` standing on the corner, suitcase in my hand .

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Christian Valente

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut, 14 ½", Vampire Blood.


Just a note: His bio's not up yet, but when it is, please check it
out. It'll be linked in mah signature, under "Links and Stuff".
I will offer Riley as a friend if you like. He is laid back and friendly. He doesnt judge and he can read people easy enough.Because of his sociable nature Riley makes friends easily and likes to stay loyal to each one of them. Riley is a new dad and loves his family, as he is rich himself he wouldnt be friend with Chris just for his money, also he isnt that sort of person anyway as he wouldnt even care if he was poor.

What do you think

Laura :)
I could offer up Isis ^_^ she's your typical groupie, so maybe she could fall for him and then dump her and she'd be all guttered? I dunno :p
r i l e y a n d c h r i s t i a n
To be quite honest, I don't think Christian would care for Riley. xD Since Riley seems like a womaniser, Chris wouldn't like that (because his dad is a cheating womaniser and he hates him). Also, he gets annoyed at overly cheerful/sociable people. Maybe Riley would be like "Hey Chris! What's up?" and Christian would be all "omg f**k off". xD Yeah, that's what I see happening. Even though he's usually pretty friendly, for some reason I don't think he'd like Riley.

i s i s a n d c h r i s t i a n
Ooh, that sounds fun. :p Would you want it to be just a one-off RP (like them meeting at a concert and then hooking up or something and then Chris ditching her) or a proper plot? I have plottageness planned with Kallisto, but maybe like.. while he's trying to figure that out, he keeps seeing Isis, and leads her on without meaning to? Like, not really cheating, but.. I don't know. xD He likes the ladies, but he's not a creepy man wh**e. Okay, I'm confusing myself, what do you think? :p
okay, I have Sidda, and I have a problem. :( You see, I made her like a performer - a good singer, a songwriter (but shhh! nobody knows! :o ) and she's gonna learn guitar. Now, she was in a band, but that's not as frequent as I'd like - I don't know what's happening with it exactly. :erm: And Sidda needs to get back into the music scene.


Do you think that they could see each other around the music scene? They could jam together, or he could be like a music mentor - whatever. Tell me if you hate the idea - I don't mind. I just think that there are possibilities because they're both into music. ^_^
s i d d a l e e a n d c h r i s t i a n
Since she's twelve years old, I doubt that she'd be a part of the "music scene" much.. Probably too dangerous, and she'd get corrupted pretty quickly. :r But anyway, she might have managed to sneak in, or know the venue owners or something? Anyway, since Christian's pretty protective, he probably would have made sure she stuck with him if he saw her around, worried that she'd get drugged or raped or something. :erm: Or maybe she just attended one of his all ages gigs and talked to him afterwards? What do you think?
i guess you're right about the music scene, but it IS Sidda, so... ;)

sounds cool :p Sidda sooo would sneak in if it was a band she liked, but an all-age gig sounds cool too. either or.

although I can imagine her sneaking in, him catching her and him falling prey to her innocent eyes :p
whatever sounds cool to you. you wanna start something, or me? it would probably have to be in the Hogwarts holidays, is that cool?
I have Sebastian who could maybe be a friend/fan for Christian. They're both American but are now living in different countries (Bas is in France) and they're both musicians in bands (well wannabe in Bas's case :p - he plays guitar and sings a bit).

Annnnd, he's about to go through a really rough time and I think it would awesome (to roleplay anyway) if he deals with it by really getting into the bad side of the rock n roll scene. Right now, he doesn't really drink, has never smoked, has only ever had one girlfriend. So, He's a really good guy at heart, and all he's thinking about is the music now, but it'd be good for him to get an eye opener.
s i d d a l e e a n d c h r i s t i a n
Yeah, he'd probably get annoyed at first (like: "Kid, what the heck are you doing in a place like this?" :mad: ), but then he'd be all "ugh, stick with me", and yeah, be all brotherly and stuff. xD And sure, could you please start something when the holidays begin? :D

s e b a s t i a n a n d c h r i s t i a n
Ooh, this sounds promising! I think that Christian would like Bas - he seems like a nice guy, and not a backstabber or whatever. So yeah, Chris would probably be a bad influence, but he wouldn't mean to ruin Sebastian's life or anything. :( He likes to be in control, so he might boss him around a bit, though. -_- So yeah, do you have any ideas as to how to start things? :)
Cool :D This is gonna be fun ^_^ .
And yes, I do have an idea on how to start things, but it'll have to wait until IC January.
I'll pm you with the idea and if it's good, we can start then.
I can offer up eric for either a friend or foe, he would not care much about christians money since his dad is famous and so he would be able to mingle and party with the best of them
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