Sometimes I Wanna Get Away

Kimmara Freecss

Former Model // Mother // Scarred
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
The travelling was taking it's toll on an already tired Kimmara. Her brother and she had been around to three schools already, leaving Hogwarts New Zealand and Hogwarts Scotland to choose from. Either would be fine, since their are modelling headquarters in just about every country now, meaning she'd still have work. Silas, of course, wished she didn't. He wanted her to go to school, to learn more about her magical roots than what the tutors could teach her. Kimmy would be lying if she said she didn't also want that; she'd be lying even more if she said that she was excited. Schools were filled with people, people who wanted to make friends and talk to each other. Kimmara, whom had practically been born shy, didn't want to be thrust into an environment where she may be forced to talk to or associate with anyone. Not that Kimmara didn't want friends, she just wasn't sure how to make them.

Kimmara adjusted the straps on her shirt, and then pulled her skirt up onto her hips a bit more, to help the shirt stay tucked in. Today she was in a more comfortable outfit, but she was still supposed to wear something nice, in case she needed to make an impression to get into one of these schools. She knew that Beuxbatons did interviews along with applications, as well as the Academy in the states. Hogwarts Scotland wanted to speak with her brother separately, and he would fill out the parental application; then she would go in and fill out her own. In the end she got to choose which school she went to, as she was sure that Beuxbatons would not transfer her to their school. Not with some of the grades she had. Many of her tutors only gave her poor grades because she was not very active in their lessons. In charms she was not demanding enough to get them to work; her skiddish personality had ruined a lot of her lessons for her.

However, Kimmara could not allow herself to think negatively. In all honesty, both she and her brother were hoping for one of the two Hogwarts they were trying to get her into. They seemed much more appealing. Kimmara looked at the map in her hand, which was of the whole school. Many students were leaving or had left for the winter season, which left the hallways pretty empty. For Kimmara that was good, as she had to concentrate on the map to get around. The blonde woman glanced back down at the paper, and glance up in time to nearly run into the back of someone. Having caught herself, she maneuvered around the boy whom was stopped in the hallway. Kimmara wanted to apologize, but instead she found herself looking at him, realizing he was probably a student.
It was a little after most students had left for the holidays and Kalvyn was still lingering at the school. The fourth year wasn't there for any other reason that he hadn't finished the few books that he'd been reading, he knew that he needed to go home soon, they had plans with the extended family, it didn't entirely work out in Kal's favour but he was at the very least looking forward to talking politics with his cousin, Tybalt. However, he was still in school, and this one of the last few days that he would be. The school was mostly empty and he was pretty happy with that. His favourite part of the year was when it was this quiet. It was just good. He could read easily in peace. he didn't really want to talk to most others on any occasion, but at least now he couldn't even talk to anyone. Because there was no one that he could talk to. There wasn't one person that would want to talk to him. Kalvyn had very few friends. He mostly had people he spoke to once and then never again, and at that, it wasn't very much. Kalvyn despite his friendly and open family was closed off. He was shy and didn't like talking to people much. He didn't get the point. The only people he was friendly with were his family members. And that was just because he'd known them all of his life. Even at that, he knew that Ailsa didn't find him fun.

Kalvyn was wondering around the school, he had the book in front of him. He was heading to the charms professor, he had a very serious question about what he was reading, and he knew that this man would have his answer. That and the man was still in the school. Charms had been the last exam, and so he had a little more to catch up on than other professors. Kalvyn took the long route down from the Ravenclaw tower, continuing to read, just to be sure that the answer to his question didn't come up later. And then the professor wouldn't be happy with Kalvyn disturbing him with a pointless question. The ravenclaw was nearing the room, and stopped as he reread the sentence in front of him, it wasn't an answer to the question that he had but, it was still incredibly interesting. He read the sentence over and had been about to continue forward when he realised there was a girl stood in front of him. He kept his eyes on the girl, unsure what she was doing. She didn't seem familiar, did she even go to the school. He glanced down and noticed a map in her hands. He wondered why she had it. Why did she need it. Did they even accept transfers half way through a year, he was sure that they didn't. But, then again, Kal didn't work for the school, so how would he know. "Hi" he said, drawing it out, it was clear he was trying to process what was going on, and why she was stood in front of him.
Kimmara's blonde hair, which was let loose rather than tied back, hung around her shoulders. She had left her jacket with her brother, whom said he would hold onto it as the school was finely heated. Kimmara wanted to see how comfortable she was in all aspects of the schools, and the heating was a big portion of Kimmy's judgement. Being as thin as she was, she often found herself chilled from the air, and the last thing she needed was to be shivering in class because it was just too cold. After all, Kimmara needed as much help as possible concentrating, since often times lessons didn't capture her attention enough for he to even stay awake. It wasn't that Kimmara didn't want to learn, it's that she was always so tired from tips and runway shows that staying awake took just as much effort as learning new magic did. Maybe if she didn't feel obligated o stay on as a model, her learning rate would become higher. Kimmara figured that's why Silas had pushed her toward a new school like these.

