiosity and concern, but Eoghan did his best to distract her from the situation by running his thumb down the back of her hand. As though that was going to make this any better.

Thankfully Lili seemed to have been diverted with his previous question and started to tell him about what her mother had told her. "Independent?" he asked, thinking for a moment about the situations he knew she'd been in. "I think it's important to recognise that independent also doesn't mean selfish," he began, looking back across the courtyard as he spoke if not only for something to do with his eyes that wasn't looking at the Ravenclaw in his arms. "You look out for everyone, you pick up on idiosyncrasies and can tell when someone isn't feeling themselves," he hadn't meant to pinpoint his own issue but he did recall the way she went to her friends when they seemed off. "I think sometimes you are looking out for everyone so much that sometimes you forget to look out for yourself too, yes. But that being said, the fact that you've also sought out guidance for this shows you're aware of what's going on with your own health. And, the way you look after others isn't to cover up the way you wouldn't care for yourself," Eoghan felt as though he was rambling now, "I don't think you depend on anyone, but I don't you're too independent either," it probably wasn't what Lili wanted to hear, but when had anything they'd spoken about been about anything but the truth.
Lilith did notice the English continuing, it was a little odd, but all her thoughts came to a halt when she felt something running down the back of her hand. Not just something it was in fact Eoghans thumb. Was this what every best friend did? Surely yes. Who else did she know had a best friend she could ask if it was like this? Surely they were just comfortable around each other, well they were bound to be after the storm of emotions last year had been. This was silly, she was definitely thinking way too hard on it. Magic was so amazing why was it that nobody had yet managed to create a spell to turn off your brain momentarily? Surely someone would have, it could be great.

"Oh-" She hadn't thought herself that maybe she had interpreted the meaning of her mum's words wrong, but once again Eoghans explanation made sense. Maybe she had mistaken independent for a way to call her selfish. The Ravenclaw could not help herself, would not help herself, from shamelessly staring at his face as he spoke. Those eyes running over anything but her, he was trying to keep himself distracted. Of what? Maybe he didn't like looking at her? Was she annoying surely not. "I hadn't thought it that way," She admitted, this was why they worked, the friendship between them. Somehow Eoghan was able to say what she couldn't think of, opening her mind back up to the possibility of seeing things in a different light had she needed to. "Well it is good I have people like you Antares and my mum who do look out for me in case I forget myself." She didn't want them to but she knew she couldn't ask them to stop. After all that was what you did for the people you cared for, you took care of them in anyway you knew. Without thinking Lilith turned around slightly and, like any best friend, reached up to give a small kiss on the boys cheek as a thank you.
Well if nothing else, at least Lilith no longer seemed to be focusing on the fact Eoghan had slipped up and spoken in the language they only used around anyone else. That meant maybe he'd escaped being questioned about his own issues and his distraction technique had been a success. In truth, he wasn't entirely sure what he'd just told Lili, because running it back through his head now he couldn't make sense of his own train of thought, but the Ravenclaw seemed to find understanding from it, and wasn't that the most important thing? It wasn't necessarily the information that was useful so much as what you could do with it.

Eoghan could practically feel Lilith's eyes running over his face as he looked ahead, feeling as though there was a magnet between them and that he was supposed to just glance down. They were friends, best friends, why was this so difficult? It had been something Eoghan had weighed up in his head over the last few months, although during the time he'd been alone in the summer and he looked back at the moments they'd shared from their first year, he'd come to realise that maybe this had been going on for longer than he'd initially believed. At least for himself. He couldn't speak for Lilith.

He knew he liked her, and not in the way that most people around the school liked her, or at least he didn't think so. Maybe someone like Eli or William could have, but he was convinced neither of them knew Lili the way he did. But this was not why Eoghan had come to school, and those he befriended while he wanted to ensure happy memories with them, were not the reason he would allow himself to be distracted from why he was really here. Eoghan froze as Lilith made a move and kissed him lightly on the cheek. It was normal. This was normal. The fact that his entire body was now rigid as he was almost too afraid to move again, was normal. Eoghan spending his time on the precipice between fighting the urge to push her away or pull her closer was a battle that he was going to have to end if he wanted to break free from this particular cycle, but how was he supposed to do either of those things? "Lilith.." his voice was barely more than a whisper as his eyes continued to lock on to whatever interesting feature was sitting across the courtyard, "What do you want from me?"
Lilith froze at the same time as Eoghan did she narrowed her eyes in suspicion. His head was doing back flips off of mountains that did not exist. The Ravenclaw pushed herself back, if only to give him some space to breathe. "I think the more important question here is what do you want or need from me." She could go on this back and forth but she couldn't watch him battle those battles on his own. Refusing to speak them because he couldn't lie to her. "I know when something is wrong with you. I know your eyes change just a tad in colour when you think of something that tips you off the edge of some cliff you have built in your head. I know when you keep things in refusing to voice them, because you think you have to do it alone. So what is it that you want from me? And don't leave anything out or it's always going to crash and burn." He had asked her here for a reason, there was a reason why he switched to english in the first place.

