Closed Something I have to tell you

Felix Urie

d i s t r a c t e d
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curved 17 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Felix knee he needed to tell Falon, she was really the only person he wanted to tell other than Lyra, who he’d told first, but he wasn’t telling Falon that! Georgi has allowed him to babysit for a while and he was glad of it, he had an apartment now that he’d some how manage to wrangle with James’ help and thought Ezra didn’t pay him much, this was enough for him. He checked the time and smiled down at his daughter who was almost asleep on his shoulder. He’d sent Falon an owl that he needed to speak with her urgently, he’d heard about her fight with Lyra and he felt terrible that they’d fallen out over him, especially after their lunch date. He supposed be should tell his sister about that too. He carefully placed Victoria in the little makeshift crib he had at the corner of the room, it was only a one room apartment with everything in it, a bit squished, but it was his and he adored it. He needed to live somewhere after all and he wanted to be near Lyra and Victoria. He heard someone at the door. “Falon, that you?”
After leaving her team to join the Falcons, Falon felt better. She felt her previous team was so toxic, and it was a breath of fresh air to meet new people and play for a team that didn't have any connections to her family and were bent on destroying her brother's life. But, after receiving an owl saying Felix desperately needed to talk to her, Falon's stomach dropped, wondering what had happened. All the worst scenarios played through her head as she quickly made her way to Felix's new apartment, knocking on the door before opening it and walking in anyway. She heard Felix's voice and it wasn't hard to find him - it was a smaller apartment than she had pictured. "Yes it's me - what's wrong?" She asked moving towards him quickly, not noticing the elephant in the room.
If there was one neverending truth for the rest of his life, it was that Felix dearly loved his twin sister. She always cane for him when he needed her, even when he didn’t, and though he sometimes liked to play in those facts a little, he knew she knew, he’d never use them to really hurt her. Of course, she might want to hurt him, especially when he was about to make such an unexpected announcement to her. “Right,” apparently she’d not seen Victoria as she walked in. He coughed, he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. He cleared his throat and moved closer to Victoria’s crib. “Hi, sis.” He said lamely, all of a sudden feeling like maybe this was a bad idea.​
With Falon's eyes trained on Felix, it took a moment for what he had moved to to sink in. He was acting strange, and she furrowed her eyebrows as her eyes flicked from the crib to Felix. She was glad he was at least alive, but she didn't know why he was with a baby. She hadn't know him to be the type of person to babysit or nanny, but obviously he was. But why was he babysitting in his apartment? That was weird. Falon moved closer and peered into the crib to see the baby. "Who is this?" She asked, a lot more quiet and gentle. The Quidditch player wasn't much of a clucky person, but no one could resist a cute baby.
It hadn’t clicked yet, Felix could tell. Whilst neither of them were dumb perse, it was probably fair to say that they weren’t great at picking up cues. That probably wasn’t a fair assessment of his sister though, she had no way of knowing this child was a relative, let alone Felix’s daughter. After all, she clearly wasn’t a newborn, so it was reasonable to assume that Falon might think a six month old had nothing to do with him. Boy, this was gonna suck. Leaning down to pick Victoria up, cradling as a way to use her as a literal shield, Felix bit his lip. “Falon, this is Victoria.” He said, his nerves bundling a little at his stomach. “My daughter”. There, she couldn’t hit him if he was holding a baby, right?​
Falon watched Felix as he delicately picked up the little girl and held him, nerves in her stomach growing as he introduced her as Victoria, and then the bombshell of her being his daughter. His daughter? Falon stood, numb for a second. Had he forgotten to tell her? How long had he known for? Who was the mother? There were so many questions, and Falon felt her eyebrows furrowing. Focusing back on her brother, her eyes flicked to Victoria for a moment before back to Felix. "Put her down Felix. Put the baby back in her crib."
No I won’t,” Felix announcer as Falon told him to put Victoria down. “You’re gonna hit me and I won’t let you.” He said. He knew his sister might be a bit put out and he’d maybe suspected she might become a little violent but he knew she wouldn’t risk the baby. She was softer than she cared to admit. Victoria was mostly sleeping but Felix was sure she’d wake up soon. Georgi had left bottles with him and showed him how to feed her and burp her and such, so he wasn good for a couple of hours. Watching a baby was a bit boring though. “Come on, sis.” He pleaded, forcing his mouth into a weird sort of hopeful, toothy grimace.​
Falon scowled as Felix called out her plan. That wasn't fair! She knew she probably had to have some sort of anger management class to figure out a way to release her anger without hitting people, but she wanted to tackle Felix at this point! How could he have a baby?! She didn't even know who's it was! "Don't smile at me you tosser. Who's the mother?" She asked, and resolved that she would just have to attack him when he did eventually put Victoria down.
Felix could tell that Falon was a tad bit overwhelmed, though he couldn't blame her. He'd had a few weeks to catch up with the thoughts, where as Falon on just found out and was still catching up. "Remember Georgiana?" He asked, leaning over Victoria to rub his nose against hers. "We hooked up a couple times, this was the result." He said, grinning. Surely Falon couldn't really stay mad at him, right?​
Felix was obviously happy with this outcome but Falon could still hardly believe it. He was living in a one room, tiny apartment! How could he have a baby?! Falon tried to un-furrow her eyebrows with her hands but it wasn't helping. "She doesn't look newly born though - she's not right? How long have you known?" She didn't know if she could take it if he'd waited a long time to tell her. As if there wasn't enough he didn't tell her. She ignored the comment about him hooking up with Georgina - that was the last thing she wanted to picture about her brother.
