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Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
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Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
Hey HNZ,

To keep this short and sweet, you all might not be seeing much of my around for about a week depending on the circumstances. Just letting you all know, and I don't really wish to disclose why this occurred, but it is family related, and keep my family in your prayers/thoughts.
Hoping that everything turns out fine, but the sharks are still in the water at this point.
And for when I am on, I might be a little quiet or edgy as well.

~ Sir Kaitlyn
I'll send good thoughts your way. :) Take care of yourself.
My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you :) Stiff upper lip and all that, love. It'll be alright. Come back to us soon, though! ♥

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
You know where I am if you need to talk at all. I know my time on is a little sketchy still at the best of times, but I am still reachable ;)
Mind yourself :hug:

I hope things go the right way. Look after yourself.
- Beth
D: Hope everything gets beetter Kaitlyn -just saw this- ><

:hug: Madz
This sucks! D:
Take all the time you need lovely, we will all be right here whenever you need us :hug:
Praying for you!
Might as well give out an update.

For the next...I don't know how long, I don't know how I'll be.
What happened was, one week ago, my papaw had a massive heart attack. This man helped raise me, and I wanted Jessye to meet him, because he loved everyone and never met a stranger.
Sadly enough, this man died this morning, right after we, my brother, his fiance and I, left the hospital, if not ten minutes later. After fighting so long, he just...he isn't suffering anymore. I normally handle death well, but this one has me left tore up. He was the glue in the family.

So, I'll be grieving for a while. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Hopefully we can just keep strong. ^^
I'm really sorry to hear that Kaitlyn. :cry: I will keep you, and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you will be able to recover from this loss, I know the feeling of losing someone, I had lost my grandmother and my grandfather on my mother's side at the same time, so I know the feeling.

I'm so, so sorry to hear this.
Losing someone is never easy, so take all of the time that you need to take care of your family and yourself.
My prayers are still with you all.

I'm so sorry to hear that Kaitlyn! :( I'll be keeping your family in my thoughts :hug:
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