"Did you switch to English because Finnish felt too, I don't know, close to home? Too intimate? Was it something I said? Where did your brain go?" If he wasn't going to voice it on his own she'd help by giving the questions. "You know Antares, you don't always have to figure out everything out on your own. What I want from you is simple, anything as long as you are in my life. I think want is too weak of a word, at this point I need you as a part of my life." She had nothing to hide, not from him at least, he wouldn't judge her.
Eoghan wasn't sure if Lilith was about to snap at him, but maybe it was exactly what he needed to push him towards the right decision. He dropped his eyes to her then, finally focusing on his best friend as she removed herself from his arms and personal space. It was true, everything she said. She knew him inside out and in a way, Eoghan felt like she always had. He didn't expect the question to be reversed back to him but it only made him like her more, the way that she would speak her mind rather than hiding behind what she thought others wanted to hear.

"I didn't mean to switch," he said truthfully, still leaning against the brickwork that now felt incredibly too cold. He took a moment to decide then and there whether or not he was going to let Lili be the person that he let his walls down completely to. To spill out everything in his mind in a way that for years he'd controlled, not even Imogen had seen a side of him that wasn't in some way protected. Then Eoghan made his choice. "I was thinking about how I don't want anyone to see me laugh. Or to play around, or to look at me as though I'm having fun because then it takes away from the fact that I'm here because what I have to do is important. I don't want people to see me and feel like they should involve me in things that can distract me. And I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to interrupt you, because what you're going through is important and therefore it's important to me that you don't feel cut off or ignored or feel as though I thought my problems were more important," the words came tumbling out of his mouth, the last year's worth of reflections that had been behind closed doors were allowed to come through. "I know when you're nervous, and I can see the way you fiddle with something when you start to overthink. I can see the way your eyes light up when you're talking about something you're truly passionate about." The way her pupils widened when she spoke to him now was telling him a lot.

It was a strange sensation, voicing the things that until now had only been a trail in his mind. "I want you to know me, I want you to know me properly because you make me feel safe. Hogwarts is my home because you are here," his voice began to soften a little, "When I am with you, it feels like we can figure anything out between us. I'm scared that for the first time in my life someone seems to be able to make me feel this certain way where I want to be open with them, because that isn't me Lil or at least, it isn't me until I'm with you." Eoghan's heart was racing in his chest, but despite everything he knew that whatever was being said was safe with her. "Being your friend isn't enough. You have, so many people here that care about you and I am so proud of you for that, honestly, you deserve it all. I know I'm not exactly the easiest person to get on with either!" Lilith could do better than him, there were others who were funnier or more outgoing,
"But it feels like it's supposed to be me and you Lilith, against everything. And if you don't want that too then I guess I need to know."
It was as though a wall had crumbled. A great wall that had been built the day he was born had crumbled and now it lay bare right there at her feet. She had seen the moment he had decided to let go and give in to the moment and just free-fall as she had. The more words that came out of his mouth the more Lilith's smile grew. "But having fun every now and then doesn't mean you are distracted. It means you are unwinding. Your brain needs to unwind a little in order to be able to take in new information." She challenged him a little, though she understood him too in a way. "Friendship, just like any relationship, is a two-way road Antares. You don't just give, you also take. Your problems will never make me feel like mine are less important because if anything I know that with you I am important, because you make me feel like I matter. Speaking between my rambles isn't cutting me off, god knows I could use someone shutting me up every once in a while." She laughed at the truth in those words. She had a terrible habit of talking too much when she was comfortable or nervous, which she was usually either or never really in-between.

There was a light blush on The Ravenclaw's cheeks as Eoghan began speaking about things he noticed about her. Gods had anyone ever paid that much attention to her before? She hoped not, secretly she hoped it was just him that noticed her little tells, or that it was a sign of something maybe more. In that moment for the first time she realized what she felt might have been slightly more than just best friend, but that didn't make any sense. They were just kids, surely it wouldn't happen? "I want to know you properly, every little thing about you. Even if you think it isn't interesting I can promise you that to me, it is the most interesting thing in the world because you too make this castle a home for me." It was good they were talking, very good. Lilith took an instinctive step towards her favourite star, needing to be closer even though there were barely ten inches separating them now. She wanted him to be open with her, about everything. She didn't care, she wanted to be the person he trusted and felt he could share the silliest of things to. It didn't frighten her as much as she thought it would. "I don't want them to care about me the way I want you to care about me. They are not the ones that are able to make me feel safe or grounded between the storms in my head, nor do I feel completely free to be my real self around them. Don't get me wrong I adore my friends each and every single one of them, I am very lucky, but that does not take away from how I feel about you. How I think I have always felt." It was frustrating sometimes really, not being able to understand why, from the moment she had met the boy she had felt a pull and everyday the pull and the connection grew stronger.

