Sorting & Transfers for Y17

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Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
Another round of sorting is upon us! It seems like just the other day that I was posting this topic for the last time.

Are you having a character sorted/transferred? More than one?
Where do you think they'll end up?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you expected? Did you provoke a witty response from the sorting hat? What'd you think of that?
I actually thought that Isla would be in Hufflepuff because of her being kind and all but then again, I just answer the questions on the form like I don't care and still got what I want.
I haven't been sorted yet, but I really want Charlotte to be in Gryffindor.
Quickest sorting everrr!! ^_^

I'll have to wait and see what happens with Albie, though.

(as for the witty response, yes sorting hat-senpai noticed me <3 )
Katerina was really tensed when she was going to be sorted. She thought that the Sorting Hat might put her in Slytherin but that's quite impossible because she's lack of determination and resourcefulness. But it was a relief when the Sorting Hat put her in Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw was Katerina's wish to be part of it and she was very happy and pleased to become one of the Ravenclaw Students.

OOCOut of Character:
Since I always been sorted in Ravenclaw in every quizzes I take and on Pottermore, I tried my best for my character to be one of it. Her story is also like mine. RAVENCLAW PRIDE!!! ^_^
I broke and made a first year. :unsure:
Well, as usual, I had no idea where this guy would go. I didn't think he'd be in Slytherin, because he's not very ambitious, or resourceful. I did consider him being in Ravenclaw, but I still wasn't sure.
I'm quite happy with another Ravenclaw! ^_^
I also wasn't going to make a new first year but I did anyway :r
I didn't have a preference for this guy I was just going to see where he would get. I was picking Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff so I'm really happy with where he got.
When I filled out the form I wasn't quite sure what house I would be in but it's always good to be surprised.Eugene isn't exactly a typical hufflepuff so its going to be fun rping with other hufflepuffs.
I told myself that I wouldn't make a new first year but in the end, I did anyway :r

I really had no idea where this girl would go but I am happy that she was actually sorted into Gryffindor. It's actually quite weird seeing her name in red though, I'm quite used with my characters being sorted in Ravenclaw :p
So...... I had nothing else to do so I made a new charrie... :shifty:

Haha! I had no idea where this kid will go since I kind of mixed it up a little bit and I get another Hufflepuff!! :p

Sorting rules!! xD
I think I'm giving the Sorting Hat a problem throwing Danny somewhere.
Very pleased that I got into the house I was aiming for. I don't want to go through the school year again in the same houses I've had previously. ><
Daniel Duke said:
I think I'm giving the Sorting Hat a problem throwing Danny somewhere.
Umm, you haven't filled out the sorting form... :unsure:
I guess again I will e the oldest student writing here but
I got approved transfer :woot: I wasn't sure quite where una would go but I knew she was unlikely to be a puff as she is a little to loud, or a claw she hates studying but out of lion or snake I wasn't sure. Maybe I did think she was more snake but I wasn't aiming particularly for that house. So now I have had someone in each house. :) though it would be odd playing the slytherin team for quidditch
Annaliese Vermeulen said:

I'll have to wait and see what happens with Albie, though.

(as for the witty response, yes sorting hat-senpai noticed me <3 )

Margo Liddell said:
but I think in my heart I wanted a Gryffindor :)
I think, in their hearts, everybody wants Gryffindor. :r
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