I don't think anyone here hates you Dom, but the more serious people are about posts the less likely they are going to want to post with a person who isn't very experienced and who posts as usually the bare minimum or less. But every thread you have now is going to help you improve and develop your character
It's a hard thing to get characters settled into a place where you feel like you know them and can play them without letting your own thoughts or other characters influence how you reply as a character [this is something I deal with alot when posting]. Now you've made so many characters since you joined and alot of them have gone to waste or you've given away, which is a shame, because you should be able to keep up with them and if you have issues replying as a character then it shouldn't mean for you to go out and make more.
As to what Madz says, I find it annoying and I reponded to one of your pms about this. PMing me to make you banners isn't a good thing to do to me or any banner maker. We have threads we need to respond too, and I do go through and look at every thread in the banner request for ones that I can see doing. But considering that I've made you countless of banner in the past and you never really use them, maybe only for a short while in a spoiler before moving on and asking for more I don't really have the inspiration to make you banners.
I noticed alot of times you reply to a thread with a different character then who is in the said thread, which makes me alittle annoyed when you say 'i'm to lazy to switch'. So in case you haven't seen, and this button made me very excited when i first noticed it, theres a button at the top where it usually says Sign In Register when you're not log in, but when your log in it says Sign Out
Switch Character. Switch character is a really great button! It saves time and you stay on the same page when you switch the characters. This should help you in times of being lazy to just simply change to the right characters and will save everyone else any annoyance of not changing. Though occassionally it is alright if you post as the wrong character by accident, and i've done this, simply forgetting to switch characters, so always check what one you're log onto before you post, if it's wrong simply select all you want to post and right click then click copy so you don't lose what you wrote and change accounts
I hope any of the information above helps your improvement as a Role Player on the site