Something Interesting

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Ben Gray

Well-Known Member
Well I never rp with Ben and so Im trying more to use my other characters rather than just Tom and Mike.

So any ideas... I'm not a big fan of introductions or just meeting up and whatnot. Something really interesting that will get the lurks in might be nice.

I have Ben's older Brother who Ben doesn't know about. He goes by the name of Adrian and he's a DE. I'm also offering him up to rp with but again something interesting would be awesome and also I have another character up for offer: Drake Damico. He is not related to Adrian etc and is a DE. Drake is generally a loner but plots with him would be cool!

As for any ideas on plots I have none.As I said before I don't really like just meeting other people. I like the plots that are just fun to type etc so something really interesting... don't forget 2 of these are DE's ;)

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