Kimmara didn't mean to always stay silent, with no apologies, like she was now. Between her thoughts, and the pressure of actually saying something to someone who might talk back, Kimmy felt trapped. The tall blonde had always been poor with words, and her parents, try as they might, couldn't get her to open up to anyone but Silas. Kimmara had slowly begun to talk a bi more to her parents, but even then her speaking voice was rather quiet and sometimes she even had a stutter. When Kimmara had charms class, she couldn't get her charms to work for that very reason. It was a struggle every day for the young model, but she was learning slowly.

Her train of though broke when the boy in front of her spoke to her. Now was the defining moment. Quietly Kimmara spoke back. "Hi." Then, taking a deep breath, her eyes rested on his book. Her nose wrinkled up slightly, it would be her worst subject of course. "Charms?" The single word was a question, wondering why anyone would read a book on the subject for fun.
Kalvyn knew that it was perhaps strange to run into someone who went to the school but that they didn't know. But really for him it wasn't all that strange. He was a little more than a tiny bit anti-social. He was a pretty shy guy, he didn't do well with lots of people, and most of the time, he just wanted to be reading a book rather than with others. He was also a fairly nervous guy which helped nothing really. He knew that he needed to be less like that, but really Kalvyn couldn't help it. It wasn't really explained in his family, since his family members were all nothing like him. They were all pretty friendly. They all tried hard to be nice and kind and friendly, where he could really only be liked that with them. Only with those people rather than others. He couldn't explain where it came from, but for him it existed and while most would likely grow bored of the solitude that it brought with it, he didn't think the same. He liked being able to read a lot, and he liked being able to work on thing on his own. It was simpler, easier and well, that was the entire idea of it. Kalvyn smiled slightly, as he had been wondering around the halls, he liked when the school was like this, since there was hardly anyone and he could easily make his way through school. But, what he didn't expect was to run into someone that he didn't know.

If Kalvyn had known her even a little he would've side stepped her and then continued after the small greeting, but he felt like he couldn't just because he didn't know her. She was new or just someone that he had never run into, despite the fact that she looked like she was the same age as he was. It was strange, but he wasn't really interested in talking to her. She on the other hand replied to his hi, and she appeared to be about as nervous as he was about this meeting. Kalvyn forced a small smile, and had been about to just leave it at that when the girl seemed to notice to book in his hands and said what it was. He looked down and just nodded, it was charms, but she said it in a way that made him think that she didn't like the subject which was strange to him, because Charms was one of the better lessons. It had so much more in it that was interesting. It was fun, and you learned magic in it. How could she not like it. "Charms" he said in a tone of affirming what it was in fact and then grinned slightly, as if to say that it was great, that she should like it. "Lost?" he asked, just wanting to get out of this conversation, but feeling like with this girl in front of him, perhaps he should try a little harder. and she appeared to be holding a map of some sort, which surely meant that she was lost.
There was something about the man who stood in front of her, that made Kimmara feel a little less reserved. She wasn't concerned that he was going to bombard her with questions that she probably couldn't answer, even if she wanted to. Kimmara closed the map up between her lithe fingers and looked downward at her flats Her eyes were trained on the shiny sections of the flats, and the bits of snow still stuck in some places that hadn't actually melted yet. The white was a small contrast to the pastel colors, but it seemed that staring at her shoes was a great alernitive to making eye contact with the brunette boy in front of her. There was silence in the halls as the two just stood there. Kimmara felt increasingly uncomfortable, unable to really say much to him. Finally though, the silence was broken by the sound of his voice.

