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Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -AND SO BROKEN IN

So with Alexis' departure from the site *sob* we have left one half of a couple and a plot in the
midst. I think I speak for many when I say that her and her amazing characters will be missed
but I still have Izaak here and well, his whole life pretty much revolves around her right now.
For those who don’t know, Izaak and Alexis are currently engaged with a baby on the way as
well. I don’t really know how famous, or infamous for that matter, they are on the site but they
have had a lot of up’s and down’s, a lot of history and a hell of a lot of plots. They first started
out on HWA as friends, but after a flirty night together in the aftermath of Alexis’ break-up with
her boyfriend their feelings grew. They kept it all quiet for a while but soon began dating and
have been on and off (mostly on) for about three and a half years. Will give more details later.

Right, so, getting down to business, I'd really love it if someone could take over the account to
tidy up the current plot or to keep it more long-term. That is completely up to you. I know it’s a
huge ask to take on a character already so well-developed but Izaak is by far my main charrie
and I don’t want to leave him so incomplete. I would love you forever if you could help me out.
Plus, what we had had planned is very interesting (and secret!), so guaranteed you’ll enjoy it.

I have a few requirements because I want to do as much justice as possible to Alexis and her
fantastic role-playing skills. Firstly (because sometimes our posts reached up to one thousand
words!) I’d much appreciate an advanced roleplayer. Apologies for any exclusions, but this is
just something I’d like to keep in the plot as much as possible. Secondly, if you could take the
time to read her bio and lurk a few old topics that would probably help so much more (and I'll
provide the links below). Just so you get the gist of the character/relationship/plot. And also I’d
love it if you were active enough to keep up with posts, not just the spiffy one every week or so.

so perfect.
That’s pretty much it, I don’t really want to go into detail describing the character as she isn’t my
own but I figured you might know a load about her anyway. AND if you want to take on the role
and someone else has already replied, please don’t hesitate to make a post! I want to keep my
options open and it won’t be a snap decision. If I choose you, I’ll PM you with more details and
the plot of course. Though for now just post on in! Thanks a bunch of flowers, Em & Izaak ♥


-- the first topic after moving in together

-- the letter that started everything and the ‘break’ that followed

-- and a reunion that followed that

-- he’s having a baby by another girl and she makes a confession

-- more letters

-- their official break-up, seemingly for keeps

-- he sees her and his cousin together and suddenly the fact that they still care for each other is not so secret

-- she comes to move out of their house and walks in on him and his new lover resulting in one big huge screamfest. a personal favourite of mine ♥

-- while she’s in the bathroom, he runs into her brother and a change of heart, then dejection, is triggered

-- unbeknownst to each other, the two of them realise they are still very much in love but when he travels across the world to propose to her, he discovers a situation far more morbid and flees back home without the engagement ring in pocket

-- remembering her saviour and with the discovery of the engagement ring in her overnight bag, she returns to australia to find him and he finally gets down on one knee

-- now engaged, the couple takes a night out on the town only run into an old friend of hers, one that is very familiar to him

-- she’s in for the shock of her life when she meets the father-in-law

-- he returns home after a trip away with friends to find she has some very big news to share
Rhi could take this up if you lemme..I have read a couple of your threads..We were not of the same style but I could do justice..Plus,I have experience with HWA roleplaying so I could live it up as well..
I would offer to take the character. As i have been a member of this site for a while now i would say that im a decent person to role play with and i can post a lot depending on who im with.e.g someone who writes a few paragraphs i will match the length and well yeah im sure you get the point :p Anyway, she seems like a good character to rp with and as she is already so well developed that makes it even better. Also i am on the site near enough every day and as i am no longer in school and have 3 months off doing nothing i will be dedicated to any role plays that i am in.

Laura :)
Are you still deciding if you want long term or short term? I could take Alexis if you want :p But since we already RP lots if somebody else who you think could do Galinda justice posts then by all means choose them ^_^
Britt :p
Short term/long term is entirely up to you I suppose. I want to finish up this plot and I'm sure if it was only a short term thing I could figure something out.

Thanks for posting though guys, I'm taking you all into consideration ;) But everyone, keep posting in. I want to keep my options open as much as possible.
hello! ok, so here goes..... I feel like I'm at a job interview o_O

Anywho, I'm offering to take Alexis if you'd like, I have lots of time because as of now, I've only got two characters whose plots seem to be on hold :cry: I'm looking to be ALOT more active on here, so Alexis would get tons of attention, dedication and love. You dont know me, so here's some info. I'm an experienced roleplayer, having rp-ed on other sites, and on this one (I was on the site a while ago with other characters). I can definately do long roleplays (I'm a college student, writing long stuff is my life :tut: ) and can offer to take her long-term. Mmmm, anymore you need to know, just ask! I'm off to lurk Alexis just in case :r
I'll take her if you like. I try to match the length of the other person's post as much as possible. I'm reading all of the links you provided to see how she works and the writing style. I am online very day hat I can be, which is usually every day. :)

Thankyou all SO much for your interest, I really appreciate it ^_^

I've been thinking about this for awhile now, I've had offers from a few others as well and have a friend on Caution that put her hand up a few days ago and's really keen on playing her out. I'm going to go with her but I look forward to RPing with you all in the future :) And thankyou once again :hug:
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