Spare Tire

OOC First Name
E to the A
Sexual Orientation
Talking Unicorn
Pokes your Eyes
Tahi stormed in the Garden looking very furious and stressed. Her robes danced along with the wind while she was stomping towards her destination. She didn't actually planned to come to the garden. In fact she didn't plan anything at all. Tahimikka was just caught in her moment of fury and turned her back away from those creeps before she can do something that will not make them glad at all. She placed her self away from the eyes of the crowd and the grass near the trees and flowers of different kind.

"Stupid trees! Stupid Flowers! Stupid...stupid Slyths!" she shouted. Trying to let all her frustrations go, she grabbed a bunch of grass and started pulling them quite horribly. She laid her hands on a few flowers and scrunched it like a piece of nothing. Tahi was a little bit sorry for it but she remembered those words 'The weak is trampled. It's not our fault you're on that level.'

"They're right. I am weak. I'm nothing but a piece of spare tire. Another student in this enormous school." she said accepting her boring fate. She leaned on the tree and buried her face on to her knees thinking about how humdrum her life is.

Silus was quite unsure of what to think when he stumbled upon a seemingly, very distressed figure. It was a girl. One who couldn't have been any older than a first year, and she was making a bit of a mess in what was once a fairly pristine and calm garden. Wow. They're getting more and more vicious. He thought, both amused and confused at what he was witnessing. It was only after she spoke that he realized this wasn't just an angry witch who enjoying messing up pretty things. No, she wasn't like that appropriately named Savage girl.

Now while Silus would've normally been delighted at finding someone in distress to pick apart, the thought of the Savage girl doing so if she were here was very deterrent to him. So he didn't. Instead, he kept thinking back to what she'd said about herself... "You'd think people would have some decency once in awhile..." He said quietly, reclining by another nearby tree.

Miya was lurking around the garden - a favourite haunt for the first year, due to it being out of the way of most people and the home of much colour, when she spotted another girl viciously attacking the flowers. She watched worriedly from her crouching position behind a rhododendron shrub, her eyebrows knitting together and a small frown appearing on her face. Unsure if she was more concerned about an upset student or the welfare of the school garden, she watched the scene before her until she heard the boy by the tree speak. Miya stood up to get a better view and let her presence be known, and brushed dirt off her knees. "Hurting the garden," she murmured sadly. "Flowers don't deserve that." Stepping in the conflict seemed like a bad idea to Miya, but even being upset did not warrant an attack on defenceless flowers.
Tahi's face was still buried in her knees thinking about strangling somebody, continuing her wrath and hop the tree or raiding the kitchen and stuff herself full, ideas that are really good. Her wonderful thoughts were disturbed when someone started talking. She was about to find out where the voice came from when suddenly another voice caught her ear.

Obviously, Tahimikka was quite surprised by the company she found. A cool emo giant and a talking nature fairy. She faced them with a quizzical look and asked herself whether she shouted too loud. "Excuse me but do you need something? I'm kinda busy here." she asked while looking around the mess he made. She looked at boy to the girl waiting for their response.

Silus narrowed his eyes as felt another's presence sneaking up from behind him. He smirked, readying himself to deal a "justified" beating -- his prize for helping the distressed girl --, when he saw who it was. As she came closer he saw she didn't look the least bit mean or agressive, in fact the girl on her knees would have met that description better, he thought to himself. He took a closer look at the newcomer and scoffed, she appeared to be a hufflpuff. He was about to leave that dumb garden thinking his act had been passed onto her when she opened her mouth. Seriusly? She's worse than me at this for Merlin's sake! "Way to go, puff. That's exactly what you say to someone in a distressed heap on the ground." was what he was about to say when said heap rose from her spot.

Silus rose a brow. "Okay then, weakling." He spat. I get this sh** in return? Never doing this again... He thought glaring at the two first years. Absolute weirdos. "Have fun doing whatever the hell it was you were doing, then. He barked, exiting the garden, but not before ripping up a hydrangea and tossing it at the Hufflepuff's feet.

Blythe was quite shocked by the situation sh's in right now. And apparently, Mr. giant turned out to be sensitive boy. She narrowed her eyes at the passive girl and looked at the back of the enormous stranger who was walking away from the scene. 'Oh no, you are not going to turn your back after you said those things Mister.'