Kimmara's nose came unwrinkled, realizing that he probably enjoyed the subject that she had disdain for. She gave a small smile to him, her teeth hidden behind thin lips. Her deep hazel eyes finally met his briefly before she spoke again. "Ick." The word wasn't spoken in a mean way, but more as an expression of her opinion. To anyone who had seen her grades, it would be obvious that she just wasn't any good at charms. If she could get the objects to do what she needed them to, then everything would be so much easier. Kimmara couldn't help but think that the boy in front of her must have the right kind of tone, and though he was quiet he must not be timid. Not like she was, at least. Kimmara thought more as he questioned her, wondering if she was lost. She wondered how he could tell, but them thought of the map in her hand, and folded it up the rest of the way to put it in her pocket. "No." She answered, mainly from embarrassment. Getting lost in this school and finding someone who obviously knew their way around was more embarrassing than she could possibly think. Kimmara looked up again and in a slightly defeated tone remarked, "Y-yes." Her voice was still soft and gentle, but there was a tone to it that made her embarrassment obvious to anyone who might hear her.
Unlike others in his family, he had never been particularly social, or out going. He was not like any of them. For some reason, Kalvyn was just quieter, and much more shy. His life revolved around reading and working, it didn't have a social life anywhere in it. That was just not something that Kalvyn had. He was happy with his life too. Sure, maybe some friends to fill the hours of silence that he often endured at this school might be a little nice, but he also thought it was better this way. He got so much more work done this way, He never really had to think about others, or make plans with them. One of the many ways in which he had previously lost friends that he had made. He didn't really need anyone. He had his family when he needed them, and he knew all of his perfect grades and hard work made his parents proud. As if he was going to achieve a good many things. However, running into someone that day had not been one other things he thought he would do today. He had merely been going to get some answers and had run into someone he didn't know who appeared to be as awkward and as quiet as he was. Which was perhaps not a good combination if this person needed help.

Kalvyn was sort of waiting to be able to go. He hadn't thought that she would say anything else, or even accept an offer of help, since she like him, didn't appear to be very good with other people, which was half the reason why he really wanted to leave. Making friends was one thing, but he didn't want to make friends right now. He had his OWLs to think about. He had more pressing things that friendship, but here he stood, silent, as the girl then replied. First saying no, and it had been then that Kalvyn took a small step away from her, and made a move as if he was about to walk away and then, she said yes. Which internally made him groan. So she was lost, and he happened to be the one who ran into her, and therefore the one who would have to help. He tried to smile a little more friendlily, but it just came out as forced. He needed to figure out where she needed to go. "Where do you need to go?" he asked her, glanced at her hands, where she was holding a map. So, reading maps was not a strong suit of this girl's.

Kimmara shifted weight from one foot to the other, and then again. It was obvious she was uncomfortable with her current situation. Not only was she lost, she was talking - or at least trying to talk - to a complete stranger. Her hands moved her her forearms, hugging herself for heat and comfort. Her head was still tilted downward, though now her eyes focused on his shoes instead, needing something new to look at and analyze. The blue-brown orbs shifted along the floor, trying to grasp something to talk to. The silence was deafening for her, and she felt this overwhelming need to just turn around and walk away. This stranger now knew that she was too stubborn to ask for directions, as her blatant lie played over and over in her mind. The simple word becoming over-analyzed by the young blonde. Finally Kimmara dared to look up enough that she could see his face, though her eyes trained on his mouth rather than his eyes. In the back of her head she could hear her brother nudging her to be polite with the boy, who hadn't left her alone and lost yet.

She formed words in her mind, trying to make them into a sentence after he had inquired of where she was going. "Thank you." She spoke softly still, chewing on her lower lip now. Her shoulders anchored back a little straighter ans she opened the map to show him where she needed to go. She pointed to the middle of the school, it seemed, and said, "Office." The map was then folded up neatly once more, and slipped back into her pocket. The nudging feeling in her chest grew a little bit more, and finally Kimmy took some initiative. "Kimmara." She said, her eyes once more downcast on the floor, tracing the patterns of the tile and stone. She didn't know why it was so hard to speak to someone, but perhaps the forced smile on his face was one of the many reasons. Something about feeling like a burden made Kimmara even more upset with herself that she'd even stopped in the first place.

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