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Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
So, it's HNZ's 14th 'year' in operation.
What are your thoughts on sorting so far?
Did your character get put where you expected? Why do you think the decision that was made was made?
Rather upset that all your characters were thrown in Slytherin ( :donna: )?
Joyous that you got the best house ever (GRYFINDDOORRRR!)?
Something else?

As a personal reflection, I realized that sorting is one of the few times where another person heavily influences a character's storyline. Sorting Everleigh Hanson in to Hufflepuff I realized that something that roleplayer had little to no control over just drastically influenced their character's future.
Kailie Styx: Honestly, she is her own character, and though I was surprised when she was sorted into Slytherin, it will suit her because of her brother...and the rest of her family. Not so much a typical Snake, but one that seems to be more or less, quiet and kind of revengeful (with a dose of selfishness)

Sergios: Gryffindor, which I was secretly hoping for. This boy will turn out fun, adventurous, and everything else of the sort. I cannot wait to see him in action! ^_^

I am still looking forward to others' sorting as per usual.
I actually expected Alliyah to be sorted into Gryffindor because of her different traits that she has inherited. But I admit that it will be tough to say that my characters are somehow rivals in a way because of their houses. Artemis Jackson is a Slytherin while Alliyah Jackson is a Gryffindor. This character is just so different from her sibling. It will take a lot of time to know that they are actually sisters except for their surnames and same skin complexion. To be honest, I am proud about Alliyah being with the Lions.

First ever character to be in Gryffindor. :p
I honestly had no idea which house Everleigh was going to get in. I knew that it probably wasn't going to be in Slytherin and if it was it was only because she didn't identify with any other house and wanted to be placed there. For some reason I imagine her as a female version of Draco that just really wants to appease her family but she also wants everyone else to be happy with her so she bends backwards for everyone else so I guess Hufflepuff really is the best house for her.
Everleigh Hanson said:
I honestly had no idea which house Everleigh was going to get in. I knew that it probably wasn't going to be in Slytherin and if it was it was only because she didn't identify with any other house and wanted to be placed there. For some reason I imagine her as a female version of Draco that just really wants to appease her family but she also wants everyone else to be happy with her so she bends backwards for everyone else so I guess Hufflepuff really is the best house for her.
It didn't seem like you were really pushing for Slytherin, but at the same time I really didn't want to mess with your character's situation or anything. @_@
Nicolas King said:
Everleigh Hanson said:
I honestly had no idea which house Everleigh was going to get in. I knew that it probably wasn't going to be in Slytherin and if it was it was only because she didn't identify with any other house and wanted to be placed there. For some reason I imagine her as a female version of Draco that just really wants to appease her family but she also wants everyone else to be happy with her so she bends backwards for everyone else so I guess Hufflepuff really is the best house for her.
It didn't seem like you were really pushing for Slytherin, but at the same time I really didn't want to mess with your character's situation or anything. @_@
I thought I would just be truthful to her character. She wasn't placed in Slytherin because she isn't one. I think that changing your characters personality to get into one house over another is ridiculous.
Rather chuffed with Duncan making Gryffindor ^_^ I didn't mind where he got put, providing it wasn't to be Slytherin (that's just not fitting with his character. Ravenclaw isn't particularly, either :p )
Especially pleased as I'd just lost my only Gryffindor boy as he finished Hogwarts. Yippee!
I sorted only Felicity and she got Ravenclaw =)

Muggelborn = typically interested by magic from the very beginning
She didn't have the best upbringing in the world,all her life she believe making a decision for yourself was forbidden and growing up in a country like Cuba everything seemed isolated. I think Ravenclaw would suit her well, since she will learn and be very sneaky at trying to learn above her level xD
I figured that Isabella would either wind up in Slytherin or Ravenclaw. I was leaning a little bit more towards Slytherin but I would have been fine with either. She has qualities of both in her but I feel like she's more of a selfish character than she is smart and resourceful. Overall I'm pretty pleased with which house she ended up in. ^_^
Back when Erik was younger, I'd always thought he'd be a Gryffindor. A few days ago I decided I wouldn't care where he was put (besides, I wasn't going to force a house. That would take all the fun out of Sorting!) Really, the only house I wouldn't want him going into would be Ravenclaw. It just wouldn't suit him, plus I've already put a Ravenclaw (Estrella) through seven years at the school.

I'm quite excited that Erik's been sorted into Hufflepuff. I've never had a Huff & Puff before.
I don't like hufflepuff, it's such a dull house and when I get into Pottermore, I sincerely hope I am anything but.

Having said that, I'm not surprised Pip got allocated into the house. Disappointed that he did, but not surprised. Was sort of hoping that the hat might throw a spanner in, but he did go down the stereotypical path as expected. Even though he's probably the most puffiest puff out there, I still dislike him a little for not making one of the 'cool' houses. Stupid hufflepuff. *shakes fist*

Oh well. Maybe playing Pip will change my opinion about Hufflepuff. I'd like that. ^_^
Mima got in to Hufflepuff, and I'm pretty glad about that. It'll be a challenge for her, but I think it'll end up suiting her. She's a bit stubborn, used to getting her own way, and not used to having to talk to and be nice to other people. But she has the potential to, I think, and Hufflepuff will bring out that potential, which is good.
I personally find sorting a very interesting period for the same reason that Nick mentioned. It is one of the few times that someone else will have a drastic effect over your character and their story line... and short from pushing your character into the deepest corners of a house's reputation (or giving the sorting hat a cookie), there is very little one can do about it. I am interested in seeing where my first year ends up, seeing as I personally have no clue.

Also, I just wanted to mention that I found the sorting procedure very easy and smooth to follow. I remember my first sorting, and taking almost 2 hours filling out the GIANT form and then being confused who to send it to, having to get my username changed because I had signed up as something to the effect of "debscute" and then almost missing sorting because I couldn't find the Great Hall to RP in. This time went a lot more smoothly!
I honestly did not expect Gryffindor. Quite frankly, I had no idea what house Jade would be sorted into. I thought maybe Hufflepuff since she is so shy that would be a good place for her to go, but Gryffindor would probably be better for her so she gets out of her shell. Hufflepuff probably would have just encouraged it. I really wasn't leaning to any one house with her anyway ;)
I honestly didn't know what house I'd get. I just wrote what I wanted my character to be I didn't really mind what house I got though I like it that he is in Gryffindor. It suits his personality best.
Jordan is my first (student) character that I did not create aiming at a specific house. I just really wanted her to be fun and quirky, but a lot less "BAM! I am perky!" than Hilary was when she started. I was secretly hoping for Hufflepuff, because I have never had a Hufflepuff before, also I really like how open the possibilities of Hufflepuff are.

Very excited to see where this character goes!
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