"Excuse me?! Who are you to call me a weakling, you gigantic troll?" she barked at the boy. Sure she was a little, just a little, vulnerable back then but... well Tahi was determined not to make the same mistake again. "A-and I was having fun 'redecorating' the garden before you came." Tahimikka added and crossed her arms at the lad. She just wished she didn't stammer though.
Miya shrank into herself as the distressed girl spoke, an apology for intruding on the tip of her tongue. She swallowed it as the hydrangea landed at her feet, quickly scooping the flower off the ground as if saving it from the dirt would help it in any way. That was one way of giving a girl flowers, she thought. She almost laughed at the notion, a tiny hysterical thought distracting Miya from the fact that she was clearly out of her depth in social situation.

She blinked hard and her mouth fell open slightly as the raised voices jarred her brain, and she stepped forwards, holding the flower against her chest as if it were a shield. "Don't fight?" Miya squeaked uncertainly, very much hoping she would't get caught in the middle of anything. Running away from the unfriendly people felt like the best plan of action, but the the flowers weren't in any immediate danger of having their homes destroyed, and the unfriendly first year had been upset just a moment ago.

Silus turned on his heel and crossed his arms. He glared down at the girl and rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Here's a tip for you since you so obviously need it. When you blubber over the ground and rip out grass blades, you're not going to be seen as anything other than weak."
The boy sniffed and straightened out his back, hoping to make himself appear even taller. "Anywho, your little comment about my height, I consider that a compliment." He watched her as she, with crossed arms as well, stated she'd been having fun redecorating the garden.

Silus noticed her fumbled "a" and smirked. "Oh, yes. It looked like you were having a complete 'bawl'." He said mockingly. He then took a moment and turned his head towards the other girl. The weird hufflepuff was clutching the hydrangea he'd ripped out over her chest. And this one thinks that would change my mind. He thought, contemplating stamping out more flowers just to see what she'd do. "If it bothers you that much, why don't you leave." He snarked.

Wow. Tahimikka thought this guy was the most annoying jerk she have ever met. The lad even insisted that Tahi was indeed a weakling and had the nerve to take her insult as a compliment. His last remark painted Tahi's face red knowing she shouldn't have stuttered. Like hello? Who won't stammer while talking to an enormous, gangster-like mongrel, duhhh.

"Wow. You are the biggest, most irritating emo-douche I have ever met." looking intently at the boy wondering if there is still hope for him and his personality. Look who's talking her stupid inner self snapped. Blythe didn't say more since obviously the boy heard her dramatic scene besides he was great speaker than she was. She thought this guy might got into a lot of fights to have that 'talent'.

She turned her attention towards the nature fairy who told them to stop fighting. The lass looked ridiculous clutching the flower in her chest. She looked like she's going to her own funeral or something. "You know you look weird doing that, right?" she told the girl while pointing at the hydrangea. "And were not fighting, not anymore. Arguing with this guy is rubbish and pointless anyway" she smirked at the boy.

Miya had watched a lot of students around Hogwarts, and it wasn't hard to see that both of these ones were trouble The boy especially would be in the category of people she'd rather eat a flobberworm than deal with, but here she was. She shrugged when asked why she didn't leave. Leaving could result in many floral lives being lost. Besides, she was curious. Rarely did she get in the middle of arguments, despite her habit of spying on them.

Miya nodded when the girl told her she looked weird. "Oh, yes. I know." she said mildly. Out of all the things that could potentially insult her, weird wasn't one. It really wasn't news to her, and Miya was perfectly used to being called strange, but holding flowers in the middle of a garden was hardly unusual behaviour and Miya didn't see why the girl felt the need to point it out.

Her worried expression gave way to amusement as the girl spoke again. "That is true. Trolls aren't good at arguments." she observed blankly, hiding the resulting faint smile with the hydrangea. Although she was nearly shaking, Miya was enjoying watching the students sling insults. And as alarming as the older boy was, he reminded Miya too much of her older cousins, who always tried to look tough and scare her, to be properly afraid of him.

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