No you’re right,” Felix started caustiously, realising now what Falon was upset about. “I only just found out a short time ago, I swear, I didn’t know anything about her until I came back”. He said and then it had been a bit of a whirlwind with everything and he’d wanted to give Falon a bit of space after everything with Lyra. “Georgi couldn’t contact me so I didn’t know”. He should have told Falon immediately he realised, but he’d still been processing it all himself. “Honest, I’m telling you as soon as I could.”
Falon nodded her head, taking in what Felix said, looking at Victoria, and glad that he also told her about Georgi so she didn't get angry with her too. She nodded her head again, looking up at Felix. "Why weren't you guys more careful?" Falon muttered. "I mean, can you even afford a baby Felix? I can help but... babies are expensive." Falon said, though moved closer to him to get a better look at Victoria.
Felix was glad she seemed to have relaxed some, because he had more news and he didn't think she was going to take this well either, "well, we didn't really think about it, to be honest." He said, not really thinking she would appreciate a step by step. "And yeah, I've got that. I have a job. This place is big enough for me and Victoria for now, she mostly stays with her mum." He told her, offering Victoria up to his sister for closer inspection. He frowned than and bit his lip. "Um, there's something else too..." He started, though he had no idea how he was supposed to tell Falon about Lyra's predicament, or what had happened afterwards.​
Falon rolled her eyes when Felix responded. How stupid could he be? He really did deserve a slap up the head, but he hadn't put Victoria down yet. As he spoke, he offered Victoria to her. Falon looked nervously at Felix before back down to Victoria, and timidly but gently taking her from his hands. She had never held a baby before. Was she doing it right? She definitely was cute this close up, and sleeping. Falon smiled down at Victoria, her feelings of anger slowly disappearing. Maybe this was why people liked babies? She never thought she did. "Mhmmm?" Falon responded, but not looking up at Felix, too preoccupied with Victoria.
Falon was distracted by Victoria for the moment, but he didn't it was going to last very long with what he was about to say. "Uhm, well," how was he supposed to put this in a way that wouldn't have Falon immediately jump into a rage, which frankly he could understand. What had happened between he and Lyra last time... it hadn't been good and Felix had been deeply hurt by it. Falon only ever saw the aftermath of his relationship with her, she never got to see the good parts. "The thing is..." This just wasn't going the way he wanted at all. "Lyra's pregnant." He said straight out, making sure to watch Victoria incase he had to grab her. "And... well, she doesn't know who the dad is, so it could potentially be me."
Falon forced herself to look up at Felix as he began to speak, he seemed nervous to tell her so she had to focus. What else could there be? She watched as he stuttered over his words, before he finally told her that Lyra was pregnant. That note didn't surprise her much, she was surprised it hadn't happened earlier, but it was a short lived surprise when he continued saying that he might be the dad. She didn't know what made her angrier, the fact that Felix always went back to her, or the fact that Lyra didn't know who's baby it was. "Okay. Cool. Fine. Whatever. Cool." Falon said, as she turned to put Victoria back into her crib, making sure she was settled for a moment before turning around and charging at Felix. "You. Absolute. Idiot!" Falon said, whacking him as hard as she could with each word, before pushing him. "Why do you do this to yourself? To me?!" Falon asked, enraged.
Well, that wasn't quite the response he was expecting at all. He frowned as she sort of played it off and moved to put Victoria down. "Really? I thought you'd be-" but he didn't get to finish what he was saying because he was suddenly faced with an enraged version of his sister, one he knew only too well. Felix tried to escape, but she was much faster than him these days as he was out of practice of dodging his sisters anger. "OW! Falon! STOP IT!" She was punctuating every word with a strong slap before she pushed him backwards. It was a good thing Felix was well balanced or he might have fallen over, which would only have made things worse. "For f*ck sake, Falon, it was an accident!" He said, bringing his arms up to defend his face incase she decided she wanted to punch him. "It happened last time I slept with her, and you already knew I'd done that!" He wasn't sure why he was defending his actions, because he knew there was more he had to say and he might as well get it over with. "I asked her to marry me, Falon."
When Felix swore at her, Falon took a step back, breathing heavily and glaring at the boy. He obviously didn't learn from Georgina and Victoria, why did she expect him to know how to be careful with anyone? But then again - it might not even be his baby! Falon was livid, she threw her hands up in the air and let out a loud groan when he got angry because she supposedly already knew. Yeah, but didn't know he made her pregnant! Maybe! His next words stopped Falon in her tracks and she stared at him for a moment before whipping out her wand, wanting to curse the living daylights out of him. He hadn't come crying to her, so it was obvious that Lyra had said yes. And who was going to have to pick up the pieces when she decides she doesn't want to marry him? Or she wanted to marry one of her other fancies - one that might be the father as well? Or if she just didn't show up on the wedding day because she couldn't be bothered? Falon dropped her arm, feeling angry, and sad. She couldn't deal with this anymore. "Tell Georgina to contact me if she needs help with Victoria." Falon said, before going to the door, and leaving, slamming it shut behind her.
Falon pulled her wand and Felix was actually just going to let her do it. He supposed, really, she had every right to be angry, since every time this went wrong, she was the one left to pick up the pieces. But, even despite knowing this, Felix couldn't bring himself to change the situation. He loved Lyra, with all his heart and it was never going to change, no matter what happened. As Falon left though, look in her eyes made Felix pause. He'd seen that same look on her once before, that day back in the Trophy room when he'd declared he'd always choose Lyra over Falon. He'd meant it then and it had broken Falon. Their relationship had fractured and even mended, it was never the same. Felix frowned, because he realised he'd just made that same declaration again, only this time, he'd done it on purpose.

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