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Steph Shirley

Well-Known Member
'Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather'.
i was just wondering,
is it the 25th of august the sorting begins?
im eager to be sorted, as i have been a member for a while, but i havnt taken part in many of the activitys, a email i received lead me to take part in more of the site.
and tbh, i dont feel part of the whole community if i havnt been sorted,
ive sent the sorting hat my application thing.
But i dont know when to expect to be sorted,
please reply.
xx :blink:
Hey Steph

Yeah it is tomorrow that sorting begins. There will be a post here somewhere saying Sorting Ceremony.

But you really should of taken part in some role plays, to make friends and get some practice, there was a bunch of topics just for unsorted students or you could of gone to the off character section and talked to some people as yourself, but sorting starts tomorrow sometime so you can get to know some people then.
All out of queries such as these may be posted in our F.A.Qs Forum or Personal Messaged to an admin.
This forum is specified for roleplaying.

Edit: I have moved the thread from the Great Hall to the FAQs forum.
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