Lilith took one more step, leaving only a few inches between them so that he could see her face clearly, every emotion on it, when she said her next words. "Then let it be us. If you want it as much as I do then let it be us against whatever life throws at us. If we are too young to make such promise then we can pretend we didn't but I want it to be us against these years, against these challenges and even after that. Moon and Antares, just like I once wrote that my favourite person would be Antares and I'd be Moon." She hadn't blinked, not on a single word, she had meant it all and wanted him to see the truth on her face. There was no need hiding it between them, others maybe not that everyone needed to know what was theirs anyways, but with him she didn't want to hide anything. Not that she could even if she tried to.
Even when they were having a conversation as serious as they were, Lilith was still able to bring a lighthearted element to it without making Eoghan feel as though she was overlooking the main points. The small smile returned to his lips as he glanced to the floor for a brief moment, "You mean unwinding like heading through haunted tents?" He'd personally hated Halloween last year, but he would still have gone through it again if it meant that Lilith had a good time. Perhaps it was for the best that at least one of them knew how to function with other human beings, that Lilith could remind him of the interactions that he'd never learn from reading a book. "I would never want you to shut up," he added truthfully. He'd said it before and he'd say it again; he could listen to her speak for hours because he adored her mind and the way she thought.

Eoghan still didn't move a muscle as Lilith inched forward, although it was a challenge not to reach out and pull her towards him there and then. He knew deep down that Lilith was as interested in him as he was in her because he could feel it. Every time they spoke he could feel the way the tug behind her eyes made him feel connected even if she hadn't specifically said it. Even now as she went on to tell him the way he made her feel grounded, he knew what they shared because it was the same for him and it always had been. It didn't matter what situation they found themselves in or how difficult it seemed to be, Eoghan knew that as long as Lilith was by his side they'd find a way through.

Hearing that Lilith felt the same made the second year somewhat lost for words, but he didn't feel as though that was a problem. They were in sync which meant that he knew she'd understand. "I'm not too young to know what a promise entails, nor that I want to make it to you," he said, his eyes glued to hers as she approached closer, feeling as though he was sharing some kind of route into her mind the way she was looking at him at that moment. He raised his right hand, offering out his pinky finger in the small gap between them while never breaking eye contact. "You are mine and I am yours and no matter what we will find a way through." Eoghan may have been on the edge between coming or going for the last few months, but once he'd fallen one way or another he knew there was no turning back. It would be unusual, he thought, for other second years to hear of what they had. Eoghan wasn't even sure many adults even had the bond they shared, not properly.
"We don't have to tell anyone until we're ready, but for now we can just pay mind to the fact that there is no one else on this earth that I would rather grow with. You are the one I turn to, you're the one I want to spend all my days with, and I promise that you never have to do anything alone."
Lilith smiled, broad and wide not minding at all that she couldn't control it at all. "Yeah, unwinding like that I suppose. Oh by the way we are TOTALLY going again this year." She said grinning at the memory, she might even convince him into a costume with her, well realistically probably not this year. "Well that might be good because I don't know if there is a way to shut me up, unless you use a silencing spell. Which by the way don't you ever want me to shut up just tell me so." It was a joke, he'd never use a spell on her anyways.

There was a wind between them, just enough to make her free hair annoyingly fly around but it didn't really bother her. Not right now anyways. Especially not when Eoghan brought up his pinky finger in a promise. Lilith grinned even wider than she had before, it was their thing. Rising her own to meet his she nodded, eyes sparking with a myriad of emotions. "I am yours and you are mine, there will always be a way through." Lilith promised, knowing it'd be true. Even if they were older they'd always have the connection that had been there from the start. "Like I told you, when I gave you Antares I knew all along that it was meant for you. As silly as it may sound it was always yours and always will be." The Ravenclaw said, pulling him closer and finally into a hug.

Every word had touched her soul in a different way, it was weird. She had only ever dared to dream of connection such as this, hadn't believed it to be true in real life, only in books and movies. In fiction, but little by little he was proving it did exist and amid all her doubts she could have it. "Yes it isn't for them to know, it is for us to know and experience. You won't have to do anything alone either and you don't have to hide anything anymore. It's a package deal, the beautiful and ugly of life. No picking and choosing which parts to share and care for and not alone." Just to give her words a little more emphasis Lilith hugged him that much tighter, letting him know this was how it'd be, she would hold him through the calm and storm. "Don't even have to explain it to anyone if we never bring it up, easy no awkward conversations." Leaning her back a little back with laughter, Lili let the wind play with her hair, feeling it through the strand. There was a new kind of freedom to her being too, something not only between the two second years but within her had shifted, it all seemed so much easier and possible.

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